2012-02-25 86 views

有沒有人有任何示例演示瞭如何使用三種方法之一創建一個簡單的PDF表單(單個文本輸入框或單選按鈕)和'通過HTTP發送'提交字段名/值對'到服務器?如何使用PDFMARK和/或PERL cpan模塊PDF :: API2創建PDF表單?

  1. 通過將Adobe的PDFMARK註釋嵌入到Postscript文件中,然後通過Adobe distiller或ghostscript將Postscript文件轉換爲PDF?我閱讀了PDFMARK文檔,並且只簡單地提到可以將「操作」發送到「表單提交」。但該文件嚴重缺乏該實施的真實細節。通常Adobe的文檔非常棒,但作者必須在完成之前完成該章節。缺乏細節的是,PDF表單實際上可能會向服務器提交多達四種不同類型的數據包,這些都沒有提及。而且,「表單提交」操作的實際語法甚至沒有提供。
  2. 通過使用PERL和免費PDF::API2或3 PDF操作庫。作者提供了低級別的函數調用,他認爲有足夠的可能性來實現這個目標,但唉,實際上並沒有用他的函數庫來完成這個特定的任務。有沒有人知道如何用他的圖書館做到這一點?我問,因爲我主要是Perl的程序員。
  3. 最後,如果上述兩個都不會讓我產生任何東西,是否有人知道使用免費或相對較低成本的軟件(低於200美元)的任何Windows命令行可調用方法。如果可以使用不同的開發環境來實現,我會願意學習另一種語言。

也許[這個討論](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4346590/submit-pdf-form-fields-to-a-http-post-request)會有幫助嗎? – raina77ow 2012-02-25 03:35:01


澄清:您希望生成的PDF是可填寫的表單? – 2012-02-27 18:56:29




首先使用pdfmark運算,我會解決你的問題的一部分,1:通過使用Adobe Acrobat pdfmark運算表達式運行的PostScript語言程序創建這樣一個PDF表單文件,蒸餾器等。請參閱下面的示例程序。

您閱讀的「PDFMARK文檔」是pdfmark Reference,我接受它。我的副本的日期爲2006年11月。示例5.11 定義AcroForm字典文檔目錄和5.12 定義Widget註釋,該頁面也是此頁面的字段字典,頁面70-75。仔細閱讀代碼,將其複製到源文件並提取,並修改以適應。這就是我的示例所基於的。

請務必仔細閱讀第1章介紹(p.9-16),它將幫助您閱讀例5.11和5.12中的pdfmark語法。 命名對象(p。12-16)對於理解示例中的字體和編碼如何引用很重要。

但是您還需要閱讀PDF語言規範。 Adobe公司的規範的副本已被取代由ISO標準PDF 32000-1:2008 Document management — Portable document format — Part 1: PDF 1.7閱讀第12.7 互動形式(第430-456),這將經常提到你第12.5節註解(第381-414),用於控制在表單字段的外觀上。

要理解的重要一點是,大多數表單字段將由PostScript語言[ ... /ANN pdfmark表達式中的鍵值對定義。鍵值對在PDF規範中指定,而不是pdfmark規範。但在閱讀PDF規範時編輯pdfmark表達式很容易。


% Simple pdfmark form example 
% by Jim DeLaHunt, jdlh.com, 3. March 2012 
% This PostScript language code, when converted to PDF by 
% Adobe Acrobat Distiller or the like, creates a PDF file with form 
% fields, and a Submit button which sends the values of the fields 
% via an HTTP POST request. 
% In reply to Stack Overflow question, "How can I create a PDF form 
% using PDFMARK and/or PERL cpan module PDF::API2?", 
% http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9440930/ 

% Define stubs for interpreters without pdfmark support 
% From pdfMark reference, Example 1.2, p.10 
/pdfmark where { 
    % pdfmark is built-in 
    % define {code} ?pdfmark - : exec modal PDF code. 
    pop globaldict /?pdfmark /exec load put 
    globaldict begin 
     /?pdfmark /pop load def% pdfmark is absent: ignore code. 
     /pdfmark /cleartomark load def 
} ifelse 

