2016-03-06 108 views


<!doctype HTML> 
     <title>Page Title</title> 
     <meta charset="UTF-8"> 

     <script type="text/javascript" src="js/d3.min.js"></script> 
     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css"> 


     <script type="text/javascript"> 

// initializing variables 

      var data = []; // empty array to hold the objects imported from the JSON file 
      var oRadius = 300; //var holding value for the outer radius of the arc 
      var iRadius = 80; //var holding the value for the inner radius of the arc 
      var cRadius = 3; //var holding the value for the corner radius of the arc 
      var colors = d3.scale.category20b();//built in D3 function to color pieces of data 
      var width = 1400; //setting the width of the svg 
      var height = 1000; //setting the height of the svg 
      var dRadius = 5; //setting the radius for the dots 
      var sColor = "white"; // color for the stroke of the arcs 
      var dStrokeColor = "#666"; 
      var dFillColor = "#ccc" 

      var lineMaker = d3.svg.line().x(function(d) { return d.x; }).y(function(d) { return d.y; }).interpolate("linear"); 

      var myArcMaker= d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(oRadius).innerRadius(iRadius).cornerRadius(cRadius); //var that creates the arc 

      var bigArcMaker= d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(400).innerRadius(oRadius).cornerRadius(cRadius); 

      var mySvg = d3.select('body') 
          .attr('width', width) 
          .attr("height", height) //selecting the body and appending an, then svg setting the height and width properties for the svg 
          .attr("transform", "translate(" + width/2 + "," + height/2 + ")")// centers the pie chart in the center of the svg 

          .attr("class", "slices"); 
          .attr("class", "dots"); 
          .attr("class", "lines"); 
          .attr("class", "polyLines"); 

      var myPie = d3.layout.pie() 
         .padAngle(-1.5*(2*(Math.PI))/360).value(function(d){return d.value}); //setting the values for that start angle, end angle and pad angle for the arcs and takes in the the values from the objects in the data array 


       d3.json("data.json", function (json) // importing the json file 

        data = json; // setting the empty data array equal to the values of the objects in the json file 
        visual(); // this function holds all the d3 code to create the arc 



      function visual() // this function prevents the code that creates the arc from running before the objects from the json file are added into the empty data array 

       // console.log(data); // checking to see if the objects are loaded into the data ray using the console in chrome 

       var slice = mySvg.select(".slices") 
        .data(myPie(data)) // 
        .attr("class", "slice") 
        .attr("d", function(d) { 
        return myArcMaker(d) 
        .attr("fill", function(d, i) { 
        return colors(i); 
        }) //using the d3 color brewer to color each arc 
        .attr("stroke", "white") //giving each arc a stroke of white 

       var dots = mySvg.select("g.dots") 
        .attr("class", "g.dots") 
        .attr("transform", function(d) 
        return "translate(" + myArcMaker.centroid(d) + ")"; 
        .attr("r", dRadius) 
        .attr("fill", dFillColor) 
        .attr("stroke", sColor) 
       var lines = mySvg.select(".lines") 
        .data(myPie(data)) // 
        .attr("class", "lines") 
        .attr("d", function(d) { 
        return bigArcMaker(d) 
        }).attr("fill", "none") 
        .attr("stroke", "white") 

       var outerDots = mySvg.select("g.dots") 
        .attr("class", "g.dots") 
        .attr("transform", function(d) 
        return "translate(" + bigArcMaker.centroid(d) + ")"; 
        .attr("r", dRadius) 
        .attr("fill", dFillColor) 
        .attr("stroke", sColor) 

//     var x1 = myArcMaker.centroid(d)[0]; 
//     var y1 = myArcMaker.centroid(d)[1]; 
//     var x2 = bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0]; 
//     var y2 = bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1]; 
//     var x3 = function(d){if(x2<0){return bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0]-160}} 

//     var lineData = [{'x': x1}, 
//         ] 

        var polyLines = mySvg.select(".polyLines") 
        .attr("class", "polyLines") 
        .attr("points", function(d) 
          myArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + ',' + myArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] + ',' 
          + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] + ','+ 

          (bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] < 0) 
         ? (bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] - 160) : (bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + 160) + ',' + 

        .attr("fill", "#ccc") 
        .attr("stroke", sColor)  



什麼條件? –


'(bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] <0) ? (bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] - 160):(bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] +160)+','+ bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1]' –


Ew;該代碼很難閱讀或推理:(我會考慮做一些重構,如果沒有其他的話,你可以把'bigArcMaker.centroid(d)'放到一個臨時變量中,例如https://gist.github。 com/anonymous/f3e40285932afa91b690。這使得事情變得更容易測試和推理 –






