2017-09-26 106 views

我有對象樹,並且找不到具體對象ID的所有父母。想象一下,我需要一些新的字段添加到每個家長與ID對象= 5.有人能幫助遞歸循環請通過樹Javascript:查找樹中元素的所有父母

var tree = { 
    id: 1, 
    children: [ 
    \t { 
\t \t id: 3, 
\t \t parentId: 1, 
\t \t children: [ 
\t \t \t { 
\t \t \t \t id: 5, 
\t \t \t \t parentId: 3, 
\t \t \t \t children: [] 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t ] 
\t } 

console.log(searchTree (tree, 5)); 

function searchTree (tree, nodeId){ 
     for (let i = 0; i < tree.length; i++){ 
     if (tree[i].id == nodeId) { 
      // it's parent 
      tree[i].newField = true; 
      if (tree[i].parentId != null) { 
       searchTree(tree, tree[i].parentId); 


你可能會FF創建地圖的id更好 – epascarello


請讓您的片段** **可運行通過移除語法錯誤(''....並且這樣),分配初始反對變量等。 –


我已經將開始帖子編輯爲正確的格式。 – Lemmy





var tree = { 
    id: 1, 
    children: [{ 
    id: 3, 
    parentId: 1, 
    children: [{ 
     id: 5, 
     parentId: 3, 
     children: [] 

function mapit(node, parent = null) { 
    node.parent = parent; 
    if (node.children.length > 0) { 
    for (var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { 
     var child = node.children[i]; 
     mapit(child, node); 


是不是創建循環引用? – user93


是的。這是一個關於如何遞歸處理整個樹並將引用留給父代的例子。只要你不嘗試串聯,應該沒有問題。 –



var tree = [{ 
    id: 1, 
    children: [{ 
    id: 3, 
    parentId: 1, 
    children: [{ 
     id: 5, 
     parentId: 3, 
     children: [{ 
     id: 6, 
     parentId: 5, 
     children: [{ 
      id: 5, 
      parentId: 3, 
      children: [] 
}]; //wrap first obj in an array too. 

searchTree(tree, 5); 

function searchTree(tree, nodeId) { 
    for (let i = 0; i < tree.length; i++) { 
    if (tree[i].id == nodeId) { 
     tree[i]; //id found, now add what you need. 
     tree[i].newField = "added"; 
    }//if child has children of its own, continu digging. 
    if (tree[i].children != null && tree[i].children.length > 0) { 
     searchTree(tree[i].children, nodeId); //pass the original nodeId and if children are present pass the children array to the function. 



謝謝!這部分是有用的,但是對於4-5深層次,沒有找到主父(沒有parentId)。 – Lemmy


現在看看它,但對於大型結構,其他繪圖解決方案更有效。 – Mouser



var tree = { 
    id: 1, 
    children: [ 
    \t { 
\t \t id: 3, 
\t \t parentId: 1, 
\t \t children: [ 
\t \t \t { 
\t \t \t \t id: 5, 
\t \t \t \t parentId: 3, 
\t \t \t \t children: [] 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t ] 
\t } 

// We will flatten it down to an object that just holds the id with the object 
var lookup = {} 
function mapIt (node) { 
    lookup[node.id] = node; 
    //recursive on all the children 
    node.children && node.children.forEach(mapIt); 

// This takes a node and loops over the lookup hash to get all of the ancestors 
function findAncestors (nodeId) { 
    var ancestors = [] 
    var parentId = lookup[nodeId] && lookup[nodeId].parentId 
    while(parentId !== undefined) { 
    parentId = lookup[parentId] && lookup[parentId].parentId 
    return ancestors; 

// Let us see if it works 
console.log("5: ", findAncestors(5))




const tree = 
    { id: 1, parentId: null, children: 
    [ { id: 3, parentId: 1, children: 
     [ { id: 5, parentId: 3, children: [] } ] } ] } 


// "Node" data constructor 
const Node = (id, parentId = null, children = Children()) => 
    ({ id, parentId, children }) 

// "Children" data constructor 
const Children = (...values) => 

// write compound data 
const tree = 
    Node (1, null, 
    Children (Node (3, 1, 
     Children (Node (5, 3))))) 

console.log (tree) 
// { id: 1, parentId: null, children: [ { id: 3, parentId: 1, children: [ { id: 5, parentId: 3, children: [] } ] } ] }

這可以讓你你的心從分離開始寫入數據詳細信息如是否{}[]甚至x => ...用於包含您的數據。我會更進一步,創建一個統一的界面,保證tag字段 - 以便它可以稍後與其他通用數據區分

