2010-08-15 109 views

我在這裏使用一個按鈕來滑動我的免責聲明的顯示,出於某種原因,我找不到如何正確更改按鈕的值。jQuery slideToggle創建隱藏或可見的元素?


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     <p id="intro"> 
     Welcome to <strong>StarTrackr!</strong> the planet's premier celebrity tracking and monitoring service. Need to know where in the world the best bands, musicians or producers are within 2.2 square meters? You've come to the right place. We have a very special special on B-grade celebs this week, so hurry in!  
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     Disclaimer! This service is not intended for the those with criminal intent. Celebrities are kind of like people so their privacy should be respected. 

     <div id="news"> 
     <h2>Latest News</h2> 
      Which member of the seminal calypso/lectro band <em>C&amp;C Music Sweatshop</em> was spotted last night at <em>Dirt</em>, the trendy New York restaurant that serves only food caught and retrieved by the chef's own hands? 
      <span class="spoiler">Yes! It's the ever-effervescent, <em>Glendatronix</em>!</span> 
     <p>Who lost their recording contract today? <span class="spoiler">The Zaxntines!</span></p> 
     <div id="celebs"> 
     <h2 class="heading">Our Celebrities</h2> 
     <p class="info"> 
      We have an ever changing roster of newly chipped celebrities. But it can take as little as a week for the little critters to realise they've been tagged - so you have to be fast! 
     <table class="data"> 
       <th>Approx. Location</th> 
       <td>Johny Stardust (<a href="bio.pdf">bio</a>)</td> 
       <td>Los Angeles</td> 
       <td>Beau Dandy (<a href="img.jpg">pic</a>,<a href="bio.pdf">bio</a>)</td> 
       <td>New York</td> 
       <td>Mo' Fat (<a href="img.jpg">pic</a>)</td> 
       <td>New York</td> 
       <td>Kellie Kelly (<a href="bio.pdf">bio</a>,<a href="w.doc">press</a>)</td> 
       <td>Darth Fader (<a href="img.jpg">pic</a>)</td> 
       <td>Glendatronix (<a href="bio.pdf">bio</a>,<a href="w.doc">press</a>)</td> 

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     <h2>Fine Print</h2> 
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嘿,謝謝,就這麼做了!此外,只是爲了澄清,因爲我仍然是一個n00b:當你的意思是JS功能繼續前進時,你說如果沒有將它放入動畫的回調中,if else語句就不起作用,爲什麼?即使它正在進行,您是否可以檢查#免責聲明是否可見? – Qcom 2010-08-15 07:15:55


我認爲這根本不是一個問題:它對我來說也沒有任何意義。據我所知,jQuery並不打算檢查元素的實際可見性。有人在'可見性'選擇器頁面底部的註釋中提到它:http://api.jquery.com/visible-selector/也許它是檢查'動畫'選擇器,然後不打擾它? – attack 2010-08-15 20:04:58


嘿,真好!我看到了註釋,並且將if else語句作爲slideToggle的回調函數是有意義的,因爲在動畫完成之前,動畫元素將顯示爲可見。謝謝! – Qcom 2010-08-15 20:24:40