.attr("points", function(d) { 

     var p = ""; 
     p += myArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + ',' + myArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] + ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] + ','; 
     p += bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] < 0 ? bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] - 160 : bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + 160; 
     p += ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1]; 
     return p; 



<!DOCTYPE html> 

    <title>Page Title</title> 
    <meta charset="UTF-8" /> 
    <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="3.5.3" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.3/d3.js"></script> 

    <script type="text/javascript"> 
    // initializing variables 


    var data = []; // empty array to hold the objects imported from the JSON file 
    var oRadius = 300; //var holding value for the outer radius of the arc 
    var iRadius = 80; //var holding the value for the inner radius of the arc 
    var cRadius = 3; //var holding the value for the corner radius of the arc 
    var colors = d3.scale.category20b(); //built in D3 function to color pieces of data 
    var width = 1400; //setting the width of the svg 
    var height = 1000; //setting the height of the svg 
    var dRadius = 5; //setting the radius for the dots 
    var sColor = "white"; // color for the stroke of the arcs 
    var dStrokeColor = "#666"; 
    var dFillColor = "#ccc" 


    var lineMaker = d3.svg.line().x(function(d) { 
     return d.x; 
    }).y(function(d) { 
     return d.y; 

    var myArcMaker = d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(oRadius).innerRadius(iRadius).cornerRadius(cRadius); //var that creates the arc 

    var bigArcMaker = d3.svg.arc().outerRadius(400).innerRadius(oRadius).cornerRadius(cRadius); 

    var mySvg = d3.select('body') 
     .attr('width', width) 
     .attr("height", height) //selecting the body and appending an, then svg setting the height and width properties for the svg 
     .attr("transform", "translate(" + width/2 + "," + height/2 + ")") // centers the pie chart in the center of the svg 


     .attr("class", "slices"); 
     .attr("class", "dots"); 
     .attr("class", "lines"); 
     .attr("class", "polyLines"); 

    var myPie = d3.layout.pie() 
     .startAngle(2 * (Math.PI)) 
     .padAngle(-1.5 * (2 * (Math.PI))/360).value(function(d) { 
     return d.value 
     }); //setting the values for that start angle, end angle and pad angle for the arcs and takes in the the values from the objects in the data array 


    data= [{ 
     value: 10 
     value: 20 
     value: 30 


    function visual() // this function prevents the code that creates the arc from running before the objects from the json file are added into the empty data array 
     var slice = mySvg.select(".slices") 
     .data(myPie(data)) // 
     .attr("class", "slice") 
     .attr("d", function(d) { 
      return myArcMaker(d) 
     .attr("fill", function(d, i) { 
      return colors(i); 
     }) //using the d3 color brewer to color each arc 
     .attr("stroke", "white") //giving each arc a stroke of white 

     var dots = mySvg.select("g.dots") 
     .attr("class", "g.dots") 
     .attr("transform", function(d) { 
      return "translate(" + myArcMaker.centroid(d) + ")"; 
     .attr("r", dRadius) 
     .attr("fill", dFillColor) 
     .attr("stroke", sColor) 
     var lines = mySvg.select(".lines") 
     .data(myPie(data)) // 
     .attr("class", "lines") 
     .attr("d", function(d) { 
      return bigArcMaker(d) 
     }).attr("fill", "none") 
     .attr("stroke", "white") 


     var outerDots = mySvg.select("g.dots") 
     .attr("class", "g.dots") 
     .attr("transform", function(d) { 
      return "translate(" + bigArcMaker.centroid(d) + ")"; 
     .attr("r", dRadius) 
     .attr("fill", dFillColor) 
     .attr("stroke", sColor) 


     var polyLines = mySvg.select(".polyLines") 
     .attr("class", "polyLines") 
     .attr("points", function(d) { 
      var p = ""; 
      p += myArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + ',' + myArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] + ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1] + ','; 
      p += bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] < 0 ? bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] - 160 : bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[0] + 160; 
      p += ',' + bigArcMaker.centroid(d)[1]; 
      return p; 
     .attr("fill", "#ccc") 
     .attr("stroke", sColor) 



感謝男人,我最初有「派」,但只是試圖用我自己的奇怪的方式進行調試,你能解釋你對var p ?我只是不去複製你的代碼,而不理解它的實際做法,當然對你沒有任何問題 –


'p'只是一個字符串變量,我將你的' points'屬性,爲了提高可讀性和防止JavaScript「猜測」如何連接,最好將條件分開(而不是在連接中)。 – Mark