2017-02-20 78 views

任何人都可以告訴我爲什麼不插入數據庫?INSERT INTO ...錯誤不能插入

if(isset($_GET["job"]) && $_GET["job"] == "positive" && !empty($_GET["positive"])) 
\t { 
      $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO accounts (positive) values('1')") or die ("uploading error! Try diffrent base or contact dev!"); 
\t } 



\t function positive(account) 
\t { 
\t \t top.document.location.href = "myaccounts.php?job=positive&positive="+account; 
\t } 
<td class="formstyle"><div align="center" style="padding:5px;"> 
<img src="" width="35" height="35" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="if(confirm(\'Confirm Positive Feedback ?\')) positive(\''.$row["account_id"].'\');" /></div> 

我嘗試用添加的onclick功能的腳本其上有太多....請任何幫助IM stucked喜歡這裏12小時


後以何種方式這裏會失敗? JavaScript代碼是否被執行?瀏覽器位置是否成功更改? PHP代碼是否執行?服務器的迴應是什麼?這裏具體發生了什麼? – David


您確定要發送非空的'account'參數嗎? – Barmar


你不會把'$ _GET [「positive」]'放到數據庫中,你總是放上'1'。 – Barmar




mysql_query("INSERT INTO accounts SET positive=\"".'1'."\"") or die ("uploading error! Try diffrent base or contact dev! ".mysql_error()); 



function errorsignup($error,$details,$message) 
    if($message == "") 
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO er SET name=\"".$error."\",details=\"".$details."\"") or die("Error: ".mysql_error()); 
     mysql_query("INSERT INTO er SET name=\"".$error."\",details=\"".$details."\"") or die("Error: ".mysql_error()); 
     return $message; 
function getRealIpAddr() 
    if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) //check ip from share internet 
    elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) //to check ip is pass from proxy 
    return $ip; 
function standarderror() 
    return "OH NO... An Error Has Occured<br />We Were Not Expecting This<br />An Error Message With Details Has Been Sent To Web Admin.<br /> You May Try One Of The Following<ul><li>Try Again</li><li>Or Return To Home Page Then Try Again</li><li>Wait 24 Hours And Try Again</li><li>If Error Persists Then Please Just Wait 24 Hours.</li></ul><br />Thanks For Your Support: Web Master/Administrator - Double J Computers"; 


die(errorsignup('Error In Your Area: - SQL UPDATE edit - '.date('m-d-y').' - '.getRealIpAddr(),'SQL ERROR: '.mysql_error(),standarderror())); // this returns the standard error function so people have a few instructions to try again. 
//this also records the area like what page and what sql edit or update or w/e and the full error 

仍然不能正常工作......如果我發現了一個錯誤,請檢查ISSET – JoeFixer


它就像資產沒有執行我現在已經移除了資產同樣的東西只是令人耳目一新,而JavaScript將代碼放入眉毛 – JoeFixer


謝謝它的工作yaaay – JoeFixer