2017-03-02 114 views

我試圖創建一個動畫框,它將像這樣移動 - 點擊開始按鈕,向右,然後是底部,左側和頂部。點擊停止按鈕時,不管它是什麼,它都會停止移動,然後在再次點擊開始時重新拾起。我設法讓它工作,當它從左到右,然後從右到左,但是當我試圖創建整個循環(左 - >右 - >底部 - >右 - >頂部),我'米麪臨的問題。我究竟做錯了什麼?通過一個快速無限循環


var pos = 0; 
var pos1 = 0; 
var s = document.getElementById("start"); 
var st= document.getElementById("stop"); 
var t, t1; /*t and t1 should be global variables so they can be accessed by the btstop function*/ 
function btstart(){ 
    var box = document.getElementById('box'); 
    t = setInterval(movel, 10); 

function movel() { 
    if(pos >= 150) { 
     t = setInterval(moveb, 50); 
    else { 
     pos += 1; 
     box.style.left = pos+'px'; 

function moveb(){ 
    if (pos1 >= 150) 
     t = setInterval(mover, 50); 
    else { 
     pos1 += 1; 
     box.style.top = pos1+'px'; 
function mover() { 
    if(pos === 0) { 
     t = setInterval(movet, 50); /*Note: clearing t, not t1. Ends the function/script completely*/ 
    else { 
     pos -= 1; 
     box.style.right = pos+'px'; 
function movet(){ 
    if (pos1 === 0) 
     t = setInterval(movel, 50); 
    else { 
     pos1 -= 1; 
     box.style.bottom = pos1+'px'; 

function btstop() { 
/*var box = document.getElementById("box");*/ 

然後告訴我們你的代碼,問題出在哪裏 – Weedoze


剛添加的代碼。我是新來的,在粘貼代碼之前,我不小心點擊了帖子。 –




var box = document.getElementById("box"); 
var startButton = document.getElementById("start"); 
var stopButton = document.getElementById("stop"); 
startButton.addEventListener("click", start); 
stopButton.addEventListener("click", stop); 

var interval; 
var horizontal = 0; 
var vertical = 0; 
var space = 50; 

function start() { 
    interval = setInterval(function() { 
    if (horizontal === 0 && vertical === 0) { 
     //box is top left 
     setAndMove(space, 0, 'left', space); 
    } else if (horizontal === space && vertical === 0) { 
     //box is top right 
     setAndMove(space,space, 'top', space); 
    } else if (horizontal === space && vertical === space){ 
     //box is bottom right 
     setAndMove(0,space, 'left', 0); 
    } else if(horizontal === 0 && vertical === space){ 
    //box is bottom left 
     setAndMove(0,0, 'top', 0); 
    }, 1000); 

function stop() { 

function setAndMove(hori, vert, direction, directionValue){ 
    horizontal = hori; 
    vertical = vert; 
    box.style[direction] = directionValue + "px"; 
#box { 
    width: 20px; 
    height: 20px; 
    background-color: red; 
    position: fixed; 
    margin-top: 100px; 
<div id="box"></div> 

<button id="start">Start</button> 
<button id="stop">Stop</button>