2017-08-14 99 views

你好傢伙我創建了一個與SVG 5段的圓圈,即時嘗試添加段內的文本,但我不能讓它正常工作。SVG曲線文本里面的路徑

這是林試圖做 Text curved and centered inside the path

這就是即時得到: enter image description here


<svg viewBox='0 0 110 110' style="margin-top: 10px;transform: rotate(18deg);"> 
    <a xlink:href=""> 
     <path class="frag logoa" id="f1" data-link="1" d='M55,55 L14.54915028125263,25.61073738537635 A50,50 0 0,1 70.45084971874736,7.447174185242318z' > 
     <text font-family="Verdana" font-size="15" stroke="red";> 
     <textPath xlink:href="#f1"> 
      We go up, then we go down, then up again 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="2" d='M55,55 L70.45084971874736,7.447174185242318 A50,50 0 0,1 105,54.999999999999986z' ></path> 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="3" d='M55,55 L105,55 A50,50 0 0,1 70.45084971874738,102.55282581475768z'></path> 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="4" d='M55,55 L70.45084971874738,102.55282581475768 A50,50 0 0,1 14.549150281252636,84.38926261462366z' ></path> 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="5" d='M55,55 L14.549150281252636,84.38926261462366 A50,50 0 0,1 14.54915028125263,25.61073738537635z' ></path> 
    <circle class="cente" cx='55' cy='55' r='35' ></circle> 
    <circle class="minicirculo" cx='55' cy='55' r='15' ></circle> 

你有沒有試圖改變字體大小? –


是的,我試過........... –


不知道你是否看到過這個或想使用外部庫,但是這個例子的代碼與你想要做的類似:https://www.visualcinnamon.com/2015/09/placing-text-on-arcs.html –




path, circle { 
    fill: transparent; 
    stroke: black; 
<svg viewBox='0 0 110 110' style="margin-top: 10px;transform: rotate(18deg);"> 
    <a xlink:href=""> 
     <path class="frag logoa" id="f1" data-link="1" d='M55,55 L14.54915028125263,25.61073738537635 A50,50 0 0,1 70.45084971874736,7.447174185242318z' > 
     <text font-family="Verdana" font-size="4" fill="red";> 
     <textPath xlink:href="#f1"> 
      We go up, then we go down, then up again 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="2" d='M55,55 L70.45084971874736,7.447174185242318 A50,50 0 0,1 105,54.999999999999986z' ></path> 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="3" d='M55,55 L105,55 A50,50 0 0,1 70.45084971874738,102.55282581475768z'></path> 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="4" d='M55,55 L70.45084971874738,102.55282581475768 A50,50 0 0,1 14.549150281252636,84.38926261462366z' ></path> 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="5" d='M55,55 L14.549150281252636,84.38926261462366 A50,50 0 0,1 14.54915028125263,25.61073738537635z' ></path> 
    <circle class="cente" cx='55' cy='55' r='35' ></circle> 
    <circle class="minicirculo" cx='55' cy='55' r='15' ></circle> 




<path id="clockwise" d="M55,15 A40,40 0 0 1 55,95 A40,40 0 0 1 55,15"/> 


我們可以使用百分比來指定我們想要文本開始的循環路徑的距離。 0%將是路徑的開始(也是第一個段的左側),20%將是第二個段的開始,等等。



要了解有關<textPath>如何工作的更多信息,請參閱read the relevant section of the SVG specification

path, circle { 
    fill: transparent; 
    stroke: black; 
<svg viewBox='0 0 110 110' style="margin-top: 10px;transform: rotate(18deg);"> 
    <!-- Circular path with a radius of 40 --> 
    <path id="clockwise" d='M55,15 A40,40 0 0 1 55,95 A40,40 0 0 1 55,15' 
    <a xlink:href=""> 
     <path class="frag logoa" id="f1" data-link="1" d='M55,55 L14.54915028125263,25.61073738537635 A50,50 0 0,1 70.45084971874736,7.447174185242318z' > 
     <text font-family="Verdana" font-size="6" fill="red";> 
     <textPath xlink:href="#clockwise" startOffset="10%" text-anchor="middle"> 
      Cloud Marina 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="2" d='M55,55 L70.45084971874736,7.447174185242318 A50,50 0 0,1 105,54.999999999999986z' ></path> 
     <text font-family="Verdana" font-size="6" fill="red";> 
     <textPath xlink:href="#clockwise" startOffset="30%" text-anchor="middle"> 
      Order This 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="3" d='M55,55 L105,55 A50,50 0 0,1 70.45084971874738,102.55282581475768z'></path> 
     <text font-family="Verdana" font-size="6" fill="red";> 
     <textPath xlink:href="#clockwise" startOffset="50%" text-anchor="middle"> 
      Earn This 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="4" d='M55,55 L70.45084971874738,102.55282581475768 A50,50 0 0,1 14.549150281252636,84.38926261462366z' ></path> 
    <a xlink:href="" > 
     <path class="frag logoa" data-link="5" d='M55,55 L14.549150281252636,84.38926261462366 A50,50 0 0,1 14.54915028125263,25.61073738537635z' ></path> 
    <circle class="cente" cx='55' cy='55' r='35' ></circle> 
    <circle class="minicirculo" cx='55' cy='55' r='15' ></circle> 


令人驚歎!謝謝幫助了我很多 –