2017-08-05 64 views

我在爲大學工作的項目遇到問題。 它包括使用html表單和javascript創建糖尿病風險評估工具。根據具體的值打印留言

基本上有4個問題,每個問題有4個可能的答案(使用單選按鈕,用戶每個問題只能選擇一個答案)。 最後,會出現一個「計算」按鈕,它將計算所選答案的值,對這些值進行求和並根據結果顯示一條消息。下面是HTML和JavaScript代碼:

let calc = document.getElementById('form'); 

calc.addEventListener('submit', calculateAndPrintRisk); 

function calculateRisk() { 
    let age = document.querySelector('input[name="age"]:checked').value; 
    let bmi = document.querySelector('input[name="bmi"]:checked').value; 
    let diabetes = document.querySelector('input[name="diabetes"]:checked').value; 
    let diet = document.querySelector('input[name="diet"]:checked').value; 
    return age + bmi + diabetes + diet; 

function calculateAndPrintRisk(e) { 
    var risk; 
    var riskTotal = calculateRisk(); 

    if (riskTotal) { 
    if (riskTotal <= 15) { 
     alert("risk is low"); 
    } else if (riskTotal <= 25) { 
     alert(risk = "medium"); 

    } else { 
     alert(risk = "high"); 


    <html lang="en"> 
     <meta charset="utf-8"> 
     <title>JavaScript FMA</title> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css"> 
    <script src="diabetestool.js"> </script> 

<div id="wrapper"> 

    <h1>The Diabetes Risk Assesment Tool</h1> 
    <div id="Options"> 
    <form id="form"> 
     <p> How old are you? </p> 
     1-25 <input type="radio" name="age" value="0" checked> 26-40 <input type="radio" name="age" value="5"> 41-60 <input type="radio" name="age" value="8"> 60+ <input type="radio" name="age" value="10"> 

     <p> What is your BMI? </p> 

     0-25 <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="0" checked> 26-30 <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="0"> 31-35 <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="9"> 35+ <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="10"> 

     <p> Does anybody in your family have diabetes? </p> 

     No <input type="radio" name="diabetes" value="0" checked> Grandparent <input type="radio" name="diabetes" value="7"> Sibling <input type="radio" name="diabetes" value="15"> Parent <input type="radio" name="diabetes" value="15"> 


     <p> How would you describe your diet? </p> 

     Low sugar <input type="radio" name="diet" value="0" checked> Normal sugar <input type="radio" name="diet" value="0"> Quite high sugar <input type="radio" name="diet" value="7"> High sugar <input type="radio" name="diet" value="10"> 


     <input type="submit" id="calculate" name="button_calculate" value="Calculate"> 




你在哪裏檢查錯誤?..它必須被拋出一些 –


先前編輯固定錯字 – mplungjan


您需要'的window.onload =函數(){document.querySelector (「形成」)。onsubmit = function(){calculateAndPrintRisk(); return false; }' - 不要將事件處理程序附加到提交按鈕。使它成爲一個按鈕或附加到表單提交事件,並取消事件 – mplungjan



繼2條語句必須拋出錯誤 -

alert("risk is low"; 

alert(risk = "high"; 



你是正確的拉傑夫。我沒有看到那些丟失的括號。感謝那 – Miguel





document.getElementById('form1').addEventListener('submit', function(evt){ 
    // do what you want 
    // call your function 

任何機會,你可以指導我在這個eventListener?我應該在鏈接到type =「submit」輸入的Javascript文件中創建一個eventListener嗎? – Miguel


剛剛通過示例編輯了我的帖子。如果你看看谷歌'Javscript事件',你會發現很多東西 – sheplu


@Miguel永遠不要附加任何東西到提交按鈕。使它成爲一個按鈕或附加到表單提交事件 – mplungjan






function calculateRisk() { 
    return [...document.querySelectorAll('input:checked')].reduce((sum, el) => sum + parseInt(el.value), 0); 

function calculateAndPrintRisk() { 
    var riskTotal = calculateRisk(); 

    if (riskTotal <= 15) { 
    alert("risk is low"); 
    } else if (riskTotal <= 25) { 
    alert("risk is medium"); 
    } else { 
    alert("risk is high"); 


