2014-09-19 52 views


的要求如下: 1)接受來自輸入框 2串)搜索在列A中所有行的字符串 3)複製匹配行到一個新的工作表,命名爲字符串或如果片材名稱存在,附加到它 4)刪除原始行



Private Sub FilterToSheets_Click(sender As Object, e As RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles FilterToSheets.Click 
    'get application 
    Dim application = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application 

    'get active worksheet 
    Dim workSheet As Excel.Worksheet = application.ActiveSheet 

    'get header 
    Dim headers = workSheet.Rows(1) 

    'build range 
    Dim workSheetRow As Integer = 2 
    Dim lastRow As Integer = workSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1 
    Dim rangeString As Object = "(A" + workSheetRow.ToString + ":" + "A" + lastRow.ToString + ")" 
    Dim range = workSheet.Range(rangeString) 
    'create array of range 
    Dim array = range.Value 

    'ask for text to filter by 
    Dim inputboxResult As String = InputBox("What string would you like to filter by?", "Filter To Individual Sheets", workSheet.Cells(2, 1).Value) 

    'only do this if the text is not blank 
    If inputboxResult <> "" Then 

     'create a new worksheet, name it as the Result, and add headers 
     Dim newWorkSheet 
     'set starting rows 
     Dim newWorkSheetRow As Integer 
     newWorkSheet = CType(application.Worksheets.Add(), Excel.Worksheet) 

      'we have created a new sheet 
      With newWorkSheet 
       .Name = inputboxResult 
       .Rows(1).Value = headers.Value 
       newWorkSheetRow = 2 
      End With 
     Catch ex As Exception 
      'the sheet existed already, use it 
      newWorkSheet = application.Sheets(inputboxResult) 
     End Try 

     'do the following for each row 
     For row = LBound(array, 1) To UBound(array, 1) 
      application.StatusBar = "Currently processing row number " + row.ToString 
      'keep going if an error occurs 
       'if the cell's value matches the inputbox result 
       Dim value As String = array(row, 1).ToString 
       If value = inputboxResult Then 
        'copy data from active sheet to new worksheet 
        newWorkSheet.Rows(newWorkSheetRow).Value = workSheet.Rows(row + 1).Value 
        'delete row 
        workSheet.Rows(row + 1).Delete() 
        'we copied data, go to next row on new worksheet 
        newWorkSheetRow += 1 
       End If 
      Catch ex As Exception 
       MsgBox("Something went wrong!" + vbCrLf + "Error: " + vbCrLf + ex.ToString) 
      End Try 
    End If 

End Sub 

我知道這個「或」情況目前是不正確的。我只是試圖讓環路正確地觸發正確的行。 – 2014-09-19 21:26:46


VBA不支持'Try/Catch'處理。這是VB.Net嗎?另外,你永遠不會爲'newWorkSheetRow'賦值,所以:newWorkSheet.Rows(newWorkSheetRow).Value'肯定會引發錯誤。 – 2014-09-19 21:56:46


是的,它在VB.net中創建一個Excel Addin。 – 2014-09-20 00:58:20




Private Sub FilterToSheets_Click(sender As Object, e As RibbonControlEventArgs) Handles FilterToSheets.Click 
    'get application 
    Dim application = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application 

    'get active worksheet 
    Dim workSheet As Excel.Worksheet = application.ActiveSheet 

    'get header 
    Dim headers = workSheet.Rows(1) 

    'build range 
    Dim workSheetRow As Integer = 2 
    Dim lastRow As Integer = workSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 
    Dim rangeString As Object = "(A" + workSheetRow.ToString + ":" + "A" + lastRow.ToString + ")" 
    Dim range = workSheet.Range(rangeString) 
    'create array of range 
    Dim array = range.Value 

    'ask for text to filter by 
    Dim inputboxResult As String = InputBox("What string would you like to filter by?", "Filter To Individual Sheets", workSheet.Cells(2, 1).Value) 

    'only do this if the text is not blank 
    If inputboxResult <> "" Then 
     'lets be quick about this 
     application.ScreenUpdating = False 
     application.Calculation = Excel.XlCalculation.xlCalculationManual 
     'create a new worksheet, name it as the Result, and add headers 
     Dim newWorkSheet 
     newWorkSheet = CType(application.Worksheets.Add(), Excel.Worksheet) 
     Dim newWorkSheetRow As Integer = 2 
     'we have created a new sheet 
     With newWorkSheet 
      .Name = inputboxResult 
      .Rows(1).Value = headers.Value 
     End With 
     'do the following for each row 
     For row = LBound(array, 1) To UBound(array, 1) Step 1 
      application.StatusBar = "Currently processing row number " + row.ToString 
      'keep going if an error occurs 
       'if the cell's value matches the inputbox result 
       Dim value As String = array(row, 1).ToString 
       If InStr(value.ToLower, inputboxResult.ToLower) <> 0 Then 
        'MsgBox("I should be putting " + value.ToString + " from row " + row.ToString + ".") 
        'copy data from active sheet to new worksheet 
        newWorkSheet.Rows(newWorkSheetRow).Value = workSheet.Rows(row + 1).Value 
        'delete row 
        workSheet.Rows(row + 1) = "" 
        'incriment row 
        newWorkSheetRow += 1 
        'MsgBox("I did put " + workSheet.Rows.Cells(row, 1).Value.ToString + " from row " + row.ToString + ".") 
       End If 
      Catch ex As Exception 
       MsgBox("Something went wrong!" + vbCrLf + "Error: " + vbCrLf + ex.ToString) 
      End Try 
     For row = UBound(array, 1) To LBound(array, 1) Step -1 
      application.StatusBar = "Almost finished. Cleaning up row " + row.ToString 
      workSheet.Rows(row + 1).SpecialCells(Excel.XlCellType.xlCellTypeBlanks).Delete() 
     application.StatusBar = "Finished" 
     'catch cancel 
     application.ScreenUpdating = True 
     application.Calculation = Excel.XlCalculation.xlCalculationAutomatic 
    End If 
    application.ScreenUpdating = True 
    application.Calculation = Excel.XlCalculation.xlCalculationAutomatic 
End Sub 

除了總是基數爲1的範圍數組之外,數組幾乎總是基數爲0的數據。至於刪除問題,如果您正在觀察,則需要對集合進行向後迭代,否則索引將跳出同步 - 例如,如果您刪除了第4個項目集合中的第2個項目,則「next」項目是第4個(現在是第3個),第3個項目現在是第2個項目,因此迭代將被「跳過」 。 :) – 2014-09-20 01:08:34
