2015-04-28 56 views




public void init(GameContainer container) throws SlickException { 

     SpriteSheet spritesheet1 = new SpriteSheet("/res/mainsprites.png", 32, 32); 

     wizardSprite = spritesheet1.getSprite(5,3); 

     wizardXArray = new int[100]; 
     wizardYArray = new int[100]; 

     random = new Random(); 
map = new TiledMap("/res/map.tmx"); 

     ArrayList<WizardObject> wizList = new ArrayList <WizardObject>(100); 

     for(int i = 0; i < 100 ;i++){ 

      int randX = random.nextInt(100) * 32; 
      wizardXArray[i] = randX; 
      int randY = random.nextInt(100) * 32; 
      wizardYArray[i] = randY; 
      WizardObject wizardObject = new WizardObject(wizardXArray[i], wizardYArray[i], wizardSprite, map); 

     for(int x = 0; x < 100 ;x++){ 
      System.out.println(wizList.get(x).getX() + " " + wizList.get(x).getY()); 


public void render(GameContainer container, Graphics g) 
      throws SlickException { 

if(wizList == null){ 



import java.lang.reflect.Array; 
import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.LinkedList; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Random; 

import org.newdawn.slick.Animation; 
import org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer; 
import org.newdawn.slick.BasicGame; 
import org.newdawn.slick.Color; 
import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer; 
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics; 
import org.newdawn.slick.Image; 
import org.newdawn.slick.Input; 
import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException; 
import org.newdawn.slick.SpriteSheet; 
import org.newdawn.slick.particles.ParticleSystem; 
import org.newdawn.slick.tiled.TiledMap; 
import org.newdawn.slick.util.Log; 
import org.newdawn.slick.gui.AbstractComponent; 
import org.newdawn.slick.gui.ComponentListener; 
import org.newdawn.slick.gui.MouseOverArea; 
import org.newdawn.slick.gui.TextField; 

import com.tinyline.tiny2d.i; 

public class MainGameLoop extends BasicGame { 
    private static final int PLAYER_SIZE = 32; 
    private static final int TILE_SIZE = 32; 
     private boolean[][] blocked; 
    private int playerX = 50; 
    private int playerY = 50; 

    private int widthInTiles; 
    private int heightInTiles; 

    private int topOffsetInTiles; 
    private int [] wizardXArray; 
    private int [] wizardYArray; 

    private int leftOffsetInTiles; 
    private int randX; 
    private int randY; 
    private TiledMap map; 
    private Image wizardSprite; 
    private long currentTime; 
    private long dblUpdateTime; 
    private long updateTime; 
    private boolean isTicking = false; 
    private boolean isTocking = false; 
    private Random random; 
    private boolean isIntroOver = false; 
    private Image titleImage; 
    private Image[] circleImage; 
    private Animation circleAnim; 
    private SpriteSheet spritesheet1; 
    public int[] circleDuration = { 300, 300, 300 }; 

    private int x = 100; 
    private int y = 100; 
    private int dx = 1; 
    private int dy = 1; 

    private int rx = 1; 
    private int ry = 450; 
    private int rdx = 1; 
    private int rdy = 1; 

    private int fx = 1; 
    private int fy = 450; 
    private int fdx = 1; 
    private int fdy = 1; 

    private int pdx = 1; 
    private int pdy = 1; 
    private int px = 1; 
    private int py = 450; 

    private int wdx = 1; 
    private int wdy = 1; 
    private int wx = 1; 
    private int wy = 450; 

    private Image image; 

    public Image baseBGImage; 
    public Image basePotionImage; 
    public Image[] brenImage; 
    public Animation brenAnim; 
    public int[] duration = { 300, 300, 300, 300 }; 
    public WizardObject wizardObject; 
    public List<WizardObject> wizList; 

    private boolean isWizardDrawn; 

    public MainGameLoop() { 

    * @see org.newdawn.slick.BasicGame#init(org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer) 
    public void init(GameContainer container) throws SlickException { 

