2017-08-28 115 views


namespace eval PreGen { 
    set alist {sec1 sec2 sec3 sec4} 
    proc SetUp {} { 
     ttk::combobox .c -values $PreGen::alist 
     button .b -text update -command PreGen::Update 
     grid ... 
    proc Update {} { 
     set PreGen::alist {op1 op2 op3 ...} #the list value got from other file 




namespace eval PreGen { 
    # ALWAYS use [variable] to set default values for variables 
    variable alist {sec1 sec2 sec3 sec4} 

    proc SetUp {} { 
     variable alist 
     ttk::combobox .c -values $alist 
     trace add variable alist write ::PreGen::AlistUpdated 
     # Could use [namespace code] to generate the callback: 
     # trace add variable alist write [namespace code AlistUpdated] 
     # but that feels like overkill in this case 
     button .b -text update -command PreGen::Update 
     grid ... 

    proc AlistUpdated {args} { 
     # We just ignore the arguments; don't need them here 
     variable alist 
     .c configure -values $alist 

    proc Update ... 

當然,如果你永遠只能在該命名空間內的程序設置變量,你可以只調用.c configure -values在恰當的時間直接。這是我真正推薦你做的。


非常感謝。這真的讓我學到了很多! – Jimmy