2017-09-01 97 views

假設我有一個不能更改的父類對象 - 例如,帶有長參數列表的ListBox實例。現在,我創建了一個子類:C#將所有對象參數複製到子類對象

class PlaylistBox : ListBox 

    void CopySettingsFrom(ListBox In) 
     //...what now? 

問題 - 我怎樣才能高效地淺拷貝從In對象的PlaylistBox新對象?


如果'Listbox'實現'ICloneable',你叫'Clone' 。否則,你寫代碼。這沒有什麼魔力。 –


取決於您是否只需要基礎類的公共屬性和字段,還是內部或私有成員。基本上你只需要爲你想要複製的每個字段/屬性寫'this.MyProperty = In.MyProperty'。如果有很多,反思可能會有所幫助。 – HimBromBeere


@PanagiotisKanavos在調用'Clone'的構造函數中幫不了多少忙,因爲它*返回*顯然你不能指定給'this'的實例。無論如何,您必須將克隆成員複製到新實例。 – HimBromBeere




//Other Imports... 
    using System.Reflection; 

    public PlaylistBox(ListBox In) 
     PropertyInfo[] properties = typeof(ListBox).GetProperties(); 

     foreach (PropertyInfo p in properties) 
      if (p.CanRead && p.CanWrite) 
       p.SetMethod.Invoke(this, new object[] { p.GetMethod.Invoke(In, null) }); 


internal class Program 
     private static void Main(string[] args) 

     public static void Example1() 
      Console.WriteLine("This example shows using copy with reflection. Minus of this method - u have to implement FULL copy for each class or u will copy only references to object properties"); 

      //creating new parent class with some values 
      var parentClass = new ParentClass 
       Property1 = "qqq", 
       Property2 = 1, 
       ObjectProperty = new SomeClassWithObjectProperty 
        ObjectProperty = new SomeObjectClass {SomeProperty = "www"} 

      //crating new child class and copy REFERENCES to properties 
      var childClassReflection = new ChildClassReflection(parentClass); 

      //changing properties of parent 
      parentClass.Property1 = "rrr"; 
      parentClass.Property2 = 2; 
      parentClass.ObjectProperty.ObjectProperty.SomeProperty = "eee"; 

      //we will get OLD values for VALUE types and OLD values for REFERENCE types 
      //qqq 1 WWW 
      Console.WriteLine(childClassReflection.Property1 + " " + childClassReflection.Property2 + " " + childClassReflection.ObjectProperty.ObjectProperty.SomeProperty); 

     public static void Example2() 
      Console.WriteLine("This example shows using copy with reflection WITH FULL COPY"); 

      //creating new parent class with some values 
      var parentClass = new ParentClass 
       Property1 = "qqq", 
       Property2 = 1, 
       ObjectProperty = new SomeClassWithObjectProperty 
        ObjectProperty = new SomeObjectClass {SomeProperty = "www"} 

      //crating new child class and copy REFERENCES to properties 
      var childClassReflection = new ChildClassReflectionWithFullCopy(parentClass); 

      //changing properties of parent 
      parentClass.Property1 = "rrr"; 
      parentClass.Property2 = 2; 
      parentClass.ObjectProperty.ObjectProperty.SomeProperty = "eee"; 

      //we will get OLD values for VALUE types and NEW values for REFERENCE types 
      //qqq 1 eee 
      Console.WriteLine(childClassReflection.Property1 + " " + childClassReflection.Property2 + " " + childClassReflection.ObjectProperty.ObjectProperty.SomeProperty); 

     public static void Example3() 
      //here i will show copy using AutoMapper 
      Console.WriteLine("This example shows using copy with AutoMapper"); 

      //creating new parent class with some values 
      var parentClass = new ParentClass 
       Property1 = "qqq", 
       Property2 = 1, 
       ObjectProperty = new SomeClassWithObjectProperty 
        ObjectProperty = new SomeObjectClass { SomeProperty = "www" } 

      Mapper.Initialize(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<ParentClass, ChildClassAutoMapper>());   

      //crating new child class and copy REFERENCES to properties 
      var childClassReflection = Mapper.Map<ChildClassAutoMapper>(parentClass); 

      //changing properties of parent 
      parentClass.Property1 = "rrr"; 
      parentClass.Property2 = 2; 
      parentClass.ObjectProperty.ObjectProperty.SomeProperty = "eee"; 

      //we will get OLD values for VALUE types and OLD values for REFERENCE types 
      //qqq 1 eee 
      Console.WriteLine(childClassReflection.Property1 + " " + childClassReflection.Property2 + " " + childClassReflection.ObjectProperty.ObjectProperty.SomeProperty); 

    public class ChildClassAutoMapper:ParentClass 

    public class ChildClassReflection : ParentClass 
     public ChildClassReflection(ParentClass parentClass) 
      foreach (var p in ParentProperties) 
       p.SetMethod.Invoke(this, new[] {p.GetMethod.Invoke(parentClass, null)}); 

     //do it only once for best performance 
     private static PropertyInfo[] ParentProperties { get; } = typeof(ParentClass).GetProperties().Where(c => c.CanRead && c.CanWrite).ToArray(); 

    public class ChildClassReflectionWithFullCopy : ParentClass 
     public ChildClassReflectionWithFullCopy(ParentClass parentClass) 
      var parentClassLocal = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ParentClass>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parentClass)); 
      foreach (var p in ParentProperties) 
       p.SetMethod.Invoke(this, new[] {p.GetMethod.Invoke(parentClassLocal, null)}); 

     //do it only once for best performance 
     private static PropertyInfo[] ParentProperties { get; } = typeof(ParentClass).GetProperties().Where(c => c.CanRead && c.CanWrite).ToArray(); 

    public class ParentClass 
     public string Property1 { get; set; } 
     public int Property2 { get; set; } 
     public SomeClassWithObjectProperty ObjectProperty { get; set; } 

    public class SomeClassWithObjectProperty 
     public SomeObjectClass ObjectProperty { get; set; } 

    public class SomeObjectClass 
     public string SomeProperty { get; set; } 