     SpriteSheet spritesheet1 = new SpriteSheet("/res/mainsprites.png", 32, 32); 

     wizardSprite = spritesheet1.getSprite(5,3); 

     wizardXArray = new int[100]; 
     wizardYArray = new int[100]; 

     random = new Random(); 
     image = new Image("/res/GreenFire.png"); 
     map = new TiledMap("/res/map.tmx"); 

     ArrayList<WizardObject> wizList = new ArrayList <WizardObject>(100); 

     for(int i = 0; i < 100 ;i++){ 

      int randX = random.nextInt(100) * 32; 
      wizardXArray[i] = randX; 
      int randY = random.nextInt(100) * 32; 
      wizardYArray[i] = randY; 
      WizardObject wizardObject = new WizardObject(wizardXArray[i], wizardYArray[i], wizardSprite, map); 

     for(int x = 0; x < 100 ;x++){ 
      System.out.println(wizList.get(x).getX() + " " + wizList.get(x).getY()); 


     Image[] brenImage = { new Image("/res/Bren1.png"), 
       new Image("/res/Bren2.png"), new Image("/res/Bren4.png"), 
       new Image("/res/Bren7.png") }; 
     brenAnim = new Animation(brenImage, duration, true); 

     // build a collision map based on tile properties in the TileD map 
     blocked = new boolean[map.getWidth()][map.getHeight()]; 
     for (int x = 0; x < map.getWidth(); x++) { 
      for (int y = 0; y < map.getHeight(); y++) { 
       int tileID = map.getTileId(x, y, 0); 
       String value = map.getTileProperty(tileID, "blocked", "false"); 
       if ("true".equals(value)) { 
        blocked[x][y] = true; 

     updateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 200; 
     dblUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 400; 

     titleImage = new Image("/res/title.png"); 
     baseBGImage = new Image("/res/baseBG.png"); 
     basePotionImage = new Image("/res/potions.png"); 
     Image[] circleImage = { new Image("/res/circle_f1.png"), 
       new Image("/res/circle_f2.png"), 
       new Image("/res/circle_f3.png") }; 
     circleAnim = new Animation(circleImage, circleDuration, true); 

     // calculate some layout values for rendering the tilemap. How many 
     // tiles 
     // do we need to render to fill the screen in each dimension and how far 
     // is 
     // it from the center of the screen 
     widthInTiles = container.getWidth()/TILE_SIZE; 
     heightInTiles = container.getHeight()/TILE_SIZE; 
     topOffsetInTiles = heightInTiles/2; 
     leftOffsetInTiles = widthInTiles/2; 

     // system = new ParticleSystem(); 

     // update the vector of movement based on the initial angle 

     Log.info("Window Dimensions in Tiles: " + widthInTiles + "x" 
       + heightInTiles); 

    * @see org.newdawn.slick.BasicGame#update(org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer, 
    *  int) 
    public void update(GameContainer container, int delta) 
      throws SlickException { 

     if (rx > container.getWidth() - brenAnim.getWidth()) 
      rdx = -1; 

     if (rx < 0) 
      rdx = 1; 

     if (ry > (container.getWidth() - brenAnim.getHeight()) - 250) 
      rdy = -1; 

     if (ry < 440) 
      rdy = 1; 

     rx = rx + rdx * 3; 
     ry = ry + rdy; 

     if (fx > container.getWidth() - 1000) 
      fdx = -1; 

     if (fx < -500) 
      fdx = 1; 
     if (fy > (container.getWidth() - baseBGImage.getHeight()) - 200) 
      fdy = 0; 

     if (fy < 450) 
      fdy = 1; 

     fx = fx + fdx * 2; 
     fy = fy + fdy * 2; 

     if (px > container.getWidth() - 900) 
      pdx = -1; 

     if (px < -200) 
      pdx = 1; 
     if (py > container.getWidth() - wizardSprite.getHeight()) 
      pdy = -1; 

     if (py < 430) 
      pdy = 1; 

     px = px + pdx; 
     py = py + pdy; 

     if (wx > map.getWidth()) 
      wdx = -1; 

     if (wx < 0) 
      wdx = 1; 

     if (wy > map.getWidth() - wizardSprite.getHeight()) 
      wdy = -1; 

     if (wy < 430) 
      wdy = 1; 

     wx = wx + wdx; 
     wy = wy + wdy; 

     currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
     if (currentTime >= updateTime) { 

      isTicking = true; 
      updateTime = (currentTime + 200); 

