2016-12-13 93 views



module Main exposing (..) 

import Html exposing (..) 
import Html.Attributes exposing (..) 
import Html.Events exposing (..) 
import Http 
import Json.Decode as Decode 
import Material.Spinner as Loading 
import Json.Decode exposing (succeed) 
import Material.Button as Button exposing (..) 
import Material 
import Json.Decode exposing (succeed) 

main = 
    { init = (init, getRandomGif "hello world") 
    , view = view 
    , update = update 
    , subscriptions = subscriptions 

type alias Model = 
    { topic : String 
    , gifUrl : String 
    , fetching : Bool 
    , mdl : Material.Model 

init : Model 
init = { topic = "", gifUrl = "waiting.gif", fetching = False, mdl = Material.Model } 

type Msg 
    = MorePlease 
    | NewGif (Result Http.Error String) 
    | NewTopic String 
    | ImageLoaded 
    | Mdl (Material.Msg Msg) 

update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg) 
update msg model = 
    case msg of 
    MorePlease -> 
     ({ model | fetching = True }, getRandomGif model.topic) 

    NewGif (Ok newUrl) -> 
     (Model model.topic newUrl model.fetching model.mdl, Cmd.none) 

    NewGif (Err _) -> 
     (model, Cmd.none) 

    NewTopic newTopic -> 
     ({ model | topic = newTopic }, Cmd.none) 

    ImageLoaded -> 
     ({ model | fetching = False }, Cmd.none) 

    Mdl message -> 
       Material.update message model 

view : Model -> Html Msg 
view model = 
    div [] 
    [ input [ placeholder "Topic :", onInput NewTopic ] [] 
    , Button.render Mdl [0] model.mdl 
     [ Button.raised 
     , Button.ripple 
     , Button.onClick MorePlease 
     [ text "Fetch new"] 
    , br [] [] 
    , img [src model.gifUrl, on "load" (succeed ImageLoaded), style [ ("visibility", visibilityFromBool model.fetching) ]] [] 
    , Loading.spinner [ Loading.active model.fetching ] 
    , br [] [] 

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg 
subscriptions model = Sub.none 

getRandomGif : String -> Cmd Msg 
getRandomGif topic = 
    let url = "https://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/random?api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC&tag=" ++ topic 
    in Http.send NewGif (Http.get url decodeGifUrl) 

decodeGifUrl : Decode.Decoder String 
decodeGifUrl = 
    Decode.at ["data", "image_url"] Decode.string 

visibilityFromBool : Bool -> String 
visibilityFromBool bool = if bool then "hidden" else "visible" 


The definition of `init` does not match its type annotation. 
29| init : Model 
30|>init = { topic = "", gifUrl = "waiting.gif", fetching = False, mdl = Material.Model } 
The type annotation for `init` says it is a: 


But the definition (shown above) is a: 
    { fetching : Bool 
, gifUrl : String 
, mdl : 
    Parts.Indexed (List Int) Button.Model 
     -> Parts.Indexed (List Int) Material.Textfield.Model 
     -> Parts.Indexed (List Int) Material.Menu.Model 
     -> Maybe (Material.Snackbar.Model Int) 
     -> Material.Layout.Model 
     -> Parts.Indexed (List Int) Material.Toggles.Model 
     -> Parts.Indexed (List Int) Material.Tooltip.Model 
     -> Parts.Indexed (List Int) Material.Tabs.Model 
     -> Material.Model 
    , topic : String 

Hint: Problem in the `mdl` field. It looks like a function needs 8 more 

Detected errors in 1 module. 



    "version": "1.0.0", 
    "summary": "helpful summary of your project, less than 80 characters", 
    "repository": "https://github.com/user/project.git", 
    "license": "BSD3", 
    "source-directories": [ 
    "exposed-modules": [], 
    "dependencies": { 
     "Fresheyeball/elm-guards": "1.0.1 <= v < 2.0.0", 
     "MichaelCombs28/elm-mdl": "1.0.1 <= v < 2.0.0", 
     "elm-lang/core": "5.0.0 <= v < 6.0.0", 
     "elm-lang/html": "2.0.0 <= v < 3.0.0", 
     "elm-lang/http": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0" 
    "elm-version": "0.18.0 <= v < 0.19.0" 



歡迎來到Stack Overflow!你可以先參加[遊覽]並學習[問]一個很好的問題,然後創建一個[mcve]。這使我們更容易幫助你。 – Katie




您應該初始化爲小寫字母模型:mdl = Material.model,這是空的初始狀態。


謝謝!這確實是問題 – user7292889