2017-02-28 150 views


以下宏分析文檔中的每個字符,並且如果ASCII值高於255,它將對其應用特殊字符樣式 - 有些針對特定語言,或者只是針對特定語言的「lang」,如果它不是這些字符的一部分語言。

該宏可以很好地工作,但在長文檔中,需要花費很長的時間來處理。例如,我剛剛在每個頁面上處理了一個147頁(單間隔)的文檔,其中包含幾行希臘文,花了40分鐘,在Word 2016 for Windows中(相反,完全相同的文件和相同的代碼需要2分鐘在Mac上)。


感謝您的任何建議。 約翰

Sub CheckSpecialCharacters() 
    'This macro looks for any characters above 255 and tags them with the appropriate existing language character. 

     Dim ch As Range: Set ch = ActiveDocument.Characters(1) 


      Counter = Counter + 1 


      myValue = AscW(Selection.Text) 
      If myValue > 255 Then 

       If (myValue > 8190 And myValue < 8225) Or (myValue > 288 And myValue < 381) Or (myValue > 701 And myValue < 704) Or myValue = 730 Then 
        'Ignores Curly Quotes and Transliteration punctuation 

       ElseIf (myValue > 7935 And myValue < 8192) Or (myValue > 879 And myValue < 1024) Then 
        'Greek Characters get langgrk applied 
        Selection.Expand unit:=wdWord 
        Selection.Style = "langgrk" 

       ElseIf (myValue > 1423 And myValue < 1535) Then 
        'Hebrew Characters get langheb applied 
        Selection.Expand unit:=wdWord 
        Selection.Style = "langheb" 

       ElseIf myValue > 7679 And myValue < 7830 Then 
        'Extended transliteration characters get langtrans applied //OLD VALUES// (myValue > 288 And myValue < 381) Or (myValue > 701 And myValue < 704) 
        If HCCP = True Then Selection.Expand unit:=wdWord 
        Selection.Style = "langtrans" 

       ElseIf (myValue > 19968 And myValue < 40959) Then 
        'Chinese Characters get langchin applied 
        Selection.Expand unit:=wdWord 
        Selection.Style = "langchin" 

       ElseIf (myValue > 19968 And myValue < 40917) Then 
        'Japanese Characters get langjap applied 
        Selection.Expand unit:=wdWord 
        Selection.Style = "langjap" 

        If HCCP = True Then Selection.Expand unit:=wdWord 
        Selection.Style = "lang" 

       End If 

      End If 


End Sub 

查找並替換格式http://www.excelforum.com/word-programming-vba-macros/997078-best-way-to-find-replace-unicode-characters.html – Slai


鏈接中的方法isn'我需要什麼,因爲它假定你已經知道你正在尋找的角色。我試圖識別文檔中使用的任何特殊字符。如果它落入某些常見範圍,我會標記特定的語言,但否則所標識的任何東西都會得到一個通用的字符樣式。 – johnwangel





Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
' some slow code that causes the screen to be updated 
Application.ScreenUpdating = True 



Sub test() 
    'Options.DefaultHighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighlight 
    'Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighlight ' used for testing to clear Highlight 

    Dim r As Range, t As Double: t = Timer 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 

    For Each r In Range.Characters ' For Each r In Range.Words is somehow about 2 times slower than .Characters 
     checkRange r 

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
    Debug.Print Timer - t; Range.Words.Count; Range.Characters.Count; Range.End ' " 3.15625 8801 20601 20601 " 
End Sub 

Sub checkRange(r As Range) 
    Dim b() As Byte, i As Long, a As Long 
    b = r.Text ' converts the string to byte array (2 or 4 bytes per character) 
    'Debug.Print "'" & r & "'"; r.LanguageID; r.LanguageIDFarEast; r.LanguageIDOther 

    For i = 1 To UBound(b) Step 2   ' 2 bytes per Unicode codepoint 
     If b(i) > 0 Then      ' if AscW > 255 
      a = b(i): a = a * 256 + b(i - 1) ' AscW 
      Select Case a 
       Case &H1F00 To &H1FFF: r.HighlightColorIndex = wdBlue: Exit Sub ' Greek Extended 
       Case &H3040 To &H30FF: r.HighlightColorIndex = wdPink: Exit Sub ' Hiragana and Katakana 
       Case &H4E00 To 40959: r.HighlightColorIndex = wdGreen: Exit Sub ' CJK Unified Ideographs 

       Case 55296 To 56319: ' ignore leading High Surrogates ? 
       Case 56320 To 57343: ' ignore trailing Low Surrogates ? 

       Case Else: r.HighlightColorIndex = wdRed: Debug.Print Hex(a), r.End - r.Start ' other 
      End Select 
     End If 
End Sub 

很少在你的代碼一樣8190 Unicode碼點似乎有點過了,這樣你就可以在 http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/block/index.htm


謝謝。我會測試這個並讓你知道。我最初確實禁用了屏幕更新,但它並沒有加快速度,當人們長時間看到空白屏幕時,他們認爲它已經崩潰。所以我想讓他們看到發生的事情總比沒有好。 – johnwangel


謝謝@Slai。你在Windows上的方法更加高效 - 從40分鐘降低到4分鐘! (奇怪的是,這個版本在Mac上非常慢,所以我只保留我的舊方法)。 – johnwangel


@johnwangel 4分鐘聽起來有點慢,因爲在我的測試中,它在3秒內完成了10頁。您是否改變了Case語句以外的任何內容?其實,沒關係,因爲我的測試只改變了高光而不是風格 – Slai