2011-03-15 53 views



' VBScript source code 
Option Explicit 
REM We use "Option Explicit" to help us check for coding mistakes 

REM the Excel Application 
Dim objExcel 
REM the path to the excel file 
Dim excelPath 
REM how many worksheets are in the current excel file 
Dim worksheetCount 
Dim counter 
REM the worksheet we are currently getting data from 
Dim currentWorkSheet 
REM the number of columns in the current worksheet that have data in them 
Dim usedColumnsCount 
REM the number of rows in the current worksheet that have data in them 
Dim usedRowsCount 
Dim row 
Dim column 
REM the topmost row in the current worksheet that has data in it 
Dim top 
REM the leftmost row in the current worksheet that has data in it 
Dim left 
Dim Cells 
REM the current row and column of the current worksheet we are reading 
Dim curCol 
Dim curRow 
REM the value of the current row and column of the current worksheet we are reading 
Dim word 

REM the text file writer that I will output to to see what this process is creating 
Dim objFSOExcel 
REM the output worksheet 
Dim outputWorksheet 
Dim objWorkbook 

REM where is the Excel file located? 
excelPath = "C:\Documents and Settings\kitchenjt\My Documents\Professional Development\input\11TRVL.xls" 

REM Create an invisible version of Excel 
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 

REM create the Output Excel file 
Set objFSOExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
Set objWorkBook = ObjFSOExcel.Workbooks.Add 
Set outputWorksheet = objWorkBook.Worksheets(1) 
'outputWorksheet.Name = "SafeTRVL" 

REM don't display any messages about documents needing to be converted 
REM from old Excel file formats 
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = 0 
objFSOExcel.DisplayAlerts = 0 

REM open the excel document as read-only 
REM open (path, confirmconversions, readonly) 
objExcel.Workbooks.open excelPath, false, true 

REM How many worksheets are in this Excel documents 
REM changed to only get the first worksheet 
workSheetCount = 1'objExcel.Worksheets.Count 

Dim outrow 
outrow = 1 

REM Loop through each worksheet 
For counter = 1 to workSheetCount 
    'txtFile.writeLine("Reading data from worksheet " & counter & vbCRLF) 

    Set currentWorkSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(counter) 
    REM how many columns are used in the current worksheet 
    usedColumnsCount = currentWorkSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count 
    REM how many rows are used in the current worksheet 
    usedRowsCount = currentWorkSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 

    REM What is the topmost row in the spreadsheet that has data in it 
    top = currentWorksheet.UsedRange.Row 
    REM What is the leftmost column in the spreadsheet that has data in it 
    left = currentWorksheet.UsedRange.Column 

    Set Cells = currentWorksheet.Cells 
    REM Loop through each row in the worksheet 
    For row = 0 to (usedRowsCount-1) 

     REM Loop through each column that has an intial value that starts with T in the worksheet 
     REM only look at rows that are in the "used" range 
     curRow = row+top 
     word = Cells(curRow,left).Value 
     REM display the column on the screen 
     if word <> "" and InStr(1,word,"T",1) > 0 and Cells(curRow, left+1).value <> "" then 
      For column = 0 to usedColumnsCount-1 
       REM only look at columns that are in the "used" range 
       curCol = column+left 
       REM get the value/word that is in the cell 
       word = Cells(curRow,curCol).Value 
       REM add the column to the new excel file 
       outputWorksheet.Cells(outrow, curCol).Value = word' = Cells(curRow,curCol) 
      outrow = outrow + 1 
     end if 

    REM We are done with the current worksheet, release the memory 
    Set currentWorkSheet = Nothing 

objWorkbook.SaveAs("C:\Documents and Settings\kitchenjt\My Documents\Professional Development\input\CleanExcel.xls") 

Set currentWorkSheet = Nothing 
REM We are done with the Excel object, release it from memory 
Set objExcel = Nothing 

在VBA要知道,如果你不給DIM語句類型,它會自動獲得的類型爲變種,這是不近效率。 – 2011-03-15 21:27:58


這是VBA還是VBScript?他們是不一樣的... – 2011-03-15 21:53:44


VBScript是我正在使用的。主要是因爲我需要從excel文件導入的絕望行爲導致的絕望行爲具有可怕的標題,這會破壞任何試圖用ssis正確導入數據的企圖。 – Jeremy 2011-03-16 13:13:03




Cells(curRow, curCol).NumberFormat = "@" 
REM get the value/word that is in the cell 
word = Cells(curRow,curCol).Value 

你有參考我可以看看,顯示電池的所有方法? – Jeremy 2011-03-16 16:05:33


@Jeremy,它在Excel中附帶的Excel幫助文件的VBA中。您可以通過選擇「格式單元格」然後查看「自定義」選項卡來獲取NumberFormat的值(無論如何都可以)。 – 2011-03-17 16:25:43