     } else { 

      isTicking = false; 
     if (currentTime >= dblUpdateTime) { 

      isTocking = true; 
      dblUpdateTime = (currentTime + 400); 

     } else { 

      isTocking = false; 

     if (isIntroOver == false) { 

      isWizardDrawn = false; 

      if (x > container.getWidth() - titleImage.getWidth()) 
       dx = -1; 

      if (x < 0) 
       dx = 1; 

      if (y > (container.getWidth() - titleImage.getHeight()) - 350) 
       dy = -1; 

      if (y < 0) 
       dy = 1; 

      x = x + dx; 
      y = y + dy; 

      if (isTicking == true) { 
       // System.out.println("x = " + x); 
       // System.out.println("y = " + y); 

       for (int x = 0; x < map.getWidth(); x++) { 
        for (int y = 0; y < map.getHeight(); y++) { 

         map.setTileId(x, y, 0, random.nextInt(191)); 


       if (container.getInput().isKeyPressed(Input.KEY_ENTER)) { 

        isIntroOver = true; 
        for (int x = 0; x < map.getWidth(); x++) { 
         for (int y = 0; y < map.getHeight(); y++) { 

          map.setTileId(x, y, 0, random.nextInt(191)); 



     if (isIntroOver == true) { 


       isWizardDrawn = true; 

      if (container.getInput().isKeyDown(Input.KEY_W)) { 

       if (container.getInput().getMouseX() > 775) { 
        if (isTicking == true) { 
         playerX += 2; 

       if (container.getInput().getMouseX() < 50) { 
        if (isTicking == true) { 
         playerX -= 2; 

       if (container.getInput().getMouseY() < 425) { 
        if (isTicking == true) { 
         playerY -= 2; 

       if (container.getInput().getMouseY() > 50) { 
        if (isTicking == true) { 
         playerY += 2; 


      if (container.getInput().isMousePressed(0)) { 
       int mx = container.getInput().getMouseX(); 
       int my = container.getInput().getMouseY(); 

       // int tileIDmid = map.getTileId(mx, my, 0); 
       int px = playerX; 
       int py = playerY; 
       // map.setTileId((px + (mx/32) - 13) , py + ((my/32) - 10), 
       // 0, 3); 
       int clickedTile = map.getTileId((px + (mx/32) - 13), py 
         + ((my/32) - 10), 0); 
       if (clickedTile > 185) { 


       // System.out.println("Clicked x: " + mx + " y: " + my); 


     if (container.getInput().isKeyDown(Input.KEY_ESCAPE)) { 

      if (container.isFullscreen()) { 

      } else { 

     if (container.getInput().isKeyDown(Input.KEY_M)) { 




    private boolean blocked(float x, float y) { 

     return blocked[(int) x][(int) y]; 


    private boolean tryMove(int x, int y) { 
     int newx = playerX + x; 
     int newy = playerY + y; 
// first we try the real move, if that doesn't work 
// we try moving on just one of the axis (X and then Y) 
// this allows us to slide against edges 
     if (blocked(newx, newy)) { 
      if (blocked(newx, playerY)) { 
       if (blocked(playerX, newy)) { 
// can't move at all! 
        return false; 
       } else { 
        playerY = newy; 
        return true; 
      } else { 
       playerX = newx; 
       return true; 
     } else { 
      playerX = newx; 
      playerY = newy; 
      return true; 

    * @see org.newdawn.slick.Game#render(org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer, 
    *  org.newdawn.slick.Graphics) 
    public void render(GameContainer container, Graphics g) 
      throws SlickException { 

