2012-01-03 67 views




// or if you already have a listview that you are appending to 

Calling the listview plugin在頁面的底部。


它的工作!感謝您的幫助! – 2012-01-03 15:51:34



// i assume your JSON response is stored in data object 
// following is the loop which reads the data object ,gets the value and append it to the `<li>` of `<ul>` 

變種名單= $(」)「ID」,」清單「); // jQuery中動態創建一個新的UI元素

for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++) 

var li=$("<li/>").html(data[i].name); // get the value of name in JSON and put it in newly created li ,(getting value will depend on your json string format) 

$("#list").append(li); //append li to ul of id list 


$(body).append(list); // append the list to anywhere you want, i am appending it to body.