2012-08-16 56 views


marks:   [ 
      { c: [57.162499, 65.54718], // latitude, longitude - this type of coordinates works only for World Map 
       tooltip: 'Tyumen - Click to go to http://yahoo.com', // text for tooltip 
       attrs: { 
         href: 'http://yahoo.com',   // link 
         src: '/markers/pin1_red.png'  // image for marker 
      { xy: [50, 120], // x-y coodinates - works for all maps, including World Map 
       tooltip: 'This is London! Click to go to http://london.com', 
       attrs: { 
         href: 'http://yahoo.com',   // link 
         src: '/markers/pin1_yellow.png'  // image for marker 

在上面的代碼中我們分配或者分配「C」或「XY」,但不能兩者都同一時間。 我正在使用Newtonsoft.Json。 我唯一想要的是可以序列化到上面的代碼的C#類。


你想有兩個屬性或兩個類的類? – 2012-08-16 13:03:03


@WouterdeKort:實際上是一個4類屬性{c,xy,tooltip,attrs}。 – 2012-08-16 13:27:46




public class Marks 
    public List<latlon> marks = new List<latlon>(); 

public class latlon 
    public double[] c; 
    public int[] xy; 
    public string tooltip; 
    public attributes attrs; 

    public latlon (double lat, double lon) 
     c = new double[] { lat, lon }; 
    public latlon (int x, int y) 
     xy = new int[] { x, y }; 

public class attributes 
    public string href; 
    public string src; 


string json; 

Marks obj = new Marks(); 
latlon mark = new latlon(57.162, 65.547) 
     tooltip = "Tyumen - Click to go to http://yahoo.com", 
     attrs = new attributes() 
      href = "http://yahoo.com", 
      src = "/markers/pin1_red.png" 


mark = new latlon(50, 120) 
     tooltip = "This is London! Click to go to http://london.com", 
     attrs = new attributes() 
      href = "http://yahoo.com", 
      src = "/markers/pin1_yellow.png" 


//serialize to JSON, ignoring null elements 
json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj, Formatting.None, new JsonSerializerSettings { NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore });