2011-10-22 63 views


#include <iostream> 

// buffers 
struct src{}; struct b1{}; struct snk{}; 
// filters 
struct f1 
    f1(const src &, b1 &) { std::cout << "f1(src, b1)" << std::endl; } 
struct f2 
    f2(const b1 &, snk &) { std::cout << "f2(b1, snk)" << std::endl; } 
// the pipeline 
template< typename... Filters > 
struct pipeline 
    template< typename LastB > 
    pipeline(const LastB &) 
template < typename T1, typename... T > 
struct pipeline< T1, T... > : pipeline<T...> 
    template< typename... Buffs, typename Bin, typename Bout > 
    pipeline(Buffs &... buffs, Bin & bin, Bout & bout) : 
     pipeline<T...>(buffs..., bin), 
     filter(bin, bout) 

    T1 filter; 

int main() 
    src ba; b1 bb; snk bc; 

    pipeline<f1> p1(ba, bb); 
    pipeline< f1, f2 > p2(ba, bb, bc); // the problem is in this line! 


sda_variadic.cpp: In function 'int main()': 
sda_variadic.cpp:40:39: error: no matching function for call to 'pipeline<f1, f2>::pipeline(src&, b1&, snk&)' 
sda_variadic.cpp:40:39: note: candidates are: 
sda_variadic.cpp:26:5: note: template<class ... Buffs, class Bin, class Bout> pipeline<T1, T ...>::pipeline(Buffs& ..., Bin&, Bout&) 
sda_variadic.cpp:23:8: note: constexpr pipeline<f1, f2>::pipeline(const pipeline<f1, f2>&) 
sda_variadic.cpp:23:8: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 3 provided 
sda_variadic.cpp:23:8: note: constexpr pipeline<f1, f2>::pipeline(pipeline<f1, f2>&&) 
sda_variadic.cpp:23:8: note: candidate expects 1 argument, 3 provided 


只是一個小小的解釋。我期望上面的例子將首先創建未專門化的對象pipeline<>(snk),然後專用對象pipeline<f1>(b1,snk),然後專門對象pipeline< f1, f2 >(src,b1,snk)
順便說一句,上面的例子適用於1個過濾器(pipeline< f1)。


template< typename... Buffs, typename Bin, typename Bout > 
pipeline(Buffs &... buffs, Bin & bin, Bout & bout) : 
    pipeline<T...>(buffs..., bin), 
    filter(bin, bout) 


  1. [...]對於沒有在參數 - 年底發生的函數參數包聲明列表中,參數包的類型是非推導的上下文。 [...]


我建議使用std::tuple來操縱可變參數,以便像這樣調用構造函數:pipeline(std::forward_as_tuple(b0, b1, b2), in, out)並將空元組傳遞給最後一個階段。
