2015-11-20 99 views


* { 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 
.single-space { 
    line-height: 1; 
.double-space { 
    line-height: 2; 
<p class="single-space">Default single-spaced line.</p> 
<p class="double-space">Default paragraph of double-spaced text. With several sentences and lots of beautiful words to describe many awesome things.</p> 
<p class="single-space">One more single-spaced line.</p> 
<p class="double-space">Another paragraph of double-spaced text. With several sentences and lots of beautiful words to describe many awesome things</p> 

<br /><p><b>Result should look like this:</b></p><br /> 

<p class="single-space">This is what it should look like to have a single spaced line followed by a double spaced line.<br>This is what a double spaced line<br /><br />should look like. Notice that it <br /><br />follows directly after the single<br /><br />spaced line.<br /><br />And finally a single spaced line following the last double spaced line reveals a full space between the two.</p>



。雙空間{字體大小:1rem; margin-top:-0.5rem}? – 0x860111


就像一個FYI一樣,使用'line-height'是官方推薦的雙倍間距方式:http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/C21.html –


@JeremyHarris Ya,太糟糕了,看起來很糟糕並完全錯誤,否則完美無缺。 :) – RichardForrester



這現在應該與position: relative和頂部垂直對齊top: -.5em一起使用。 .5em2em - 1em的一半,其中1em是默認字體大小。

* { 
    margin: 0; 
    padding: 0; 
.single-space { 
    line-height: 1; 
.double-space { 
    line-height: 2; 
    position: relative; 
    top: -.5em; 
<p class="single-space">Default single-spaced line.</p> 
<p class="single-space">Default single-spaced line.</p> 
<p class="double-space">Default paragraph of double-spaced text. With several sentences and lots of beautiful words to describe many awesome things.</p> 

<p class="single-space">One more single-spaced line.</p> 
<p class="double-space">Another paragraph of double-spaced text. With several sentences and lots of beautiful words to describe many awesome things</p> 

<br /><p><b>Result should look like this:</b></p><br /> 

<p class="single-space">This is what it should look like to have a single spaced line followed by a double spaced line.<br>This is what a double spaced line<br /><br />should look like. Notice that it <br /><br />follows directly after the single<br /><br />spaced line.<br /><br />And finally a single spaced line following the last double spaced line reveals a full space between the two.</p>


太簡單了。我喜歡它。 – RichardForrester