2009-07-29 111 views




alt text http://snapplr.com/snap/b5a1


alt text http://snapplr.com/snap/qv62



#import "DragController.h" 

@implementation DragController 
- (void)awakeFromNib { 

    dragType = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"factorialDragType", nil]; 

    [ dragType retain ]; 

    [ treeTable registerForDraggedTypes:dragType ]; 
    NSSortDescriptor* sortDesc = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"position" ascending:YES]; 
    [groupTreeControl setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject: sortDesc]]; 
    [ sortDesc release ]; 

#pragma mark NSOutlineView datasource methods -- see NSOutlineViewDataSource 
- (BOOL) outlineView : (NSOutlineView *) outlineView 
      writeItems : (NSArray*) items 
     toPasteboard : (NSPasteboard*) pboard { 

    [ pboard declareTypes:dragType owner:self ];   
    // items is an array of _NSArrayControllerTreeNode see http://theocacao.com/document.page/130 for more info 
    draggedNode = [ items objectAtIndex:0 ]; 

    return YES; 

- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView acceptDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info item:(id)item childIndex:(int)index { 

    _NSArrayControllerTreeNode* parentNode = item; 
    _NSArrayControllerTreeNode* siblingNode; 
    _NSControllerTreeProxy* proxy = [ groupTreeControl arrangedObjects ]; 

    NSManagedObject* draggedGroup = [ draggedNode observedObject ]; 

    BOOL draggingDown = NO; 
    BOOL isRootLevelDrag = NO; 

    // ---------------------- 
    // Setup comparison paths 
    // ------------------------- 
    NSIndexPath* draggedPath = [ draggedNode indexPath ]; 
    NSIndexPath* siblingPath = [ NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndex: index ]; 
    if (parentNode == NULL) {  
     isRootLevelDrag = YES; 
    } else { 
     // A non-root drag - the index value is relative to this parent's children 
     siblingPath = [ [ parentNode indexPath ] indexPathByAddingIndex: index ]; 

    // ---------------------- 
    // Compare paths - modify sibling path for down drags, exit for redundant drags 
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    switch ([ draggedPath compare:siblingPath]) { 
     case NSOrderedAscending: // reset path for down dragging 
      if (isRootLevelDrag) { 
       siblingPath = [ NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndex: index - 1];        
      } else { 
       siblingPath = [ [ parentNode indexPath ] indexPathByAddingIndex: index - 1 ]; 
      draggingDown = YES; 

     case NSOrderedSame: 
      return NO; 

    siblingNode = [ proxy nodeAtIndexPath:siblingPath ];  

    // NSLog(@"returning early"); 
    // return NO; // TODO robustify 

    // ------------------------------------------------------------ 
    // SPECIAL CASE: Dragging to the bottom 
    // ------------------------------------------------------------ 
    // - K        - K       - C        - C 
    // - - U        - - C  OR  - U        - F 
    // - - C  ====>  - - F     - F        - K 
    // - - F    - U    - K        - U 
    // ------------------------------------------------------------ 
    if (isRootLevelDrag && siblingNode == NULL) {   
     draggingDown = YES; 
     siblingPath = [ NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndex: [ proxy count ] - 1 ];   
     siblingNode = [ proxy nodeAtIndexPath:siblingPath ] ; 

    // ------------------------------------------------------------ 
    // Give the dragged item a position relative to it's new sibling 
    // ------------------------------------------------------------ 
    NSManagedObject* sibling = [ siblingNode observedObject ]; 
    NSNumber* bystanderPosition = [ sibling valueForKey:@"position"]; 
    int newPos = (draggingDown ? [ bystanderPosition intValue ] + 1 : [ bystanderPosition intValue ] - 1); 
    [draggedGroup setValue:[ NSNumber numberWithInt:newPos ] forKey:@"position"]; 

    // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    // Set the new parent for the dragged item, resort the position attributes and refresh the tree 
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    [ draggedGroup setValue:[ parentNode observedObject ] forKey:@"parent" ]; 
    [ self resortGroups:[draggedGroup managedObjectContext] forParent:[ parentNode observedObject ] ];   
    [ groupTreeControl rearrangeObjects ]; 
    return YES;    