<div id="wrapper"> 

    <h1>The Diabetes Risk Assesment Tool</h1> 
    <div id="Options"> 
    <p> How old are you? </p> 
    1-25 <input type="radio" id="opt" name="age" value="0" checked> 26-40 <input type="radio" id="opt" name="age" value="5"> 41-60 <input type="radio" id="opt" name="age" value="8"> 60+ <input type="radio" id="opt" name="age" value="10"> 

    <p> What is your BMI? </p> 

    0-25 <input type="radio" id="opt" name="bmi" value="0" checked> 26-30 <input type="radio" id="opt" name="bmi" value="0"> 31-35 <input type="radio" id="opt" name="bmi" value="9"> 35+ <input type="radio" id="opt" name="bmi" value="10"> 

    <p> Does anybody in your family have diabetes? </p> 

    No <input type="radio" id="opt" name="diabetes" value="0" checked> Grandparent <input type="radio" id="opt" name="diabetes" value="7"> Sibling <input type="radio" id="opt" name="diabetes" value="15"> Parent <input type="radio" id="opt" name="diabetes" 


    <p> How would you describe your diet? </p> 

    Low sugar <input type="radio" id="opt" name="diet" value="0" checked> Normal sugar <input type="radio" id="opt" name="diet" value="0"> Quite high sugar <input type="radio" id="opt" name="diet" value="7"> High sugar <input type="radio" id="opt" name="diet" 


    <button id="calculate" name="button_calculate" value="Calculate" onclick="calculateAndPrintRisk();">Calculate</button> 


function calculateAndPrintRisk(){ 
    alert("your risk is "+(riskTotal<=15?"low":(riskTotal<=25?"medium":"high"))); 

我建議你不要在noob上強制ES6。 – mplungjan


@mplungjan爲什麼不呢?然後,他可以將推薦的編輯應用到他自己的代碼中,或者他可以學習正確的JS並鬆開noob狀態。 –


您的「正確」JS需要Babel或墊片在多個瀏覽器上運行。此外適當的JS不使用內聯事件處理程序 – mplungjan


對於多個HTML元素,不能使用相同的id。 我已更新代碼並使用querySelector獲取無線電元件的value

let calc = document.getElementById('form'); 

calc.addEventListener('submit', calculateAndPrintRisk); 

function calculateRisk() { 
    let age = document.querySelector('input[name="age"]:checked').value; 
    let bmi = document.querySelector('input[name="bmi"]:checked').value; 
    let diabetes = document.querySelector('input[name="diabetes"]:checked').value; 
    let diet = document.querySelector('input[name="diet"]:checked').value; 
    return age + bmi + diabetes + diet; 

function calculateAndPrintRisk(e) { 
    var risk; 
    var riskTotal = calculateRisk(); 

    if (riskTotal) { 
    if (riskTotal <= 15) { 
     alert("risk is low"); 
    } else if (riskTotal <= 25) { 
     alert(risk = "medium"); 

    } else { 
     alert(risk = "high"); 


<div id="wrapper"> 

    <h1>The Diabetes Risk Assesment Tool</h1> 
    <div id="Options"> 
    <form id="form"> 
     <p> How old are you? </p> 
     1-25 <input type="radio" name="age" value="0" checked> 26-40 <input type="radio" name="age" value="5"> 41-60 <input type="radio" name="age" value="8"> 60+ <input type="radio" name="age" value="10"> 

     <p> What is your BMI? </p> 

     0-25 <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="0" checked> 26-30 <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="0"> 31-35 <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="9"> 35+ <input type="radio" name="bmi" value="10"> 

     <p> Does anybody in your family have diabetes? </p> 

     No <input type="radio" name="diabetes" value="0" checked> Grandparent <input type="radio" name="diabetes" value="7"> Sibling <input type="radio" name="diabetes" value="15"> Parent <input type="radio" name="diabetes" value="15"> 


     <p> How would you describe your diet? </p> 

     Low sugar <input type="radio" name="diet" value="0" checked> Normal sugar <input type="radio" name="diet" value="0"> Quite high sugar <input type="radio" name="diet" value="7"> High sugar <input type="radio" name="diet" value="10"> 


     <input type="submit" id="calculate" name="button_calculate" value="Calculate"> 


我也將取消提交事件 – mplungjan


我試過你的解決方案,但代碼仍然無法正常工作。當我點擊計算什麼都不會發生,無論我在問題中選擇哪個選項。任何想法? – Miguel


如果你點擊'Run code snippet',代碼就會運行。所以,我的代碼沒有問題。您可以提供有關您所面臨錯誤的更多信息。 –