2010-11-25 95 views

我嘗試爲warpPerspective()函數指定與基本(0,0)不同的原點,以便獨立於支持圖像大小應用變換。我在原始代碼中添加了CvPoint參數,但我無法找到使用這些座標的位置。我試圖在計算X0,Y0和W0時使用它們,但它不起作用,這隻會改變所得圖像中的變換圖像。任何想法?在OpenCV 2.x中指定warpPerspective()函數的原點


void warpPerspective(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& M0, Size dsize, 
      int flags, int borderType, const Scalar& borderValue, CvPoint origin) 
    dst.create(dsize, src.type()); 

    const int BLOCK_SZ = 32; 
    double M[9]; 
    Mat _M(3, 3, CV_64F, M); 
    int interpolation = flags & INTER_MAX; 
    if(interpolation == INTER_AREA) 
     interpolation = INTER_LINEAR; 

    CV_Assert((M0.type() == CV_32F || M0.type() == CV_64F) && M0.rows == 3 && M0.cols == 3); 
    M0.convertTo(_M, _M.type()); 

    if(!(flags & WARP_INVERSE_MAP)) 
    invert(_M, _M); 

    int x, y, x1, y1, width = dst.cols, height = dst.rows; 

    int bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ/2, height); 
    int bw0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bh0, width); 
    bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bw0, height); 

    for(y = 0; y < height; y += bh0) 
     for(x = 0; x < width; x += bw0) 
     int bw = std::min(bw0, width - x); 
     int bh = std::min(bh0, height - y); 

     Mat _XY(bh, bw, CV_16SC2, XY), _A; 
     Mat dpart(dst, Rect(x, y, bw, bh)); 

     for(y1 = 0; y1 < bh; y1++) 
       short* xy = XY + y1*bw*2; 
       double X0 = M[0]*x + M[1]*(y + y1) + M[2]; 
       double Y0 = M[3]*x + M[4]*(y + y1) + M[5]; 
       double W0 = M[6]*x + M[7]*(y + y1) + M[8]; 

       if(interpolation == INTER_NEAREST) 
        for(x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++) 
         double W = W0 + M[6]*x1; 
         W = W ? 1./W : 0; 
         int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W); 
         int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W); 
         xy[x1*2] = (short)X; 
         xy[x1*2+1] = (short)Y; 
        short* alpha = A + y1*bw; 
        for(x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++) 
         double W = W0 + M[6]*x1; 
         W = W ? INTER_TAB_SIZE/W : 0; 
         int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W); 
         int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W); 
         xy[x1*2] = (short)(X >> INTER_BITS); 
         xy[x1*2+1] = (short)(Y >> INTER_BITS); 
         alpha[x1] = (short)((Y & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))*INTER_TAB_SIZE + 
                (X & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))); 

     if(interpolation == INTER_NEAREST) 
       remap(src, dpart, _XY, Mat(), interpolation, borderType, borderValue); 
       Mat _A(bh, bw, CV_16U, A); 
       remap(src, dpart, _XY, _A, interpolation, borderType, borderValue); 




  • 計算源參考中的目標維度,並使用這些維度進行重新映射;
  • 遞增計算的點座標。


void warpPerspective(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, const Mat& M0, Size dsize, 
     int flags, int borderType, const Scalar& borderValue, CvPoint origin) 
dst.create(dsize, src.type()); 

const int BLOCK_SZ = 32; 
double M[9]; 
Mat _M(3, 3, CV_64F, M); 
int interpolation = flags & INTER_MAX; 
if(interpolation == INTER_AREA) 
    interpolation = INTER_LINEAR; 