- (NSArray*) getSubGroups:(NSManagedObjectContext*)objectContext forParent:(NSManagedObject*)parent { 
    NSFetchRequest *request = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease]; 
    NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"projects" inManagedObjectContext:objectContext]; 

    [request setEntity:entity]; 
    NSSortDescriptor* aSortDesc = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"position" ascending:YES]; 
    [request setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject: aSortDesc] ]; 
    [aSortDesc release]; 

    NSPredicate* validationPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"parent == %@", parent ]; 

    [ request setPredicate:validationPredicate ]; 

    NSError *error = nil; // TODO - check the error bozo 
    return [objectContext executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];  

- (void) resortGroups:(NSManagedObjectContext*)objectContext forParent:(NSManagedObject*)parent { 

    NSArray *array = [ self getSubGroups:objectContext forParent:parent ]; 

    // Reset the indexes... 
    NSEnumerator *enumerator = [array objectEnumerator]; 
    NSManagedObject* anObject; 
    int index = 0; 
    while (anObject = [enumerator nextObject]) { 
     // Multiply index by 10 to make dragging code easier to implement ;) .... 
     [anObject setValue:[ NSNumber numberWithInt:(index * INTERVAL) ] forKey:@"position"];  


- (NSDragOperation)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView validateDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info proposedItem:(id)item proposedChildIndex:(int)index { 

    _NSArrayControllerTreeNode* newParent = item; 

    // drags to the root are always acceptable 
    if (newParent == NULL) { 
     return NSDragOperationGeneric; 

    // Verify that we are not dragging a parent to one of it's ancestors 
    // causes a parent loop where a group of nodes point to each other and disappear 
    // from the control 
    NSManagedObject* dragged = [ draggedNode observedObject ];  
    NSManagedObject* newP = [ newParent observedObject ]; 

    if ([ self category:dragged isSubCategoryOf:newP ]) { 
     return NO; 

    return NSDragOperationGeneric; 

- (BOOL) category:(NSManagedObject*)cat isSubCategoryOf:(NSManagedObject*) possibleSub { 

    // Depends on your interpretation of subCategory .... 
    if (cat == possibleSub) { return YES; } 

    NSManagedObject* possSubParent = [possibleSub valueForKey:@"parent"]; 

    if (possSubParent == NULL) { return NO; } 

    while (possSubParent != NULL) {  
     if (possSubParent == cat) { return YES; } 

     // move up the tree 
     possSubParent = [possSubParent valueForKey:@"parent"];   

    return NO; 

// This method gets called by the framework but the values from bindings are used instead 
- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn byItem:(id)item { 
    return NULL; 

The following are implemented as stubs because they are required when 
implementing an NSOutlineViewDataSource. Because we use bindings on the 
table column these methods are never called. The NSLog statements have been 
included to prove that these methods are not called. 
- (int)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item { 
    return 1; 

- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView isItemExpandable:(id)item { 
    return NO; 

- (id)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView child:(int)index ofItem:(id)item { 
    NSLog(@"child of Item"); 
    return NULL; 





  1. 綁定NSTreeController的managedObjectContext直接到AppDelegate中的managedObjectContext屬性,刪除整個NSArrayController的。 NSTreeController可以從managedObjectContext中添加/刪除項目,但不能從NSArrayController的arrangeObjects中添加/刪除項目,因爲它是隻讀的。

  2. 現在將添加按鈕連接到樹控制器的add:連接。

  3. 最後將刪除按鈕連接到樹控制器的remove:連接。



  • 內陷式按鈕(d ...
  • 內陷式按鈕(N ...


如果是這樣,您將刪除按鈕連接到add:操作。改爲連接到remove:。 (另外,您應該使用包含NSAddTemplate和NSRemoveTemplate圖像的漸變按鈕,而不是帶有文字標籤的凹陷按鈕。請參閱系統偏好設置中的「帳戶」窗格中有關此操作的示例,以及the HIG以獲取有關隱藏按鈕的說明應該用於。)


沒有D是針對稱爲完成的不同按鈕。 – Joshua 2009-07-29 14:03:37