2012-01-17 61 views


this line contains a type of header and always starts at column 1 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 

this line contains a type of header and always starts at column 1 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 

this line contains a type of header and always starts at column 1 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 

this line contains a type of header and always starts at column 1 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 
    this line contains other data and is always tabbed in 



@echo off 
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion 
set input="test.txt" 
set output="extract.txt" 
set search="MY TEXT" 

::find the line with the text 
for /f "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /n /c:!search! %input%') do set lineNum=%%N 
set "begin=0" 

::find blank lines and set begin to the last blank before text and end to the first blank after text 
for /f "delims=:" %%N in ('findstr /n "^$" %input%') do (
    if %%N lss !lineNum! (set "begin=%%N") else set "end=%%N" & goto :break 
::end of section not found so we must count the number of lines in the file 
for /f %%N in ('find /c /v "" ^<%input%') do set /a end=%%N+1 

::extract the section bracketed by begin and end 
set /a count=end-begin-1 
<%input% (
    rem ::throw away the beginning lines until we reach the desired section 
    for /l %%N in (1 1 %begin%) do set /p "ln=" 
    rem ::read and write the section 
    for /l %%N in (1 1 %count%) do (
     set "ln=" 
     set /p "ln=" 


  • 線必須通過<CR><LF>(視窗樣式)來終止
  • 線必須< = 1021個字節長(不包括<CR><LF>
  • 尾隨控制字符將從每一行剝離



這工作非常完美!謝謝!!! – 2012-01-17 21:38:44


@StevenSinclair - 如果這樣做,那麼不要忘記點擊複選標記將其選爲解決方案。如果你認爲這個答案是有用的,那麼你也可以投票答案(如果你這麼傾向)。 – dbenham 2012-01-17 21:49:53



@echo off 
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion 
set infile=input.txt 
set outfile=output.txt 
set "search=Any text" 
set textFound= 
call :SearchSection < %infile% > %outfile% 
goto :EOF 

    set i=0 
     set line= 
     set /P line= 
     if not defined line goto endSection 
     set /A i+=1 
     set "ln%i%=!line!" 
     if not "!ln%i%!" == "!line:%search%=!" set textFound=True 
    goto readNextLine 
    if %i% == 0 echo Error: Search text not found & exit /B 
if not defined textFound goto SearchSection 
for /L %%i in (1,1,%i%) do echo !ln%%i! 
exit /B 



優雅的解決方案,儘管我懷疑GOTO循環會使它慢於我的解決方案,特別是如果在大文件的末尾找到文本。我沒有測試過。 – dbenham 2012-01-18 13:13:26


@dbenham:我的方法運行速度快一些[WHILE宏](http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2707&p=12415#p12415)而不是GOTO的,有些東西例如:':SearchSection''%WHILE%not defined textfound DO(''set i = 0'' set line =''set/P line =''%WHILE%defined line DO('etc ... – Aacini 2012-01-21 04:02:40