2014-10-18 81 views

我是AppleScript的新手。編輯器不給我語法突出顯示,所以我有點卡住了這個錯誤。AppleScript錯誤:'Expected「else」,etc. but found unknown token'

set exportPath to path to documents folder as text 

with timeout of (30 * 60) seconds 
    tell application "Evernote" 
     repeat with nb in every notebook of application "Evernote" 
      set theName to the name of nb 
      set matches to find notes "notebook:" & "\"" & theName & "\"" 
      set f to exportPath & theName & ".enex" 
      export matches to f 
      if (count of matches) > 0 then 
       set p to POSIX path of f 
       do shell script "/usr/bin/gzip -f " & quoted form of p 
      end if 
     end repeat 
    end tell 
end timeout 




你在end if之前有一些奇怪的,未知的字符。


set exportPath to path to documents folder as text 

with timeout of (30 * 60) seconds 
tell application "Evernote" 
    repeat with nb in every notebook of application "Evernote" 
     set theName to the name of nb 
     set matches to find notes "notebook:" & "\"" & theName & "\"" 
     set f to exportPath & theName & ".enex" 
     export matches to f 
     if (count of matches) > 0 then 
      set p to POSIX path of f 
      do shell script "/usr/bin/gzip -f " & quoted form of p 
     end if 
    end repeat 
end tell 
end timeout 

當我這樣做時,語法高亮再次開始工作!奇怪的。謝謝 – cja 2014-10-19 15:33:47
