2016-07-28 81 views

我想在每一行上製作兩行3個縮略圖圖片。我正在使用Bootstrap。該容器是960像素,20像素水槽,940像素寬。我已經包含了我的CSS和HTML代碼。我究竟做錯了什麼?我一直在爲此奮鬥一段時間。 CSS代碼:爲什麼我的色譜柱不能浮到我的容器的左邊緣?

@font-face { font-family: 'Helvetica Neue'; src: url(../fonts/HelveticaNeue.ttf); } 

body { border-top:10px solid #fb6938; } 
header { border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5; } 
header h1 a { display: block; width: 172px; height: 25px; background: url(../img/Logo.png) no-repeat; } 
header h1 { margin: 26px 24px 28px 0; } 
header h2 {font-weight: normal !important; margin-top: 28px; line-height: 25px; font-family: "Helvetica Neue"; font-size: 14px; color: #7b7b7b; } 
header ul { list-style-type: none;} 

nav a { display: inline-block; padding: 0 9px; border-right: 2px solid #e5e5e5; border-left: 2px solid #e5e5e5; font: italic 14px Georgia, serif; } 
nav ul { margin: 0;} 
nav ul.list-inline li { padding: 0; line-height: 79px;} 
nav ul :first-child a { border: none; } 
nav ul :last-child a { border: none; } 

footer { padding-top: 28px; padding-bottom: 28px; border-top: 1px solid #e5e5e5; } 
footer nav a { font: normal 11px Arial, sans-serif; } 
footer nav ul.list-inline li { line-height: 25px; } 

section h1 { font-family: Georgia; font-size: 30px; font-style: italic; color: #000; line-height: 42px; } 
img { border-bottom: 10px solid; color: #fb6938; } 
section li { color: #ff6b39; } 
article { padding-bottom: 30px; border-top: 5px solid #eee;} 
article.intro { border-top: none; border-bottom: 5px solid #eee; } 

ul.thumbnails { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } 
li.thumbnail:first-child { padding-left: 0px !important; } 
li.thumbnail:nth-child(4) { padding-left: 0px !important; } 
li.thumbnail:nth-child(4) { margin-bottom: 39px; } 


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      <p class="col-md-8">Cray sustainable <a href="#" title="A link!"> vegan post-ironic</a> mixtape. 8-bit sustainable sed put a bird on it keytar fingerstache et, ennui street art proident wayfarers viral ethnic. Eu craft beer anim, keffiyeh chambray occaecat jean shorts hella selvage keytar butcher vice in. American apparel pour-over master cleanse, fingerstache etsy qui umami dreamcatcher twee.</p> 
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       <li><a href="#" title="A link">Cray sustainable vegan</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#" title="A link">Chambray occaecat jean shorts</a></li> 
       <li><a href="#" title="A Link">Hella selvage</a></li> 
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       Purus Egestas Fusce </h2> 
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       <h2>Purus Egestas Fusce</h2> 
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        egestas eget quam. 
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      <h2>Purus Egestas Fusce</h2> 
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       egestas eget quam. 
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    <h1>Ornare Tristique Adipiscing Dolor</h1> 
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     <p class="col-md-8">C ray sustainable vegan post-ironic mixtape. 8-bit sustainable sed put a bird on it keytar fingerstache et, ennui street art proident wayfarers viral ethnic. Eu craft beer anim, keffiyeh chambray occaecat jean shorts hella selvage keytar butcher vice in. American apparel pour-over master cleanse, fingerstache etsy qui umami dreamcatcher twee.</p> 
     <div class="col-md-4"> 
     <ul class="pull-right"> 
      <li><a href="#" title="A link">Cray sustainable vegan</a></li> 
      <li><a href="#" title="A link">Chambray occaecat jean shorts</a></li> 
      <li><a href="#" title="A link">Hella selvage</a></li> 
      <li><a href="#" title="A link">Over master cleanse</a></li> 
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這就是我得到: enter image description here

設計應該是這樣的: enter image description here

更改到代碼和結果在檢查員: enter image description here


我把你的代碼放到了一個小提琴中,它的工作方式是https://jsfiddle.net/iamnottony/pdcdnc0w/1/。你的圖片尺寸不同嗎? –


不,我在photoshop中檢查過它們。所有的圖像是300×215像素。 (W×H) –


啊我也在下面發佈了這個,但是當圖像在瀏覽器中加載並檢查它們時,它們實際上是不同的大小。如何將它們限制爲與瀏覽器大小更改相同的大小? –




<div class = "img-container"> 
    <img alt="A thumbnail" src="img/thumb1.png" class = "my-image"/> 

做出力所能及的百分比你想要的內IMG div的寬度設置爲隱藏任何:


    width: 100%; /*Change this to whatever width you want*/ 
    overflow: hidden; 


    width: 100%; 



沒有工作:(我也對Chrome開發者進行了修改,我將添加主要問題更改的圖片 –


我確實對bootstrap css文件中的.thumbnail類進行了以下更改: '.thumbnail {display:block;/* padding-top:1px * /; margin-bottom:25px; line-height:1.78571429; background-color:#fff;/* border:1px solid #ddd * /; border- radius:4px;/* -webkit-transition:邊界.2s緩出; -o-transition:邊界.2s緩出; transition:邊界.2s緩出* *} –


實際上你知道盡管縮略圖都是300X215,但似乎瀏覽器正在改變jpeg圖像的大小以響應瀏覽器的大小。實際上,無論如何,jpeg實際上是不同的大小。 –