2016-03-06 70 views
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} 
import Control.Comonad 
import Data.Functor.Reverse 
import Data.List (unfoldr) 


data LZipper a = LZipper (Reverse [] a) a [a] 
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) 

mkZipper :: a -> [a] -> LZipper a 
mkZipper = LZipper (Reverse []) 


fwd, bwd :: LZipper a -> Maybe (LZipper a) 
fwd (LZipper _ _ []) = Nothing 
fwd (LZipper (Reverse xs) e (y:ys)) = Just $ LZipper (Reverse (e:xs)) y ys 
bwd (LZipper (Reverse []) _ _) = Nothing 
bwd (LZipper (Reverse (x:xs)) e ys) = Just $ LZipper (Reverse xs) x (e:ys) 


instance Comonad LZipper where 
    extract (LZipper _ x _) = x 
    duplicate z = LZipper (Reverse $ unfoldr (step bwd) z) z (unfoldr (step fwd) z) 
     where step move = fmap (\y -> (y, y)) . move 


ghci> duplicate (mkZipper 'a' "bc") 
LZipper (Reverse []) 
     (LZipper (Reverse "") 'a' "bc") 
     [LZipper (Reverse "a") 'b' "c",LZipper (Reverse "ba") 'c' ""] 
-- Abc -> *Abc* aBc abC 

ghci> fmap duplicate (fwd $ mkZipper 'a' "bc") 
Just (LZipper (Reverse [LZipper (Reverse "") 'a' "bc"]) 
       (LZipper (Reverse "a") 'b' "c") 
       [LZipper (Reverse "ba") 'c' ""]) 
-- aBc -> Abc *aBc* abC 




type Grid a = LZipper (LZipper a) 

up, down, left, right :: Grid a -> Maybe (Grid a) 
up = bwd 
down = fwd 
left = traverse bwd 
right = traverse fwd 

extractGrid :: Grid a -> a 
extractGrid = extract . extract 
mkGrid :: (a, [a]) -> [(a, [a])] -> Grid a 
mkGrid (x, xs) xss = mkZipper (mkZipper x xs) $ map (uncurry mkZipper) xss 


ghci> let myGrid = mkGrid ('a', "bc") [('d', "ef"), ('g', "hi")] 
ghci> myGrid 
LZipper (Reverse []) 
     (LZipper (Reverse "") 'a' "bc") 
     [LZipper (Reverse "") 'd' "ef",LZipper (Reverse "") 'g' "hi"] 
-- +-------+ 
-- | A b c | 
-- | d e f | 
-- | g h i | 
-- +-------+ 

ghci> return myGrid >>= right >>= down 
Just (LZipper (Reverse [LZipper (Reverse "a") 'b' "c"]) 
       (LZipper (Reverse "d") 'e' "f") 
       [LZipper (Reverse "g") 'h' "i"]) 
-- +-------+ 
-- | a b c | 
-- | d E f | 
-- | g h i | 
-- +-------+ 


duplicateGrid :: Grid a -> Grid (Grid a) 


duplicateGrid myGrid 
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ | 
| * A b c * | a B c | | a b C | | 
| * d e f * | d e f | | d e f | | 
| * g h i * | g h i | | g h i | | 
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ | 
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | 
| | a b c | | a b c | | a b c | | 
| | D e f | | d E f | | d e F | | 
| | g h i | | g h i | | g h i | | 
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | 
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | 
| | a b c | | a b c | | a b c | | 
| | d e f | | d e f | | d e f | | 
| | G h i | | g H i | | g h I | | 
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | 

我試過duplicateGrid = duplicate . duplicate。這有正確的類型,但(假設我正確解釋show輸出,我可能沒有),只給了我格架的地方主要集中在第一列:

(duplicate . duplicate) myGrid 
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ | 
| * A b c * | a b c | | a b c | | 
| * d e f * | D e f | | d e f | | 
| * g h i * | g h i | | G h i | | 
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ | 
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | 
| | A b c | | a b c | | a b c | | 
| | d e f | | D e f | | d e f | | 
| | g h i | | g h i | | G h i | | 
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | 
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | 
| | A b c | | a b c | | a b c | | 
| | d e f | | D e f | | d e f | | 
| | g h i | | g h i | | G h i | | 
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ | 