     // draw the appropriate section of the tilemap based on the centre 
     // (hence the -(TANK_SIZE/2)) of 
     // the player 
     int playerTileX = (int) playerX; 
     int playerTileY = (int) playerY; 

     // caculate the offset of the player from the edge of the tile. As the 
     // player moves around this 
     // varies and this tells us how far to offset the tile based rendering 
     // to give the smooth 
     // motion of scrolling 
     int playerTileOffsetX = (int) ((playerTileX - playerX) * TILE_SIZE); 
     int playerTileOffsetY = (int) ((playerTileY - playerY) * TILE_SIZE); 

     // render the section of the map that should be visible. Notice the -1 
     // and +3 which renders 
     // a little extra map around the edge of the screen to cope with tiles 
     // scrolling on and off 
     // the screen 
     map.render(playerTileOffsetX - (PLAYER_SIZE/2), playerTileOffsetY 
       - (PLAYER_SIZE/2), playerTileX - leftOffsetInTiles - 1, 
       playerTileY - topOffsetInTiles - 1, widthInTiles + 3, 
       heightInTiles + 3); 

     // draw entities relative to the player that must appear in the center 
     // of the screen 

     g.translate(400 - (int) (playerX * 32), 300 - (int) (playerY * 32)); 

     // draw other entities here if there were any 


     if (isIntroOver == false) { 

      int mx = container.getInput().getMouseX(); 
      int my = container.getInput().getMouseY(); 
      g.drawAnimation(circleAnim, mx - 32, my - 32); 
      g.drawImage(titleImage, x, y); 

      g.fillRect(0, 450, 800, 150); 

      g.drawImage(baseBGImage, fx, fy); 
      g.drawAnimation(brenAnim, rx, ry); 
      g.drawImage(basePotionImage, px - 50, py + 70); 
      g.drawRect(0, 450, 799, 149); 


     if (isIntroOver == true){ 

      g.drawImage(baseBGImage, fx, fy); 
      //g.drawAnimation(brenAnim, rx, ry); 
      g.drawImage(basePotionImage, px - 50, py + 70); 
      //g.fillRect(0, 450, 800, 150); 
      g.drawAnimation(brenAnim, 300, ry); 
      g.drawRect(0, 450, 799, 149); 
      g.drawRect(1, 451, 798, 148); 

      //long slideTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000; 

      if (isWizardDrawn == true){ 

       g.translate(400 - (int) (playerX * 32), 300 - (int) (playerY * 32)); 

       if(wizList == null){ 




      if (fy < 1000 && py < 900){ 
      fy = fy + 1; 
      py = py + 2; 

      //if (slideCount <=1){ 
      //slideTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 2000; 
      //g.fillRect(0, 450, 800, 150);} 



       isIntroOver = false; 


    * @param argv 
    *   The argument passed on the command line (if any) 
    public static void main(String[] argv) { 
     try { 
      // create a new container for our example game. This container 
      // just creates a normal native window for rendering OpenGL 
      // accelerated 
      // elements to 
      AppGameContainer container = new AppGameContainer(
        new MainGameLoop(), 800, 600, false); 
     } catch (Exception e) { 

好下面的答案。作爲參考,這裏的問題通常被稱爲「陰影」 – Steve




ArrayList<WizardObject> wizList = new ArrayList <WizardObject>(100); 


public List<WizardObject> wizList; 


ArrayList<WizardObject> wizList = new ArrayList <WizardObject>(100); 

wizList = new ArrayList <WizardObject>(100); 

謝謝修復它,但現在當我用for(int s = 0; s CodexContext


@ user3294635如果你迭代s,你應該寫'wizList.get(s)',而不是'wizList.get(x )'。 – Eran


哇。非常感謝。也許當我正在犯這樣的常識錯誤時,分析思維有點遲了。 – CodexContext



ArrayList<WizardObject> wizList = new ArrayList <WizardObject>(100); 


wizList = new ArrayList <WizardObject>(100);