2012-01-04 44 views












這是實際的佈局更新所涉及的代碼,如每安德魯伯內特-湯普森博士的請求。 MainViewModel包含一個由專用工作線程創建的具有ActorViewModel實例的ObservableCollection。然後將它們轉換成ActorView實例以可視化計算的數據。在添加和刪除實例時,我故意使用調用,而不是BeginInvoke確保這些例程是而不是性能問題的原因。


/// <summary> 
    /// Contains the added ActorViewModel instances and the created ActorView wrapped in a ViewBox. 
    /// </summary> 
    private Dictionary<ActorViewModel, KeyValuePair<Viewbox, ActorView>> _hSynchronizationCollection = new Dictionary<ActorViewModel, KeyValuePair<Viewbox, ActorView>>(); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Update the synchronization collection with the modified data. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="sender">Contains the sender.</param> 
    /// <param name="e"></param> 
    private void _UpdateSynchronizationCollection(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) 
     // Check if the action that caused the event is an Add event. 
     if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) 
      // Invoke the following code on the UI thread. 
      Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate() 
       // Iterate through the ActorViewModel instances that have been added to the collection. 
       foreach(ActorViewModel hActorViewModel in e.NewItems) 
        // Initialize a new _hInstance of the ActorView class. 
        ActorView hActorView = new ActorView(hActorViewModel); 

        // Initialize a new _hInstance of the Viewbox class. 
        Viewbox hViewBox = new Viewbox { StretchDirection = StretchDirection.Both, Stretch = Stretch.Uniform }; 

        // Add the _hInstance of the ActorView to the synchronized collection. 
        _hSynchronizationCollection.Add(hActorViewModel, new KeyValuePair<Viewbox, ActorView>(hViewBox, hActorView)); 

        // Set the child of the Viewbox to the ActorView. 
        hViewBox.Child = hActorView; 

        // Add the _hInstance of the ActorView to the canvas. 
     // Check if the action that caused the event is a Remove event. 
     else if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove) 
      // Invoke the following code on the UI thread. 
      Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate() 
       // Iterate through the ActorViewModel instances that have been removed to the collection. 
       foreach(ActorViewModel hActorViewModel in e.OldItems) 
        // Check if the ActorViewModel _hInstance is contained in the synchronization collection. 
        if (_hSynchronizationCollection.ContainsKey(hActorViewModel)) 
         // Remove the ActorView from the canvas. 

         // Remove the ActorViewModel from the collection. 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Update the synchronization collection layout with the modified data. 
    /// </summary> 
    private void _UpdateSynchronizationCollectionLayout() 
     // Invoke the following code on the UI thread. 
     Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate() 
      // Iterate through each ActorViewModel in the synchronization collection. 
      foreach(KeyValuePair<ActorViewModel, KeyValuePair<Viewbox, ActorView>> hDictionaryKeyValuePair in _hSynchronizationCollection) 
       // Retrieve the ActorViewModel. 
       ActorViewModel hActorViewModel = hDictionaryKeyValuePair.Key; 

       // Retrieve the KeyValuePair for this ActorViewModel. 
       KeyValuePair<Viewbox, ActorView> hKeyValuePair = hDictionaryKeyValuePair.Value; 

       // Sets the height of the ViewBox in which the ActorView is displayed. 
       hKeyValuePair.Key.Height = hKeyValuePair.Value.ActualHeight * hActorViewModel.LayoutScale; 

       // Sets the width of the ViewBox in which the ActorView is displayed. 
       hKeyValuePair.Key.Width = hKeyValuePair.Value.ActualWidth * hActorViewModel.LayoutScale; 

       // Set the opacity factor of the ActorView. 
       hKeyValuePair.Value.Opacity = hActorViewModel.LayoutOpacity; 

       // Sets the hValue of the Left attached property for the given dependency object. 
       Canvas.SetLeft(hKeyValuePair.Key, hActorViewModel.LayoutLeft - (hActorViewModel.LayoutAlignment == MainAlignment.Center ? hKeyValuePair.Key.ActualWidth/2 : (hActorViewModel.LayoutAlignment == MainAlignment.Right ? hKeyValuePair.Key.ActualWidth : 0))); 

       // Sets the hValue of the Top attached property for the given dependency object. 
       Canvas.SetTop(hKeyValuePair.Key, hActorViewModel.LayoutTop); 

       // Sets the hValue of the ZIndex attached property for the given dependency object. 
       Canvas.SetZIndex(hKeyValuePair.Key, hActorViewModel.LayoutLayerIndex); 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Initialize a new _hInstance of the MainWindow class. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="hMainViewModel">Contains the object that is used as data context in MainView.</param> 
    internal MainView(MainViewModel hMainViewModel) 
     // Add a subscriber that occurs when an item is added, removed, changed, moved, or the entire list is refreshed. 
     hMainViewModel.ActorViewModel.CollectionChanged += new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(_UpdateSynchronizationCollection); 

     // Initialize the component. 

     // Set the subscriber that occurs when the layout changes. 
     hMainViewModel.LayoutChanged += new Action(_UpdateSynchronizationCollectionLayout); 

+1,因爲出色的措辭Q :) 你不應該在60FPS口吃。人眼只能檢測到25FPS(或更少)。你可以發佈一些代碼片段,因爲可能有更多的東西在這裏看到(沒有雙關語意圖; P) – 2012-01-04 16:35:50


@ Dr.AndrewBurnett-Thompson謝謝你的友好評論:)更新與'渲染'部分的問題,根據請求。我希望這會增加目前的狀況和問題。 – 2012-01-04 17:20:54


沒問題Roel,這就是知識共享。在這裏有一些不太友善的字符;-) – 2012-01-04 17:22:00





定位是利用Canvas.SetLeft和Canvas.SetTop執行。此 代碼正在專用線程上的事件處理程序內運行,因此 不會影響性能。



根據另一個請求更新與「渲染」部分的問題。正如你所看到的,我正在使用Invoke將更新編組到正確的線程,但是,似乎這些更改不會直接生效,而是WPF保持其自己的渲染速度和時間。 – 2012-01-04 17:22:20


這是正確的,它們不會立即生效,渲染是由框架在未來的某個時間點執行的。當通過CompositionTarget.Rendering事件(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.media.compositiontarget.rendering.aspx)進行渲染時,您可以收到通知,並且您可以更改你的UI在這個事件處理程序中。 – ColinE 2012-01-04 17:24:47


我寫了一些代碼來跟蹤從專用線程調度到實際渲染(使用此事件)的時間(以蜱),並得出平均延遲爲4〜5毫秒的結論。這是性能下降的50%,所以渲染將發生在約50-55幀每秒。這解釋了口吃。我有沒有辦法影響這個? – 2012-01-04 17:37:47