2014-12-03 88 views


 if (add_to_cart == true) //If we are adding to cart 
      //Note: tf_cart.module must contain $_POST['app'] $jpg = xmlp_f_save_jpg($_POST['file'], $_POST['app']); 
      type: "POST", 
      processData: false, 
      url: SITE_URL + "/system/atc/" + app_type + "/0/" + session_id + "/0/?prjid=" + project_id, //send data to this url 
      data: "xml=" + common_order_xml + "&prodid=" + product_id + "&file=" + image.src + "&rid=" + revision_id + "&cid=" + cart_id + "&app=html5" //send these as post variables to the url 
     ).done(function(msg) //When we get a response from the server after we POST 
      //console.log("Project added to cart. "); //This is for testing the canvas element on screen - leave this code here 
      window.location = SITE_URL + "/cart/?pid=" + partner_id; //Send the user to the cart page 
     else //If we are saving the project 
      //Note: xmlproject.module must contain $_POST['app'] $jpg = xmlp_f_save_jpg($_POST['file'], $_POST['app']); 
      type: "POST", 
      processData: false, 
      url: SITE_URL + "/system/xml/import/" + app_type + "/" + session_id + "/?prjid=" + project_id, //send data to this url 
      data: "xml=" + common_order_xml + "&prodid=" + product_id + "&file=" + image.src + "&app=html5&rid=" + revision_id //send these as post variables to the url 
     ).done(function(msg) //When we get a response from the server after we POST 
      var parser = new DOMParser(); //create a new DOMParser 
      var doc = parser.parseFromString(msg, "application/xml"); //convert the string to xml 
      pid = doc.getElementsByTagName('pid')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; //Get the pid (project id) from the xml 
      rid = doc.getElementsByTagName('rid')[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; //Get the rid (revision id) from the xml 
      //console.log("Project saved. " + " pid=" + pid + " rid=" + rid); //This is for testing the canvas element on screen - leave this code here 
      window.location = SITE_URL + "/user/mystuff/projects/view/" + pid + "/?pid=" + partner_id; //Send the user to this project's page 




也許要加載的歷史記錄,以便你能以某種方式引用該項目的一些操作? – rfornal 2014-12-03 15:18:04


在這一點上,你可能想看看一個框架。Backbone可以很容易地應用到現有的項目中,並且如果使用其[router](http://backbonejs.org/#Router),則可以獲得所需的功能。但是,如果用戶刷新頁面,會發生什麼情況。然後,無論你選擇什麼,你都是SOL。您也可能需要localStorage解決方案。 – stakolee 2014-12-03 15:20:17





解法(一有點hackish):而不是將用戶重定向到車的/項目的URL中,他重定向到一箇中間頁。此頁面將再次將用戶重定向(read here),但是這次將重定向到真正的購物車/項目頁面。當用戶按下後退按鈕時,他將返回,然後再次前進到他的購物車/項目頁面。解決方案三:使用onbeforeunload事件來警告用戶並給他機會取消他返回的動作(此事件在用戶卸載頁面時觸發,這不是一個好的解決方案)。

解決方法四:使用HTML5 pushState以操縱用戶的瀏覽器歷史記錄。 Here是一些可能對您有幫助的信息。 (我沒有嘗試過這個我自己,所以我不能保證任何東西)。

解決方法五(混合):如果您的網站更是一個APP,那麼你應該考慮使用其他的整體架構和工作流程。您可以使用客戶端JavaScript庫進行動態視圖和DOM操作,如Google's AngularJSFacebook's React。每次需要查看新內容(從主頁面到購物車頁面到項目頁面等)時,不要將客戶端定向到新頁面,因爲這實際上是一個完整的頁面重新加載,並且當客戶端返回歷史記錄時,每頁再次從頭開始重新加載。相反,使用Ajax加載新的內容(例如,像這樣<a href="/cart/?pid">go to cart</a>鏈接應該像<a href="#" onclick="loadCart(pid);">go to cart</a>代替),在JS庫更新頁面,HTML5 pushState改變用戶的歷史狀態。保存客戶的購物車和項目爲session-cookielocalStorage,當客戶端按下「後退」或「前進」按鈕,然後加載並向他顯示適當的內容時,快速獲取此數據。



function common_init() 
    var cookie = common_get_cookie("project_parameters"); 

    //Send the user back to the project they are working on when they hit the back button - AC 2014-12-04 
    if ("" != cookie) 
    document.cookie = "project_parameters=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC"; 
    window.location.href = (SITE_URL + "/Custom_App/?" + cookie); 
    //more code follows 


document.cookie="project_parameters=app_type" + app_type + "&session_id=" + session_id + "&cart_id=" + cart_id + "&prjid=" + pid + "&rid=" + rid; 