2013-08-21 20 views


$leftBlock ='l'; 
$rightBlock ='r'; 
$topBlock = 'c'; 
$bottomBlock = 'd'; 

$blockposition = array(); 

$result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT bposition FROM {$prefix}_blocks_manager WHERE module_title ='$name'"); 
while($row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) { 
$blockposition[] = $row2['bposition']; 


$blockposition2 = array_unique($blockposition);//remove duplicates becouse db output can be like:lllrrrd 
if (in_array($leftBlock, $blockposition2) AND in_array($rightBlock, $blockposition2)) { 
    $mytestresult = "We go use a template with left and right blocks"; 
if (in_array($leftBlock, $blockposition2) AND !in_array($rightBlock, $blockposition2)) { 
    $mytestresult = "We go use a template with just left blocks"; 
if (!in_array($leftBlock, $blockposition2) AND in_array($rightBlock, $blockposition2)) { 
    $mytestresult = "We go use a template with just right blocks"; 
if (!in_array($leftBlock, $blockposition2) AND !in_array($rightBlock, $blockposition2)) { 
    $mytestresult = "We go use a template with just content"; 



$template = $twig->loadTemplate('mytestresult_file.phtml');



裏面我的劇本我加載所有的左/右/上/下塊的功能blocks($side) { .....

blocks('l') blocks('r') blocks('c') blocks('d')


// render template 
    echo $template->render(array (
       'title' => $title1, 
       'metaDesc' => $metaDesc, 
       'metaKeywords' => $metaKeywords, 
       'navContent' => $navContent, 
       'leftContent' => $leftContent, 
       'defaultContent' => $module_content, 
       'rightContent' => $rightContent, 
       'footerContent' => $copyright 




此:http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/recipes.html? – hakre


對不起,這不是我的意思。我只是想告訴TWIG它應該加載什麼樣的模板。我不想告訴TWIG。 – HenryW


現在在你的代碼中,你根本不會加載任何*模板。你真的知道你將如何加載一個特定的模板? – hakre




  1. 默認的內容只有
  2. 左內容與默認內容
  3. 左內容默認的內容和正確的內容
  4. 默認內容右內容

我的方式解決了這個問題頂部和底部的內容是我簡單地添加相關瓦爾 到默認的內容,如:

$moduleContent = $topContent . $module_content . $bottomContent; //self explaining no?


//generate template variables 
$title1 = "This site is powered by smarty"; 
$metaDesc = "this is the coolest site on the net"; 
$metaKeywords = "cool,site,internet,number one,ever,created with smarty"; 

$module_content = $getContent['module_content']; 

$leftContent = blocks2('left'); 
$rightContent = blocks2('right'); 
$topContent = blocks2('c'); 
$bottomContent = blocks2('d'); 
$footerContent = $copyright; 

//name the blockpositions (can be extended but requires hardcoding: $sliderBlock $headerBlock, $addsBlock etc etc) 
$leftBlock ='l'; 
$rightBlock ='r'; 
$topBlock = 'c'; 
$bottomBlock = 'd'; 

$blockposition = array(); 

$result2 = $db->sql_query("SELECT bposition FROM {$prefix}_blocks_manager WHERE module_title ='$name'"); 
while($row2 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result2)) { 
$blockposition[] = $row2['bposition']; 

//remove duplicates becouse db output can be like:lllrrrd 
$blockposition = array_unique($blockposition); 

///We go check if there are top or bottom blocks are active//// 

//We go add top blocks before module content and bottom blocks after module content 
if (in_array($topBlock, $blockposition) AND in_array($bottomBlock, $blockposition)) { 
$moduleContent = $topContent . $module_content . $bottomContent; 
//We go add top blocks before module content 
if (in_array($topBlock, $blockposition) AND !in_array($bottomBlock, $blockposition)) { 
$moduleContent = $topContent . $module_content; 
//We go add bottom blocks after module content 
if (!in_array($topBlock, $blockposition) AND in_array($bottomBlock, $blockposition)) { 
$moduleContent = $module_content . $bottomContent; 

/// We go check if we need left blocks and/or right blocks or no blocks at all. //// 

//We go use a template with left and right blocks 
if (in_array($leftBlock, $blockposition) AND in_array($rightBlock, $blockposition)) { 
echo $twig->render('left_right.phtml', array('title' => $title1,'metaDesc' => $metaDesc,'metaKeywords' => $metaKeywords,'navContent' => $navContent,'leftContent' => $leftContent,'defaultContent' => $moduleContent,'rightContent' => $rightContent,'footerContent' => $copyright)); 
//We go use a template with just left blocks 
if (in_array($leftBlock, $blockposition) AND !in_array($rightBlock, $blockposition)) { 
echo $twig->render('left.phtml', array('title' => $title1,'metaDesc' => $metaDesc,'metaKeywords' => $metaKeywords,'navContent' => $navContent,'leftContent' => $leftContent,'defaultContent' => $moduleContent,'footerContent' => $copyright)); 
//We go use a template with just right blocks 
if (!in_array($leftBlock, $blockposition) AND in_array($rightBlock, $blockposition)) { 
echo $twig->render('right.phtml', array('title' => $title1,'metaDesc' => $metaDesc,'metaKeywords' => $metaKeywords,'navContent' => $navContent,'defaultContent' => $moduleContent,'rightContent' => $rightContent,'footerContent' => $copyright)); 
//We go use a template with just content 
if (!in_array($leftBlock, $blockposition) AND !in_array($rightBlock, $blockposition)) { 
echo $twig->render('content.phtml', array('title' => $title1,'metaDesc' => $metaDesc,'metaKeywords' => $metaKeywords,'navContent' => $navContent,'defaultContent' => $moduleContent,'footerContent' => $copyright)); 