2017-10-18 68 views

enter image description here我有兩列中的ID,比方說列A和列B.在這些列中是ID,它們將以a或b多次出現。我想要做的是提供一個批號,如下面的例子,其中任何相關的ID被放在一個批次下。鏈接來自兩列的條目



你是什麼意思的「有關」的ID?你的意思是相同還是部分匹配。批號是如何從ID派生的? – JohnRC


嗨,約翰。相關ID是鏈接關係。所以在我上面的截圖中,a1鏈接到b1和b1鏈接到c1,因此它們都是批處理,或者可能是更簡單的術語依賴關係。批號將是一個批次的所有相關依賴項的唯一標識符。 – Wickey312


以後可以鏈接到更早的鏈接嗎?例如第5行可能是X1> A1 – JohnRC





該代碼沿着列表運行,並將列A和列B中的鍵值賦予預先存在的組,如果其中任何一個鍵先前出現在列表中。如果以前都沒有出現過,那麼爲他們創建一個具有新類ID的新組。如果他們以前出現在不同的行上並被分配到不同的組,那麼這些組必須被鏈接。這是通過選擇一個組作爲另一個的父親,然後可以形成子>父母關係的層次結構。子組採用其父級的classID - ClassID屬性包含此的邏輯。這種方法的一大優點是它避免了大規模迭代,儘管仍然會迭代child> Parent ClassID層次結構以發現hiearchy中較低級別的子類的ClassID。

我使用Scripting.Dictionary提供從一個鍵到它的類的查找。要在代碼中使用它,請在Tools> References中設置對Microsoft Scripting Runtime庫的引用。

我已經實現了將關鍵數據作爲單獨的類cGrouper使用單個方法AllocateClassIDs進行處理的代碼,該方法給出了要處理的工作表的3列區域 - 三列是KeyA,KeyB輸入前兩列的每一行和第三列中相應的輸出類別編號。要使用這個類的代碼會是這樣的:

Public Sub run() 

    Dim oGrouper As New cGrouper 

    '// rTestData1 is a named range in the a worksheet that is 3 columns x n rows, containing n pairs of keys 
    '// in col1 and col2. the allocated class number is written into column 3 of the range 
    oGrouper.AllocateClassIDs [rTestData1] 

End Sub 


Option Explicit 
'// This class will identify groups of related key values in two Key columns of a worksheet and then assign group numbers. 
'// A group is defined as the set of Keys that appear on the same rows in the two key columns. So if A and B are on 
'// row 3 and B and C on row 4, then A, B and C are in the same group, along with any other key values that share 
'// the same relationship with each other. 

'// Corollary: Keys are in different goups only if each key in the group never appears on the same row as any of the keys in any other group 

'// Dictionaries 
'// Lookup from a key value to the related class. Key value is a string that appears in colA or colB 
Dim GroupMembers As New Scripting.Dictionary 

'// Lookup to the groups that have already been created. The key is the GroupGroupID (integer assigned on creation) 
Dim Groups As New Scripting.Dictionary 

'// This subroutine does all the work 
    Public Sub AllocateClassIDs(Keys As Range) 

     '// First clear out the dictionaries 


     '// Check the given ranges 
     If Keys.Columns.Count <> 3 Then 
      MsgBox "Range must have three columns - cannot process" 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 

     '// Set up references to the sub-ranges within the sheet 
     Dim KeysA As Range, KeysB As Range, ClassIDs As Range 

     Set KeysA = Keys.Columns(1) 
     Set KeysB = Keys.Columns(2) 
     Set ClassIDs = Keys.Columns(3) 

     Dim iRow As Integer, sAKey As String, sBKey As String 
     Dim iAGroup As cGroup, iBGroup As cGroup 

     '// Run down every row of the given range 
     For iRow = 1 To KeysA.Rows.Count 

      '// Get the key values from Col A and Col B 
      sAKey = KeysA.Cells(iRow) 
      sBKey = KeysB.Cells(iRow) 

      '// Check if these keys have already been found earlier 
      If GroupMembers.Exists(sAKey) Then Set iAGroup = GroupMembers.Item(sAKey) Else Set iAGroup = Nothing 
      If GroupMembers.Exists(sBKey) Then Set iBGroup = GroupMembers.Item(sBKey) Else Set iBGroup = Nothing 