% This code makes the example clearer. It isn't part of the AcroForm. 
<</PageSize [300 300]>> setpagedevice % smaller page (~ 10cm x 10cm) 

clippath 0.9 setgray fill % light grey background, to show widgets. 
/Helvetica-Bold 12 selectfont 0 setgray % for labels 
/showlabel { % (text) x y showlabel - 
    % shows (text) top-justified at x,y, moves down one line 
    -12 add moveto % x y -12 add moveto - 
    gsave show grestore 
    0 -3 rmoveto % leading (space between lines) 
} def 
/showcomment { % (text) showcomment - 
    % shows (text) top-justified at current point, moves down 1 line 
    0 -10 rmoveto 
    gsave /Helvetica 10 selectfont show grestore 
    0 -2 rmoveto % leading (space between lines) 
} def 

(Simple pdfmark form example) 10 290 showlabel 

% AcroForm dictionary setup. From pdfmark Reference, Example 5.11, p.70 
% Read also PDF specification PDF32000:2008 
% "Document management — Portable document format — Part 1: PDF 1.7", 
% Section 12.7 "Interactive Forms", p.430 
% To understand the syntax: [/_objdef {foo} /type /dict /OBJ pdfmark 
% read carefully pdfMark reference, "User-defined named objects", p.13. 

% Define font objects for the widgets to use 
[ /_objdef {ZaDb} /type /dict /OBJ pdfmark 
[ {ZaDb} << 
    /Type /Font 
    /Subtype /Type1 
    /Name /ZaDb 
    /BaseFont /ZapfDingbats 
>> /PUT pdfmark 
[ /_objdef {Helv} /type /dict /OBJ pdfmark 
[ {Helv} << 
    /Type /Font 
    /Subtype /Type1 
    /Name /Helv 
    /BaseFont /Helvetica 
    % /Encoding {pdfDocEncoding} % for simplicity, use font's own encoding 
    % pdfmark Reference, Example 5.11, p.70, provides an Encoding 
    % array defining PDFDocEncoding 
>> /PUT pdfmark 

[ /_objdef {aform} /type /dict /OBJ pdfmark 

% Define Fields array of Acroform dictionary. It will contain entries for 
% each of the widgets defined below. 
% NOTE: It is not necessary to explicitly assign the widget annotations 
% to the Fields array; Acrobat does it automatically when the file is 
% opened. 

[ /_objdef {afields} /type /array /OBJ pdfmark 
[ {aform} << 
    /Fields {afields} 
    /DR << /Font << /ZaDb {ZaDb} /Helv {Helv} >> >> 
    /DA (/Helv 0 Tf 0 g) 
    /NeedAppearances true 
    % "/NeedAppearances true" tells reader 'to construct appearance 
    % streams and appearance dictionaries for all widget annotations 
    % in the document...' --PDF32000:2008 Table 218 p.431 
>> /PUT pdfmark 

% Put Acroform entry in catalog dictionary 
[ {Catalog} << /AcroForm {aform} >> /PUT pdfmark 

% Example 5.12 Define the Widget annotations 
% pdfmark Reference pp. 72-75, with clarifications by Jim DeLaHunt 
% These Widget annotations are also field dictionaries for this form. 
% This is the collection of all individual widget annotations. 
% It is possible to have multiple instances of these sections, such as 
% for defining a single widget on each instance. 
% See PDF32000:2008 Section "Widget Annotations", p.408 
% especially tables 188 and 189. 

(/Tx text field) 10 260 showlabel 
(with Javascript) showcomment (validation) showcomment 
[ /Subtype /Widget 
    /Rect [100 223 245 260] 
    /F 4 
    /T (SL Text) 
    /FT /Tx 
    /DA (/Helv 14 Tf 0 0 1 rg) 
    /V (5) 
    /AA << 
     /K << 
      /S /JavaScript 
      /JS (AFNumber_Keystroke\(2, 0, 0, 0, "$", true\);) 
     /F << 
      /S /JavaScript 
      /JS (AFNumber_Format\(2, 0, 0, 0, "$", true\);) 
      % pdfmark Reference p.72 seems to omit closing ")" above. Oops. 
/ANN pdfmark 

