2017-02-09 179 views

將個人&項目組合放在一起,並試圖將Vu Khanh Truong的「elastic_grid」jQuery插件用於實際投資組合。你可以查看它here。問題是它似乎在我的頁面上導致以下錯誤:Elastic_Grid | 「Uncaught TypeError:無法讀取屬性'toLowerCase'undefined」





Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined

我試圖創建的jsfiddle張貼到複製我有這個問題,但我猜的jsfiddle不讓你使用某些腳本或其他東西? '因爲每當我嘗試包括我在頁面上使用的所有腳本時,它會給我提供MIME類型控制檯中的錯誤。

我已經安裝&根據文檔使用插件,我不是最好的去構造Javascript,所以我不明白爲什麼我得到這些錯誤。 :P如果有人可以幫助,我將不勝感激。

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<img class="me-right" src="imgs/me-1.png" alt="Me" /> 
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This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text </p> 
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      'filterEffect': 'fallperspective', 
      'hoverDirection': true, 
      'hoverDelay': 0, 
      'hoverInverse': false, 
      'expandingSpeed': 500, 
      'expandingHeight': 500, 
       'items' : 
         'title'   : 'Covers', 
         'description' : ' A collection of media covers I\'ve designed', 
         'thumbnail'  : ['imgs/covers/s/1.jpg', 'imgs/covers/s/2.jpg'], 
         'large'   : ['imgs/covers/l/1.jpg', 'imgs/covers/l/2.jpg'], 
         'button_list' : 
          { 'title':'Demo', 'url' : 'http://bonchen.net/' }, 
          { 'title':'Download', 'url':'http://porfolio.bonchen.net/'} 
         'tags'   : ['Covers'] 
         'title'   : 'Logos', 
         'description' : ' A collection of business logos I\'ve designed', 
         'thumbnail'  : ['imgs/logos/s/1.jpg', 'imgs/logos/s/2.jpg'], 
         'large'   : ['imgs/logos/l/1.jpg', 'imgs/logos/l/2.jpg'], 
         'button_list' : 
          { 'title':'Demo', 'url' : 'http://bonchen.net/' }, 
          { 'title':'Download', 'url':'http://porfolio.bonchen.net/'} 
         'tags'   : ['Logos'] 

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This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text 
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This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text 
This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text This is some text 
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**********sdFilterMe CSS********** 

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JS(從 「my.js」 文件I在HTML部分中引用上文)

/* Begin 'scrollTo' */ 

$(document).ready(function() { 
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/* End 'scrollTo' */ 



在Elastic_grid.js搜索for'if(numOfTag> 1){ 在菜單中創建「Everything」選項: createList(「config.something」); $。每個(itemsByTags,功能(I,I){ createList(I) })

,並改變與createList的粗體字行( 「全部」);




     function createList(text) { 
     // This is a helper function that takes the 
     // text of a menu button and array of li items 
     if (text != '' && text !== undefined) { 
      var filter = text.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-'); 
      var li = $('<li>'); 
      var a = $('<a>', { 



    function createList(text) { 
     var filter = text.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-'); 
     // This is a helper function that takes the 
     // text of a menu button and array of li items 
     if (text != '') { 
      var li = $('<li>'); 
      var a = $('<a>', { 