我也試過duplicateGrid = duplicate . fmap duplicate。再次假設我能夠解釋的show輸出的,這給了我的東西,既包含了錯誤的網格,不得不行的錯位的焦點,使得向下移動也將打動你一起:

(duplicate . fmap duplicate) myGrid 
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ | 
| * A b c * | D e f | | G h i | | 
| * a B c * | d E f | | g H i | | 
| * a b C * | d e F | | g h I | | 
| ********* +-------+ +-------+ | 
| +-------+ ********* +-------+ | 
| | A b c | * D e f * | G h i | | 
| | a B c | * d E f * | g H i | | 
| | a b C | * d e F * | g h I | | 
| +-------+ ********* +-------+ | 
| +-------+ +-------+ ********* | 
| | A b c | | D e f | * G h i * | 
| | a B c | | d E f | * g H i * | 
| | a b C | | d e F | * g h I * | 
| +-------+ +-------+ ********* | 



FYI,您可能會對其他位感興趣。請參閱http:// stackoverflow。com/a/25572148/1477667 – dfeuer


而[this one](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12963733/writing-cojoin-or-cobind-for-n-dimensional-grid-type/13100857#13100857)哪些地址你的問題具體。我不知何故錯過了它,而我的回答在它的光芒中是相當多餘的,但至少我有機會爲自己弄清楚它的一部分。 –


@AndrásKovácsD'oh,我的問題似乎與該問題完全相同。不知道爲什麼我在搜索時找不到它。我會做正確的事情,並關閉這一個。 –




假設我們有fg comonads。該類型的duplicate變爲:

duplicate :: f (g a) -> f (g (f (g a))) 


duplicate . fmap duplicate :: f (g a) -> f (f (g (g a))) 



class Functor g => Distributive g where 
    distribute :: Functor f => f (g a) -> g (f a) 

尤其是,我們需要實現Distributive g,然後duplicate對於組成的comonad可以實現爲:

duplicate = fmap distribute . duplicate . fmap duplicate 


爲了說明這一點,如果Vec n an大小的矢量,那麼distribute :: [Vec n a] -> Vec n [a]只是矩陣轉置。事先必須確定內部向量的大小,因爲在「不整齊」矩陣上的換位必須放棄一些元素,這不是合法的行爲。無限的流媒體和拉鍊也可以分發,因爲它們也只有一種可能的尺寸。



或者,您可以直接捲起袖子並在Zipper (Zipper a)上實現換位功能。實際上,我做到了這一點,但這讓我很頭疼,而且我很難確信它是正確的。儘可能使類型儘可能通用,以縮小可能實現的空間,所以減少出錯的可能性更大。


{-# language DeriveFunctor #-} 

import Control.Comonad 
import Data.List 
import Control.Monad 

data Zipper a = Zipper [a] a [a] deriving (Eq, Show, Functor) 

lefts, rights :: Zipper a -> [a] 
lefts (Zipper ls _ _) = ls 
rights (Zipper _ _ rs) = rs 

bwd :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a) 
bwd (Zipper [] _ _) = Nothing 
bwd (Zipper (l:ls) a rs) = Just $ Zipper ls l (a:rs) 

fwd :: Zipper a -> Maybe (Zipper a) 
fwd (Zipper _ _ []) = Nothing 
fwd (Zipper ls a (r:rs)) = Just $ Zipper (a:ls) r rs 

instance Comonad Zipper where 
    extract (Zipper _ a _) = a 
    duplicate z = 
    Zipper (unfoldr (fmap (join (,)) . bwd) z) z (unfoldr (fmap (join (,)) . fwd) z) 


data Nat = Z | S Nat 

length' :: [a] -> Nat 
length' = foldr (const S) Z 

distList :: Functor f => Nat -> f [a] -> [f a] 
distList Z  fas = [] 
distList (S n) fas = (head <$> fas) : distList n (tail <$> fas) 