(/Btn field) 10 208 showlabel 
(Check Box) showcomment 
[ /Subtype /Widget 
    /Rect [100 172 136 208] 
    /F 4 
    /T (Check Box) 
    /FT /Btn 
    /DA (/ZaDb 0 Tf 0 g) 
    /AS /Off 
    /MK << /CA (4)>> 
    /AP << /N << /Oui /null >> >> 
/ANN pdfmark 

(/Ch field) 10 160 showlabel 
(List Box) showcomment 
[ /Subtype /Widget 
    /Rect [100 87 137 160] 
    /F 4 
    /T (List Box) 
    /FT /Ch 
    /DA (/Helv 10 Tf 1 0 0 rg) 
    /Opt [(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)] 
    /DV (3) 
    /V (3) 
    /MK << 
     /BG [1 1 1] % Background: white 
     /BC [0 0 0] % Border colour: black 
    % MK is 'An appearance characteristics dictionary (see Table 189)' 
    % --PDF32000:2008 Table 188 p.408 
    % Without an /MK entry, Acrobat Pro 8.0 complains of an error 
    % when displaying this field, and some entries aren't displayed. 

/ANN pdfmark 

(/Btn button) 160 85 showlabel 
(/S /SubmitForm action) showcomment 
% Example of how the /MK dictionary is used. 
[ /Subtype /Widget 
    /Rect [ 130 10 270 50 ] 
    /F 4 
    /T (Submit) 
    /FT /Btn 
    /H /P 
    /A << 
     /S /SubmitForm 
     /F (http://posttestserver.com/post.php) % Thanks, Henry! 
     /Flags 16#6 % IncludeNoValueFields, ExportFormat 
    /DA (/HeBo 18 Tf 0 0 1 rg) 
    /Ff 65536 
    /MK << 
     /BC [ 1 0 0 ] 
     /BG [ 0.75 0.45 0.75 ] 
     /CA (Submit) 
     /AC (Submitted!) 
    /BS << 
     /W 3 
     /S /I 
/ANN pdfmark 

% When pressing the Submit button in Adobe Acrobat Professional 8.3.1, 
% there is a pause, and then Acrobat displays a PDF file with the 
% results of the HTTP POST operation. This is text like, 
% Successfully dumped 3 post variables. View it at 
% http://www.posttestserver.com/data/2012/03/04/01.29.271751566025 
% Post body was 0 chars long. 
% Browse to that URL, and you will see diagnostics with the following: 
% .... 
% Post Params: 
% key: 'Check_Box' value: 'Oui' 
% key: 'List_Box' value: '4' 
% key: 'SL_Text' value: '3.14' 
% Empty post body. 

showpage % make sure a page gets produced 


當您單擊Submit按鈕時,PDF閱讀器會爲每個表單字段和該字段的值提供鍵,並通過HTTP POST調用將它們發送到URL。我使用的目的地是Henry's HTTP Post Dumping Server。服務器向POST返回文本回復,給出一個URL,您可以在其中看到服務器收到的內容。 Adobe Acrobat Professional將此回覆轉換爲PDF文件,可能需要幾秒鐘。訪問該URL,您可以看到您所尋找的field_name/value對。

使用Perl模塊PDF :: API2

我不是很有經驗的Perl和我從來沒有使用PDF::API2 module。但是,從代碼檢查中,我懷疑用PDF :: API2生成PDF表單並不容易。

PDF::API2::Annot子模塊看起來很有前途。但爲了使用上述示例程序的方法,您必須創建/Subtype /Widget的PDF註釋。它似乎PDF :: API2 :: Annot不支持此操作。

查看source code of PDF::API2::Annot,可以看到它如何處理其他註釋類型的示例。例如,鏈接註釋類型部分由類似的代碼創建:



現在註釋只是具有特定內容的PDF字典。可能使用PDF::API2::Basic::PDF::Dict從基本部分構建Widget註釋。不過,我猜測這將比擴展PDF :: API2 :: Annot更有用。

重視這個問題,並且賞金它吸引,作爲一個標誌:會有多大的欣喜,如果有人添加了Widget註釋支持PDF :: API2 ::阿諾,或許使得PDF :: API2: :表格模塊!