      '// Now check the combination of possibilities: 
      Select Case True 
       Case iAGroup Is Nothing And iBGroup Is Nothing 

        '// Neither key was found so we need to create a new group to hold the class number 
        If Len(sAKey) > 0 Or Len(sBKey) > 0 Then 
         With New cGroup 
          '// Add the group to the dictionary of groups 
          Groups.Add .GroupID, .Self 

          '// Add the keys to the dictionary of group members. This links the key to the group 
          If Len(sAKey) > 0 Then GroupMembers.Add sAKey, .Self 
          If sAKey <> sBKey And Len(sBKey) > 0 Then GroupMembers.Add sBKey, .Self 
         End With 
        End If 
       Case iBGroup Is Nothing 
        '// Key in col A is already in a group from an earlier line, but key in Col B is not 
        '// we just add ColB key to the same group as the col A key 
        If Len(sBkey)>0 Then 
         Set iAGroup = GroupMembers.Item(sAKey) 
         GroupMembers.Add sBKey, iAGroup 
        End If 

       Case iAGroup Is Nothing 
        '// Key in Col B is already in a group, but Key in col A is not 
        '// We just add ColA key to the same group as the col B key 
        IF Len(sAkey)>0 Then 
         Set iBGroup = GroupMembers.Item(sBKey) 
         GroupMembers.Add sAKey, iBGroup 
        End IF 

       Case Else 
        '// They are both already in a group. That's fine if they are members of the same class but... 
        If iAGroup.ClassID <> iBGroup.ClassID Then 

         '// They are in DIFFERENT Classes so we must merge them together by settung 
         '// the class ID of one group to be the same as the other 

          '// Always use the lower-numbered class ID 
          If iAGroup.ClassID < iBGroup.ClassID Then 
           iBGroup.JoinGroupMembership iAGroup 
           iAGroup.JoinGroupMembership iBGroup 
          End If 

        End If 
       End Select 

     Next iRow 

     '// Remember the last row 
     Dim iLastRow As Integer: iLastRow = iRow - 1 

     '// Assign the class numbers. This just makes sure each unique class has a number, starting at 1. 
     Dim ClassNumbers As New Scripting.Dictionary 
     Dim ix As Integer 

     Dim iGroup As cGroup 
     Dim iClassNumber As Integer 

     For ix = 0 To Groups.Count - 1 
      '// Get the next group object 
      Set iGroup = Groups.Item(Groups.Keys(ix)) 

      '// Check if this is a "ROOT" group, i.e. the group ID is the same as the class ID 
      If iGroup.bIsRootGroup Then 
       iClassNumber = iClassNumber + 1 
       'If iClassNumber = 30 Then MsgBox "Classnumber 30" 

       '// Add it to the dictionary of class numbers 
       ClassNumbers.Add iGroup.ClassID, iClassNumber 
      End If 

     Next ix 

     '// Finally, we can assign the class numbers to the rows in the spreadsheet 
     Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 

     For ix = 1 To iLastRow 

      '// Put the relevant class number into column 3 
      ClassIDs.Cells(ix) = ClassNumbers.Item(GroupMembers.Item(KeysA.Cells(ix).Value).ClassID) 

     Next ix 
     Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 

     MsgBox "done" 

    End Sub 


Option Explicit 

    '// Properties of the class 
    Public GroupID As Integer 

    '// The group master of this class (i.e. another group to which it has been joined) 
    '// Can be Nothing if not joined to any other group or if this is the master group 
    '// of a set of joined groups 
    Private memberOfGroup As cGroup 

    Private Sub class_initialize() 
     '// Assign an ID to myself 
     GroupID = g.NextGroupID 

     '// I am not a member of any other group 
     Set memberOfGroup = Nothing 

    End Sub 

    Public Sub JoinGroupMembership(NewLinkedGroup As cGroup) 
     '// Links this group to membership of another group. 
     '// Note that this group may already be a member of another group, in which case 
     '// group membership is changed on the parent group as well as this group 

     '// To avoid circular references, the group with the lower classid is always chosen to be the parent 

     If NewLinkedGroup.ClassID > Me.ClassID Then 
      NewLinkedGroup.JoinGroupMembership Me 
      Exit Sub 
     End If 

     '// If I am already member of a group, make sure my parent group 
     '// joins the new group 
     If Not memberOfGroup Is Nothing Then 
      memberOfGroup.JoinGroupMembership NewLinkedGroup 
     End If 

     '// Now set the new linked group to be my parent 
     Set memberOfGroup = NewLinkedGroup 

    End Sub 

    Public Function ClassID() As Integer 
    '// Returns the classID of this group's master group 
    '// Note that this is recursive, it will work up through the hierarchy of 
    '// parent groups until it hits the group with no parent. 