我們可以通過分發他們的焦點和上下文分配Zipper S,只要我們知道上下文的長度:

distZipper :: Functor f => Nat -> Nat -> f (Zipper a) -> Zipper (f a) 
distZipper l r fz = Zipper 
    (distList l (lefts <$> fz)) (extract <$> fz) (distList r (rights <$> fz)) 

最後,我們可以在我們以前看到的方式複製Grid S,但首先我們必須確定內部Zipper的形狀。由於我們假定所有內部Zipper■找相同的形狀,我們只看看Zipper的重點:

duplicateGrid :: Grid a -> Grid (Grid a) 
duplicateGrid [email protected](Zipper _ (Zipper ls _ rs) _) = 
    fmap (distZipper (length' ls) (length' rs)) $ duplicate $ fmap duplicate grid 




爲什麼不假設「虛擬列表」可用?我相信你可以在任何時候寫出一個通用的'replicate'來獲得其中的一個,並且我認爲你在做的事情在這個範圍之外是有意義的。 – dfeuer


我對此並沒有多少考慮,我只是傾向於將最弱的假設作爲習慣。現在你指出了這一點,我不得不想出一些令人費解的反例。到目前爲止,我提出了這個問題:如果'f'是一個常量仿函數,那麼我們應該能夠「分發」任意長度。但是如果'f [a]'中的'a'是底部,我們只能生成'[]'作爲虛擬列表(總語言)。 –


你讓共同體不同的訣竅是照亮;我並沒有將'Grid'想象爲'Zipper'的_composition_(及其相應的'Comonad'實例)。如果您有權訪問更強大的「Applicative」和「Traversable」約束條件,那麼您的解決方案重複兩次,然後分發似乎與[@ pigworker的答案](http://stackoverflow.com/a/13100857/1523776)一致 - 我們做 - 然後'分佈'是'sequenceA'。 –



newtype MC m a = MC { unMC :: m -> a } 

instance Monoid m => Comonad (MC m) where 
    extract (MC f) = f mempty 
    duplicate (MC f) = MC (\x -> MC (\y -> f (x <> y))) 

instance Functor (MC m) where 
    fmap f (MC g) = MC (f . g) 

所以雙向無限陣列將MC (Sum Integer) a和雙向無限電網將MC (Sum Integer, Sum Integer) a。當然,MC m (MC n a)通過柯里格同構於MC (m,n) a


duplicateGrid g x y dx dy = g (x + dx) (y + dy) 


duplicate f x y = f (x+y) 

所以duplicate . duplicate是:

(duplicate . duplicate) f x y z 
    = duplicate (duplicate f) x y z 
    = duplicate f (x+y) z 
    = f (x + y + z) 

不是想要的。是什麼fmap duplicate樣子:再次

fmap duplicate f x y z = f x (y + z) 

很顯然這樣做duplicate會給我們帶來同樣的事情duplicate . duplicate(這是它應該,因爲這是一個comonad法)。不過,這有點更有希望。如果我們這樣做 fmap小號...

fmap (fmap duplicate) f x y z w 
    = fmap duplicate (f x) y z w 
    = f x y (z + w) 


(duplicate . fmap (fmap duplicate)) f x y z w = f (x+y) (z+w) 

但是,這仍然是錯誤的。更改變量名稱,其f (x+y) (dx + dy)。所以我們需要交換兩個內部變量......我們想要的分類理論名稱是分配律。 Haskell的名字是TraversablesequenceA看起來像函數(函數形式爲Applicative仿函數,實際上是MonadReader monad)看起來像什麼?該類型說明了所有。

sequenceA :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c) 
sequenceA f x y = f y x 


fmap sequenceA g x y z = g x z y 

(duplicate . fmap (fmap duplicate) . fmap sequenceA) g x y dx dy 
    = (duplicate . fmap (fmap duplicate)) g x dx y dy 
    = g (x + dx) (y + dy) 



