2011-02-28 112 views

我需要製作一個程序,打印文本 文件中的字母頻率,並將該頻率與python中的另一個頻率進行比較。python中的字母頻率

到目前爲止,我可以打印信件發生的次數,但我得到的百分比頻率是錯誤的。我認爲這是因爲我需要我的程序通過刪除所有空格和其他 字符來計算文件中只有 字母的數量。

def addLetter (x): 
    result = ord(x) - ord(a) 
    return result 

#start of the main program 
#prompt user for a file 

while True: 
    speech = raw_input("Enter file name:") 

    wholeFile = open(speech, 'r+').read() 
    lowlet = wholeFile.lower() 
    letters= list(lowlet) 
    alpha = list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') 
    n = len(letters) 
    f = float(n) 
    occurrences = {} 
    d = {} 

    #number of letters 
    for x in alpha: 
     occurrences[x] = letters.count(x) 
     d[x] =(occurrences[x])/f 
    for x in occurrences: 
     print x, occurrences[x], d[x] 


Enter file name:dems.txt 
a 993 0.0687863674148 
c 350 0.0242449431976 
b 174 0.0120532003325 
e 1406 0.0973954003879 
d 430 0.0297866444999 
g 219 0.015170407315 
f 212 0.0146855084511 
i 754 0.0522305347742 
h 594 0.0411471321696 
k 81 0.00561097256858 
j 12 0.000831255195345 
m 273 0.0189110556941 
l 442 0.0306178996952 
o 885 0.0613050706567 
n 810 0.0561097256858 
q 9 0.000623441396509 
p 215 0.0148933222499 
s 672 0.0465502909393 
r 637 0.0441257966196 
u 305 0.021127736215 
t 1175 0.0813937378775 
w 334 0.0231366029371 
v 104 0.00720421169299 
y 212 0.0146855084511 
x 13 0.000900526461624 
z 6 0.000415627597672 
Enter file name: 




這是一個家庭作業嗎? – 2011-02-28 23:42:22


您的「f」變量包含列表的總長度,而不是列表中的字母字符數。另外 - 不要使用SO來欺騙你的作業。如果你不自己學習,你永遠不會學習它。 – 2011-02-28 23:43:44


是的,這是一個任務。我沒有試圖欺騙。我只是遇到了一個死路,需要一些指導。感謝你的幫助。 – SimplyZ 2011-03-01 02:19:55



您可以使用translator recipe刪除所有字符無法在alpha。 由於這樣做使得letters只包含alpha中的字符,因此n現在是正確的分母。


import collections 
import string 

def translator(frm='', to='', delete='', keep=None): 
    # Python Cookbook Recipe 1.9 
    # Chris Perkins, Raymond Hettinger 
    if len(to) == 1: to = to * len(frm) 
    trans = string.maketrans(frm, to) 
    if keep is not None: 
     allchars = string.maketrans('', '') 
     # delete is expanded to delete everything except 
     # what is mentioned in set(keep)-set(delete) 
     delete = allchars.translate(allchars, keep.translate(allchars, delete)) 
    def translate(s): 
     return s.translate(trans, delete) 
    return translate 

alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 

while True: 
    speech = raw_input("Enter file name:") 
    wholeFile = open(speech, 'r+').read() 
    lowlet = wholeFile.lower() 
    letters = keep_alpha(lowlet) 
    n = len(letters) 
    occurrences = collections.defaultdict(int)  
    for x in letters: 
    for x in occurrences: 
     print x, occurrences[x], occurrences[x]/float(n) 

如果您使用的是Python 2.7/3.1,還有'collections.Counter'類,[主要用於使用正整數來表示運行計數](http://docs.python.org/library/collections。 HTML#collections.Counter)。 – 2011-03-01 00:42:15


嘿,謝謝你的幫忙。我不知道如何做到這一點。我現在可以繼續這個項目。 – SimplyZ 2011-03-01 02:09:58



while True: 
    speech = raw_input("Enter file name:") 

    wholeFile = open(speech, 'r+').read() 
    lowlet = wholeFile.lower() 

    alphas = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 

    # lets set default values first 
    occurrences = {letter : 0 for letter in alphas } 
    # occurrences = dict(zip(alphas, [0]*len(alphas))) # for python<=2.6 

    # total number of valid letters 
    total = 0 

    # iter everything in the text 
    for letter in lowlet: 
     # if it is a valid letter then it is in occurrences 
     if letter in occurrences: 
      # update counts 
      total += 1 
      occurrences[letter] += 1 

    # now print the results: 
    for letter, count in occurrences.iteritems(): 
     print letter, (1.0*count/total) 



感謝您的幫助。我不知道如何過濾掉我不需要的東西。你的方法使用了我們不允許使用的字典。我能夠使用unutbu的方法。 – SimplyZ 2011-03-01 02:31:27


@SimplyZ:你確定嗎?你使用了兩個字典。 – 2011-03-01 02:35:16


是的,謝謝你指出。我之前沒有注意到。 – SimplyZ 2011-03-01 02:52:47

import collections 
import re 
from __future__ import division 

file1 = re.subn(r"\W", "", open("file1.txt", "r").read())[0].lower() 
counter1 = collections.Counter(file1) 
for k, v in counter1.iteritems(): 
    counter1[k] = v/len(file1) 

file2 = re.subn(r"\W", "", open("file2.txt", "r").read())[0].lower() 
counter2 = collections.Counter(file2) 
for k, v in counter2.iteritems(): 
    counter2[k] = v/len(file2) 

注意:需要Python 2.7。