2010-09-27 89 views





這個問題解決了嗎?就我而言,我試着快速連續地發送「Shift-Left」和「Shift-Right」的擊鍵以確定插入符號移動並確定「方向」的方式,但使用擊鍵的問題在於其他邏輯連接到鍵事件被調用爲結果。 – 2012-04-04 21:57:59


我不認爲我曾經這樣做過,我想我只是使用了另一種預編譯語法來突出顯示能夠自動執行的控件。 – Miguel 2012-05-08 10:24:18



Yu,,醜陋的問題。不,EM_SETPARAFORMAT只能用於當前選擇。 EM_EXSETSEL總是將插入符號放在選擇的末尾。您可以通過觀察SelectionStart中的更改來檢測選擇方向,但是無法在正確的位置獲取插入符號。編輯控件有同樣的問題。



我想知道如果您使用EM_EXSETSEL並將cpMax作爲負數會發生什麼情況。 – Miguel 2010-09-27 08:14:52





我剛剛遇到同樣的問題,現在我通過使用EM_EXSETSEL解決了這個問題。當cpMin> cpMax時,它就像「向後選擇」(選定文本的開頭處的插入符號)一樣工作。然而,我還沒有發現任何其他方式找出當前選擇方向(EM_EXGETSEL總是返回cpMin < cpMax則),但以下SelectionStart /長度變化......



using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 

//SendMessage stuff for EM_EXSETSEL 

public struct CHARRANGE 
    public int cpMin; 
    public int cpMax; 

private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, ref CHARRANGE lParam); 

private const UInt32 WM_USER = 0x0400; 
private const UInt32 EM_EXSETSEL = WM_USER + 55; 
private const UInt32 EM_EXGETSEL = WM_USER + 52; 

//event handlers 

//locking variable to avoid stack overflow while setting selection in code 
private bool richTextBox1_SelectionChanged_lock = false; 

//handler for richTextBox selection change event 
private void richTextBox1_SelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    if (richTextBox1_SelectionChanged_lock) return; 
    richTextBox1_SelectionChanged_lock = true; 

    //detect selection changes and store information needed for restoring 
    TrackRTBSelection(richTextBox1.SelectionStart, richTextBox1.SelectionLength); 

    //here do whatever you want with selection (some analysis to show font name in font selection comboBox etc.) 

    //restore selection from saved informations 

    richTextBox1_SelectionChanged_lock = false; 

//sample button click handler for changing fore color of selected text 
private void buttonSetForeColor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    if (colorDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel) 

    //prevent selection change events while we are changing font colors 
    if (richTextBox1_SelectionChanged_lock) return; 
    richTextBox1_SelectionChanged_lock = true; 

    //save selection parameters for use in loop 
    int selStart = richTextBox1.SelectionStart; 
    int selLength = richTextBox1.SelectionLength; 

    for (int i = 0; i < selLength; i++) 
     richTextBox1.SelectionLength = 1; 
     richTextBox1.SelectionStart = selStart + i; 

     richTextBox1.SelectionColor = colorDialog1.Color; 

    //restore selection from saved informations 

    richTextBox1_SelectionChanged_lock = false; 

//selection tracking utilities 

//false - caret at the beginning; true - caret at the end 
private bool caretPosition = false; 
private int lastSelectionStart = -1; 
private int lastSelectionLength = -1; 

//initialize selection informations. this must be called during Form_Load 
private void InitRTBSelection() 
    richTextBox1.SelectionStart = 0; 
    richTextBox1.SelectionLength = 0; 

    caretPosition = false; 
    lastSelectionStart = 0; 
    lastSelectionLength = 0; 

    //force "selection changed" to detect "selection changes" for the first time 
    richTextBox1_SelectionChanged(richTextBox1, new EventArgs()); 

//this method detects changes in selection, based on selection parameters received from richTextBox 
private void TrackRTBSelection(int newSelectionStart, int newSelectionLength) 
    int condition = 0; 

    int s_change = (newSelectionStart - lastSelectionStart > 0) ? 
        1 : 
        (newSelectionStart - lastSelectionStart < 0) ? -1 : 0; 
    int l_change = (newSelectionLength - lastSelectionLength > 0) ? 
        1 : 
        (newSelectionLength - lastSelectionLength < 0) ? -1 : 0; 

    //these conditions where created over change table for all user-achievable scenarios 
    condition = (newSelectionLength == 0 || 
       (l_change == 1 && s_change == -1) || 
       (l_change == -1 && s_change == 1 && caretPosition == false)) ? 1 : condition; 
    condition = (s_change == 0 && (l_change == 1 || (caretPosition == true && l_change == -1))) ? 2 : condition; 

    switch (condition) 
     case 1: caretPosition = false; break; 
     case 2: caretPosition = true; break; 
     default: break; //if no condition was satisfied then maintain current information 

    lastSelectionStart = newSelectionStart; 
    lastSelectionLength = newSelectionLength; 

//set richTextBox selection using EM_EXSETSEL 
private void SetRTBSelectionBasedOnTracking() 
    CHARRANGE chrrange = new CHARRANGE 
     cpMin = caretPosition ? lastSelectionStart : lastSelectionStart + lastSelectionLength, 
     cpMax = caretPosition ? lastSelectionStart + lastSelectionLength : lastSelectionStart 
    SendMessage(richTextBox1.Handle, EM_EXSETSEL, IntPtr.Zero, ref chrrange); 