CV_Assert((M0.type() == CV_32F || M0.type() == CV_64F) && M0.rows == 3 && M0.cols == 3); 
M0.convertTo(_M, _M.type()); 

if(!(flags & WARP_INVERSE_MAP)) 
invert(_M, _M); 

int x, xDest, y, yDest, x1, y1, width = dst.cols, height = dst.rows; 

int bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ/2, height); 
int bw0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bh0, width); 
bh0 = std::min(BLOCK_SZ*BLOCK_SZ/bw0, height); 

for(y = -origin.y, yDest = 0; y < height; y += bh0, yDest += bh0) 
    for(x = -origin.x, xDest = 0; x < width; x += bw0, xDest += bw0) 
    int bw = std::min(bw0, width - x); 
    int bh = std::min(bh0, height - y); 
    // to avoid dimensions errors 
    if (bw <= 0 || bh <= 0) 

    Mat _XY(bh, bw, CV_16SC2, XY), _A; 
    Mat dpart(dst, Rect(xDest, yDest, bw, bh)); 

    for(y1 = 0; y1 < bh; y1++) 
      short* xy = XY + y1*bw*2; 
      double X0 = M[0]*x + M[1]*(y + y1) + M[2]; 
      double Y0 = M[3]*x + M[4]*(y + y1) + M[5]; 
      double W0 = M[6]*x + M[7]*(y + y1) + M[8]; 

      if(interpolation == INTER_NEAREST) 
       for(x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++) 
        double W = W0 + M[6]*x1; 
        W = W ? 1./W : 0; 
        int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W); 
        int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W); 
        xy[x1*2] = (short)X; 
        xy[x1*2+1] = (short)Y; 
       short* alpha = A + y1*bw; 
       for(x1 = 0; x1 < bw; x1++) 
        double W = W0 + M[6]*x1; 
        W = W ? INTER_TAB_SIZE/W : 0; 
        int X = saturate_cast<int>((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W); 
        int Y = saturate_cast<int>((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W); 
        xy[x1*2] = (short)(X >> INTER_BITS) + origin.x; 
        xy[x1*2+1] = (short)(Y >> INTER_BITS) + origin.y; 
        alpha[x1] = (short)((Y & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))*INTER_TAB_SIZE + 
               (X & (INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))); 

    if(interpolation == INTER_NEAREST) 
      remap(src, dpart, _XY, Mat(), interpolation, borderType, borderValue); 
      Mat _A(bh, bw, CV_16U, A); 
      remap(src, dpart, _XY, _A, interpolation, borderType, borderValue); 


CvPoint transformPoint(const CvPoint pointToTransform, const CvMat* matrix) { 
double coordinates[3] = {pointToTransform.x, pointToTransform.y, 1}; 
CvMat originVector = cvMat(3, 1, CV_64F, coordinates); 
CvMat transformedVector = cvMat(3, 1, CV_64F, coordinates); 
cvMatMul(matrix, &originVector, &transformedVector); 
CvPoint outputPoint = cvPoint((int)(cvmGet(&transformedVector, 0, 0)/cvmGet(&transformedVector, 2, 0)), (int)(cvmGet(&transformedVector, 1, 0)/cvmGet(&transformedVector, 2, 0))); 
return outputPoint; 

當使用你的函數時(順便說一下,非常感謝),我遇到了尺寸錯誤的問題。我相信你的行`int bw = std :: min(bw0,width - x); int bh = std :: min(bh0,height - y);`應該替換爲int bw = std :: min(bw0,width - xDest); int bh = std :: min(bh0,height - yDest);`。至少對我來說這很有用。 – XerXes 2012-02-08 17:59:01


對於那些尋找這片在Python,這裏是一個開始。我不能100%確定它的工作原理,因爲我已經從中剝離了一些優化。 lineair插值也存在一個問題,我根本沒有使用它,但是如果你喜歡,你可能想仔細看看。

import cv2 
import numpy as np 

def warp_perspective(src, M, (width, height), (origin_x, origin_y), 
        flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, 
        borderValue=0, dst=None): 
    Implementation in Python using base code from 

    Note there is an issue with linear interpolation. 
    B_SIZE = 32 

    if dst == None: 
     dst = np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=src.dtype) 

    # Set interpolation mode. 
    interpolation = flags & cv2.INTER_MAX 
    if interpolation == cv2.INTER_AREA: 
     raise Exception('Area interpolation is not supported!') 