     '// Check if I am the master group 
     If memberOfGroup Is Nothing Then 
      '// Return my GroupID as the classID 
      ClassID = GroupID 
      '// Return the classID of my parent 
      ClassID = memberOfGroup.ClassID 
     End If 

    End Function 

    Public Function bIsRootGroup() As Boolean 
    '// Returns true if this group is not a member of another group 
     bIsRootGroup = memberOfGroup Is Nothing 
    End Function 

    Public Function Self() As cGroup 
     Set Self = Me 

    End Function 


Option Explicit 

    '// Global register of Group ID 
    Private gMaxGroupNumber As Integer 

    '// Method to get the next available GroupID 
    Public Function NextGroupID() As Integer 
     gMaxGroupNumber = gMaxGroupNumber + 1 
     NextGroupID = gMaxGroupNumber 

    End Function 

    '// Method to reset the groupID 
    Public Sub Reset() 
     gMaxGroupNumber = 0 

    End Sub 

關於錯誤:在我早期版本的代碼中,組層次結構不起作用,因爲它是將父類ID簡單分配給組。只要這些組以受控順序連接,這就沒有問題,但是如果兩個單獨的組已經形成,則後面的兩個組的合併可能會隔離先前鏈接的成員 - 它們的classID沒有更新到新的父級上課,所以他們有效的孤兒。


有趣的方法,但建議使用完全合格的範圍參考,並更改工作表代碼中的'Me.'標識以避免錯誤消息。 –


嗨,約翰!謝謝,這真的很高雅。儘管有一個有效的鏈接,但它對於大約20個值是空白的。什麼是不填寫數字的參數? – Wickey312


@ Wickey312是的,當我將樣本量增加到大量條目時,我發現了同樣的問題。我發現了問題並正在研究解決方案。 – JohnRC



  • 第一列始終包含啓動鏈接
  • 第二列始終包含鏈條
  • 要繼續鏈條,什麼是在第二列中列出以後必須在第一列中發現繼續鏈(如你的例子所示)。這可以防止鏈路可以分裂成不同鏈路的「鏈路分裂」。


Sub tgr() 

    Const Link1Col As String = "A" 
    Const Link2Col As String = "B" 
    Const LinkIDCol As String = "C" 

    Dim ws As Worksheet 
    Dim linkColumns(1 To 2) As Range 
    Dim FoundLink As Range 
    Dim LinkID As Long 
    Dim i As Long 

    Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet 
    Set linkColumns(1) = ws.Range(Link1Col & "1", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, Link1Col).End(xlUp)) 
    Set linkColumns(2) = Intersect(linkColumns(1).EntireRow, ws.Columns(Link2Col)) 

    Intersect(linkColumns(1).EntireRow, ws.Columns(LinkIDCol)).ClearContents 
    LinkID = 0 

    For i = linkColumns(1).Row To linkColumns(1).Row + linkColumns(1).Rows.Count - 1 
     If Len(ws.Cells(i, LinkIDCol).Value) = 0 Then 
      LinkID = LinkID + 1 
      ws.Cells(i, LinkIDCol).Value = LinkID 
      Set FoundLink = linkColumns(1).Find(ws.Cells(i, Link2Col).Value, , xlValues, xlWhole) 
      If Not FoundLink Is Nothing Then 
        ws.Cells(FoundLink.Row, LinkIDCol).Value = LinkID 
        Set FoundLink = linkColumns(1).Find(ws.Cells(FoundLink.Row, Link2Col).Value, , xlValues, xlWhole) 
       Loop While Not FoundLink Is Nothing 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next i 

End Sub 

嗨虎。欣賞這一嘗試。第一列並不總是包含第一個鏈接。可能是其他方式。 – Wickey312