2011-08-31 64 views




1. Make a query that will contain all dynamic data field names 

2. Create as much row and column groups as the maximum the user needs (4 rows and 2 columns are good in my opinion) 

3. Create a param for each row and column. Assign to it the dataset with field names. 
Eg. for row1 i created a parameter named R1 

4. In each row and column the group should be =Fields(Parameters!R1.Value).value (replace R1 with your parameter's names) 

5. Set row and column groups visibility to hidden if the user selection is none 
Eg. for row2 the group visibility is =Iif(Parameters!R2.Value="none",true,false) 

6. You can also create a param that will allow the user to select the measure he wants to see (value, quantity etc) 



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