    # Prepare matrix.  
    M = M.astype(np.float64) 
    if not(flags & cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP): 
     M = cv2.invert(M)[1] 
    M = M.flatten() 

    x_dst = y_dst = 0 
    for y in xrange(-origin_y, height, B_SIZE): 
     for x in xrange(-origin_x, width, B_SIZE): 

      print (x, y) 

      # Block dimensions. 
      bw = min(B_SIZE, width - x_dst) 
      bh = min(B_SIZE, height - y_dst) 

      # To avoid dimension errors. 
      if bw <= 0 or bh <= 0: 

      # View of the destination array. 
      dpart = dst[y_dst:y_dst+bh, x_dst:x_dst+bw] 

      # Original code used view of array here, but we're using numpy array's. 
      XY = np.zeros((bh, bw, 2), dtype=np.int16) 
      A = np.zeros((bh, bw), dtype=np.uint16) 

      for y1 in xrange(bh): 
       X0 = M[0]*x + M[1]*(y + y1) + M[2] 
       Y0 = M[3]*x + M[4]*(y + y1) + M[5] 
       W0 = M[6]*x + M[7]*(y + y1) + M[8] 

       if interpolation == cv2.INTER_NEAREST: 
        for x1 in xrange(bw): 
         W = np.float64(W0 + M[6]*x1); 
         if W != 0: 
          W = np.float64(1.0)/W 

         X = np.int32((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W) 
         Y = np.int32((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W) 
         XY[y1, x1][0] = np.int16(X) 
         XY[y1, x1][1] = np.int16(Y) 
        for x1 in xrange(bw): 
         W = np.float64(W0 + M[6]*x1); 
         if W != 0: 
          W = cv2.INTER_TAB_SIZE/W 

         X = np.int32((X0 + M[0]*x1)*W) 
         Y = np.int32((Y0 + M[3]*x1)*W) 
         XY[y1, x1][0] = np.int16((X >> cv2.INTER_BITS) + origin_x) 
         XY[y1, x1][1] = np.int16((Y >> cv2.INTER_BITS) + origin_y) 
         A[y1, x1] = np.int16(((Y & (cv2.INTER_TAB_SIZE-1))*cv2.INTER_TAB_SIZE + (X & (cv2.INTER_TAB_SIZE-1)))) 

      if interpolation == cv2.INTER_NEAREST: 
       cv2.remap(src, XY, None, interpolation, dst=dpart, 
          borderMode=borderMode, borderValue=borderValue) 
       cv2.remap(src, XY, A, interpolation, dst=dpart, 
          borderMode=borderMode, borderValue=borderValue) 

      x_dst += B_SIZE 
     x_dst = 0 
     y_dst += B_SIZE 

    return dst 



import cv2 
import numpy as np 

def translation_mat(dx, dy): 
return np.array([1, 0, dx, 0, 1, dy, 0, 0,  1]).reshape((3,3)) 

def main(): 
    img = cv2.imread(r"pigeon.png", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) 

    # a simple rotation by 45 degrees 
rot = np.array([np.sin(np.pi/4), -np.cos(np.pi/4), 0, np.cos(np.pi/4), np.sin(np.pi/4), 0, 0, 0, 1]).reshape((3,3)) 
    t1 = translation_mat(-100, -100) 
    t2 = translation_mat(100, 100) 
    rot_shifted = t2.dot(rot.dot(t1)) 
    size = (img.shape[1], img.shape[0]) 

    img1 = cv2.warpPerspective(img, rot, size) 
    img2 = cv2.warpPerspective(img, rot_shifted, size) 

    cv2.imshow("Original image", img) 
    cv2.imshow("Rotated around (0,0)", img1) 
    cv2.imshow("Rotated around(100, 100)", img2) 

if __name__ == '__main__': 


rot_shifted = t2.dot(rot.dot(t1)) 



傢伙......高中數學值得記憶:) – 2018-02-11 17:45:35