2015-02-09 61 views


public class credLimit { 
public static void main(String[]args){ 
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in); 

    int newBalance = 0; 
    int credCounter = 1; 

    while(credCounter <= 2){ 
     System.out.print("Enter account number: "); 
     int accNum = input.nextInt(); 
     System.out.print("Enter your beginning balance: "); 
     int beginningBalance = input.nextInt(); 
     System.out.print("Enter your total charges this month: "); 
     int charges = input.nextInt(); 
     System.out.print("Enter your total credit applied this month: "); 
     int credit = input.nextInt(); 
     System.out.print("Enter your allowed credit limit: "); 
     int maxcredLimit = input.nextInt(); 
     newBalance = beginningBalance + charges - credit; 
     credCounter = credCounter + 1; 

     System.out.printf("%nAccount number: %d%n", accNum); 
     System.out.printf("Your new balance: %d%n", newBalance); 
     if(newBalance <= maxcredLimit) 
      System.out.printf("You have not exceeded your credit limit. %d%n"); 
     else if (newBalance > maxcredLimit) 
      System.out.printf("Credit limit exceeded. %d%n"); 




我猜你的代碼崩潰,因爲你沒有任何參數傳遞給那些過去2 print語句:

if(newBalance <= maxcredLimit) 
    System.out.printf("You have not exceeded your credit limit. %d%n"); 
else if (newBalance > maxcredLimit) 
    System.out.printf("Credit limit exceeded. %d%n"); 


if(newBalance <= maxcredLimit) 
    System.out.printf("You have not exceeded your credit limit. %d%n", newBalance); 
else if (newBalance > maxcredLimit) 
    System.out.printf("Credit limit exceeded. %d%n", newBalance); 

這是怎麼回事,它仍然允許一組數據正確處理,爲什麼不是兩個? – Fyree 2015-02-09 00:58:58


你在IDE中工作嗎?我在想你的程序崩潰了,你沒有看到它提供的控制檯中的錯誤。 即使對於一組數據,您的代碼是否打印出這些打印語句之一? 當我運行你的代碼時,你的程序在爲第一組數據輸入後就崩潰了,這是因爲這些打印語句。 – Kacy 2015-02-09 01:03:20


我正在使用一個IDE,並獲得第一組數據的工作,(Eclipse),但是我確實得到了這個確切的錯誤代碼後的數據:線程「主」java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException異常:格式說明符'd ' \t在java.util.Formatter.format(未知來源) \t在java.io.PrintStream.format(未知來源) \t在java.io.PrintStream.printf(未知來源) \t在MyName_Project.credLimit。 main(credLimit.java:30) – Fyree 2015-02-09 01:16:09