堆棧片段在下面的程序中執行輸出是完美的。它沒有關係什麼數據看起來當打印出來像 - 重要的是很容易爲我們人類閱讀我們的程序 /寫,並很容易爲我們的程序/


const Node = (id, parentId = null, children = Children()) => 
    ({ tag: Node, id, parentId, children }) 

const Children = (...values) => 
    ({ tag: Children, values }) 

// write compound data 
const tree = 
    Node (1, null, 
    Children (Node (3, 1, 
     Children (Node (5, 3))))) 

console.log (tree) 
// { ... really ugly output, but who cares !.. }


我們可以用一個簡單的loop輔助函數寫search - 但通知你在看什麼不是;幾乎沒有邏輯(使用單個三元表達式);沒有像for/while這樣的命令式結構或像i++那樣的手動迭代器遞增;不使用像push/unshift這樣的變異函數或有效函數如.forEach; .length屬性或使用[i]風格的查找直接索引讀取沒有無意義的檢查 - 它只是函數和調用;爲什麼是這樣的 - 我們不必擔心任何其他噪聲

const Node = (id, parentId = null, children = Children()) => 
    ({ tag: Node, id, parentId, children }) 

const Children = (...values) => 
    ({ tag: Children, values }) 

const tree = 
    Node (1, null, 
    Children (Node (3, 1, 
     Children (Node (5, 3))))) 

const search = (id, tree = null) => 
    const loop = (path, node) => 
     node.id === id 
     ? [path] 
     : node.children.values.reduce ((acc, child) => 
      acc.concat (loop ([...path, node], child)), []) 
    return loop ([], tree) 

const paths = 
    search (5, tree) 

console.log (paths.map (path => path.map (node => node.id))) 
// [ 1, 3 ]

所以search返回陣列路徑,其中每個路徑是節點的陣列案子?在與X ID的孩子出現在樹多個位置的情況下,所有路徑孩子將返回

const Node = (id, parentId = null, children = Children()) => 
    ({ tag: Node, id, parentId, children }) 

const Children = (...values) => 
    ({ tag: Children, values }) 

const tree = 
    Node (0, null, Children (
    Node (1, 0, Children (Node (4, 1))), 
    Node (2, 0, Children (Node (4, 2))), 
    Node (3, 0, Children (Node (4, 3))))) 

const search = (id, tree = null) => 
    const loop = (path, node) => 
     node.id === id 
     ? [path] 
     : node.children.values.reduce ((acc, child) => 
      acc.concat (loop ([...path, node], child)), []) 
    return loop ([], tree) 
const paths = 
    search (4, tree) 

console.log (paths.map (path => path.map (node => node.id))) 
// [ [ 0, 1 ], 
// [ 0, 2 ], 
// [ 0, 3 ] ]


列表monad編碼模糊計算的想法 - 也就是說,可以返回一個或多個結果的計算的想法。讓我們做一個小的改變我們的計劃 - 這是有利的,因爲List是通用的,現在可以用來在我們的程序中的其他地方,這種計算是必不可少的

如果你喜歡這個解決方案,你可能會喜歡閱讀my other answers that talk about the list monad

const List = (xs = []) => 
    chain: f => 
     List (xs.reduce ((acc, x) => 
     acc.concat (f (x) .value), [])) 

const Node = (id, parentId = null, children = Children()) => 
    ({ tag: Node, id, parentId, children }) 

const Children = (...values) => 
    List (values) 

const search = (id, tree = null) => 
    const loop = (path, node) => 
     node.id === id 
     ? List ([path]) 
     : node.children.chain (child => 
      loop ([...path, node], child)) 
    return loop ([], tree) .value 
const tree = 
    Node (0, null, Children (
    Node (1, 0, Children (Node (4, 1))), 
    Node (2, 0, Children (Node (4, 2))), 
    Node (3, 0, Children (Node (4, 3))))) 

const paths = 
    search (4, tree) 

console.log (paths.map (path => path.map (node => node.id))) 
// [ [ 0, 1 ], 
// [ 0, 2 ], 
// [ 0, 3 ] ]


咦,這是什麼?我喜歡它。擰結構文字並給出一個名字!我不會稱之爲'type',而是'tag'。但這只是挑剔。 +100。 – ftor


'tag'比'type'更精確。如果有的話,爲了避免人們對類型有誤解 - 甚至更好,我敢肯定它也是*計算機程序結構和解釋*(Sussman,Abelson)中使用的名稱。當我在我的辦公桌旁時,我會更新它^ _^ – naomik


@ftor再次感謝您的評論和所有內容,但我只收到了100分中的10分!談到堆點,我目前有[500](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42652411/how-to-wire-data-to-a-deep-component-in-react-router-relay)打開^ _ ^ – naomik