2010-06-14 92 views


通常你設置一個數組(或變量),並存在上述方法。在下面的$ csv2數組中,兩個方法都缺失,我使用get-member cmd進行了檢查。


--------- -----------
1276505880 2.0763250000e + 00
1276505890 1.7487730000e + 00
1276505900 1.6906890000e + 00
1276505910 1.7972880000e + 00
1276505920 1.8141900000e + 00
1276505950 0.0000000000e + 00

$SystemStats = (Get-F5.iControl).SystemStatistics  
$report = "c:\snmp\data" + $gObj + ".csv" 

### Allocate a new Query Object and add the inputs needed 
$Query = New-Object -TypeName iControl.SystemStatisticsPerformanceStatisticQuery 
$Query.object_name = $i 
$Query.start_time = $startTime 
$Query.end_time = 0 
$Query.interval = $interval 
$Query.maximum_rows = 0 

### Make method call passing in an array of size one with the specified query 
$ReportData = $SystemStats.get_performance_graph_csv_statistics((,$Query)) 

### Allocate a new encoder and turn the byte array into a string 
$ASCII = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding 
$csvdata = $ASCII.GetString($ReportData[0].statistic_data) 

$csv2 = convertFrom-CSV $csvdata 





PS[64bit] E:\> $a = 1,2,3,4,5 
PS[64bit] E:\> $a.GetType() 

IsPublic IsSerial Name          BaseType 
-------- -------- ----          -------- 
True  True  Object[]         System.Array 

PS[64bit] E:\> Get-Member -InputObject $a 

    TypeName: System.Object[] 

Name   MemberType Definition 
----   ---------- ---------- 
Count   AliasProperty Count = Length 
Address  Method  System.Object&, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicK... 
Clone   Method  System.Object Clone() 
CopyTo   Method  System.Void CopyTo(array array, int index), System.Void CopyTo(arra... 
Equals   Method  bool Equals(System.Object obj) 
Get   Method  System.Object Get(int) 
GetEnumerator Method  System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() 
GetHashCode Method  int GetHashCode() 
GetLength  Method  int GetLength(int dimension) 
GetLongLength Method  long GetLongLength(int dimension) 
GetLowerBound Method  int GetLowerBound(int dimension) 
GetType  Method  type GetType() 
GetUpperBound Method  int GetUpperBound(int dimension) 
GetValue  Method  System.Object GetValue(Params int[] indices), System.Object GetValu... 
Initialize  Method  System.Void Initialize() 
Set   Method  System.Void Set(int , System.Object) 
SetValue  Method  System.Void SetValue(System.Object value, int index), System.Void S... 
ToString  Method  string ToString() 
IsFixedSize Property  System.Boolean IsFixedSize {get;} 
IsReadOnly  Property  System.Boolean IsReadOnly {get;} 
IsSynchronized Property  System.Boolean IsSynchronized {get;} 
Length   Property  System.Int32 Length {get;} 
LongLength  Property  System.Int64 LongLength {get;} 
Rank   Property  System.Int32 Rank {get;} 


$newArray = $oldArray | Where-Object {some-condition-on-$_} 

同樣Select-Object-First-Skip參數可以用來選擇之前或之後的元素(resp3ectively )索引。



非常感謝你,讓它工作。我讀過Arraylists的教程,並沒有意識到有什麼區別 – Andrew 2010-06-14 10:34:34


@Andrew:的確,ArrayList和Array是完全不同的類型。 'ArrayList'更靈活,但有更多的開銷,在應用程序中這可能很重要,但在腳本中不太可能。但是,PSH中的所有內置收集操作都會創建數組。 – Richard 2010-06-14 14:48:15