您遇到的根本問題是zippers don't natively support 2-d structures。答案非常好(其他答案基本上就是你的Grid的定義),我鼓勵你閱讀它,但要點是,拉鍊標識有路徑的元素到達那裏,並且在2-d空間中這樣的標識是有問題,因爲有很多途徑可以達到某一點。




如果你想穿過你的拉鍊,就好像它們像任何其他二維結構一樣,你將繼續使用duplicate得到Nothing。讓我們注意一下,如果您真的嘗試在表面上沒有問題的duplicate (mkZipper 'a' "bc")上使用up, down, left, right函數,會發生什麼情況。

*Main> let allRows = duplicate $ mkZipper 'a' "bc" 
*Main> down allRows -- This is fine since we're following the zipper normally 
Just (LZipper (Backwards [LZipper (Backwards "") 'a' "bc"]) (LZipper (Backwards "a") 'b' "c") [LZipper (Backwards "ba") 'c' ""]) 
*Main> right allRows 
Nothing -- That's bad... 
*Main> down allRows >>= right 
Nothing -- Still nothing 


duplicate z @ (LZipper left focus right) = 
    LZipper (fmap (const z) left) z (fmap (const z) right) 


現在讓我們仔細檢查一下你的直覺,看看如何最好地解釋duplicate . duplicate $ myGrid發生了什麼。一個漂亮的廣場並不是真正考慮發生了什麼的最佳方式(如果將自己限制在extractfwdbwd之間,你會明白爲什麼。

*Main> let allRows = duplicate . duplicate $ myGrid 
*Main> fwd $ extract allRows -- Makes sense 
Just ... 
-- This *should* be the bottom-left of the grid 
*Main> let bottomLeft = extract <$> fwd allRows >>= fwd 
*Main> bottomLeft >>= fwd 
Nothing -- Nope! 
*Main> bottomLeft >>= bwd 
Just ... -- Wait a minute... 


|      ********* +-------+ +-------+ | 
|      * A b c * | a b c | | a b c | | 
|      * d e f * | D e f | | d e f | | 
|      * g h i * | g h i | | G h i | | 
|      ********* +-------+ +-------+ | 
|   +-------+ +-------+ +-------+   | 
|   | A b c | | a b c | | a b c |   | 
|   | d e f | | D e f | | d e f |   | 
|   | g h i | | g h i | | G h i |   | 
|   +-------+ +-------+ +-------+   | 
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+      | 
| | A b c | | a b c | | a b c |      | 
| | d e f | | D e f | | d e f |      | 
| | g h i | | g h i | | G h i |      | 
| +-------+ +-------+ +-------+      | 



因此,故事的寓意,拉鍊對於二維結構而言頗爲頭痛。 (空閒的想法:也許鏡頭可能會很有趣?)




duplicateT :: Traversable t => t (LZipper a) -> LZipper (t (LZipper a)) 
duplicateT z = LZipper (Backwards $ unfoldr (step bwd) z) z (unfoldr (step fwd) z) 
    -- Everything's the exact same except for that extra traverse 
    where step move = fmap (\y -> (y, y)) . (traverse move) 


-- requires import Data.Functor.Identity 
duplicate = fmap runIdentity (duplicate' (Identity z)) 


duplicateGrid = duplicate . duplicateT 


注:如果哈斯克爾讓你本身定義的類型類類型約束,這樣你可以有Comonad的不同實例(所有帶導newtype手機可能)爲您LZipper是改變你的duplicate方向它甚至會更好。問題是你會想要像instance Comonad LZipper (LZipper a) where ...或等效的newtype,你根本無法在Haskell中寫入。你可以想像做類似this類型的家庭,但我懷疑這可能是這個特殊情況的矯枉過正。


instance Applicative LZipper where 
    pure x = LZipper (Backwards (repeat x)) x (repeat x) 
    (LZipper leftF f rightF) <*> (LZipper left x right) = LZipper newLeft (f x) newRight 
     newLeft = (Backwards (zipWith ($) (forwards leftF) (forwards left))) 
     newRight = (zipWith ($) rightF right) 


duplicateGrid = duplicate . (traverse duplicate)