2016-04-27 49 views

嗯,我已經在我的第一個真正的VB項目上工作了幾個星期。我學到了很多東西,但是我很困惑這一點。VB.Net DataView保存綁定導航



我已經包含了整個表單的代碼。 請原諒我的缺乏經驗。 感謝您的幫助!

Public Class DataEntry2 

    Private Sub ProductionDownTimeTableBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ProductionDownTimeTableBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub DataEntry2_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 
     'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'ProductionDownTimeDataSet.ProductionDownTimeTable' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub DataEntry2_Closing(sender As Object, e As CancelEventArgs) Handles Me.Closing 
    End Sub 

    Private Sub xP2PopulateDataBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles xP2PopulateDataBtn.Click 
     'Create Connection and Dataview 
     Dim connetionString As String 
     Dim connection As SqlConnection 
     Dim command As SqlCommand 
     Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter 
     Dim ds As New DataSet 
     Dim dv As DataView 
     Dim sql As String 
     connetionString = "Data Source=Controls-PC;Initial Catalog=ProductionDownTime;User ID=XX;Password=XXXX" 
     sql = "Select * from ProductionDownTimeTable" 
     connection = New SqlConnection(connetionString) 
      command = New SqlCommand(sql, connection) 
      adapter.SelectCommand = command 
      adapter.Fill(ds, "Create DataView") 
      'dv = ds.Tables(0).DefaultView 
      dv = ds.Tables(0).AsDataView 
      'Filters for a specific string (word) in a specicfic column. 
      'dv.RowFilter = String.Format("DTEventReason Like '%{0}%'", "Engineering") 
      'Filters for "Null" in a specicfic column. 
      'dv.RowFilter = "DTEventReason is Null" 
      'Filters looks for any column that contains NULL 
      'dv.RowFilter = ("DTReasonBadgeNo is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime is Null") 
      'Filters for a shift number 
      'dv.RowFilter = "Shift = 2" 
      'Filters for LineID formatted as a string 
      'dv.RowFilter = String.Format("LineID Like '%{0}%'", "1N") 
      'Filters for LineID formatted as a string numbers only 
      'dv.RowFilter = String.Format("[LineID]= '1'") 
      'filters for multiple criteria 
      'dv.RowFilter = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null)") 
      'dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & "and Shift = 1" 
      'dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'") 
      'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells Line 2 Only 
      If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And _ 
       xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And _ 
       xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then 
       dv.RowFilter = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null)") 
       dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'") 
       dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime" 
      End If 
      'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells on first and second shift only Line 2 Only 
      If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And _ 
       xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And _ 
       xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then 
       dv.RowFilter = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null)") 
       dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & "and Shift=1 or Shift=2" 
       dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'") 
       dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime" 
      End If 
      'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells on first shift only Line 2 Only 
      If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And _ 
       xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And _ 
       xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then 
       dv.RowFilter = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null)") 
       dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & "and Shift = 1" 
       dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'") 
       dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime" 
      End If 
      'CheckBox Filtering code=Search for Incomplete Cells on second shift only Line 2 Only 
      If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = True And _ 
       xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And _ 
       xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then 
       dv.RowFilter = ("(DTReasonBadgeNo Is Null Or DTEventReason Is Null Or DTReasonDateTime Is Null)") 
       dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & "and Shift = 2" 
       dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'") 
       dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime" 
      End If 
      'CheckBox Filtering Code=Incomplete and Complete Cells on First Shift Only Line 2 Only 
      If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And _ 
       xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And _ 
       xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then 
       dv.RowFilter = "Shift = 1" 
       dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'") 
       dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime" 
      End If 
      'CheckBox Filtering Code=Incomplete and Complete Cells on Second Shift Only Line 2 Only 
      If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And _ 
       xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And _ 
       xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then 
       dv.RowFilter = "Shift = 2" 
       dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'") 
       dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime" 
      End If 
      'CheckBox Filtering Code=Show All Line 2 Only 
      If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And _ 
       xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = False And _ 
       xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = False Then 
       dv.RowFilter = "1 = 1" 
       dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'") 
       dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime" 
      End If 
      'CheckBox Filter Code Show all Data from First and Second Shift Line 2 Only 
      If xP2IncompleteCellsChkBox.Checked = False And _ 
       xP2FirstShiftChkBox.Checked = True And _ 
       xP2SecondShiftChkBox.Checked = True Then 
       dv.RowFilter = "Shift=1 or Shift=2" 
       dv.RowFilter = dv.RowFilter & String.Format("and [LineID]= '2'") 
       dv.Sort = "ProductionUpDateTime" 
      End If 
      ProductionDownTimeTableDataGridView.DataSource = ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource 
      ProductionDownTimeTableBindingSource.DataSource = dv 
     Catch ex As Exception 
     End Try 
    End Sub 
End Class 

BindingNavigator可以進行自己的過濾:'myBNav.BindingSource.Filter =「...」' – Plutonix






感謝Plutonix和JMCilhinney!我刪除了數據視圖代碼,將所有內容都填充到數據集中,並按照您的建議使用綁定源過濾器。它正在運作。現在清理一下,然後繼續下一步!非常感激! – sds5150


@ sds5150如果一切正常,請點擊複選標記以將其從「無人接聽」列表中移除。它還可以幫助其他人在Google上找到好的答案。 – Plutonix