2016-06-01 57 views


我有'AngularJS','HTML webapp',應用程序通過'OpenGraph'從'FB頁面'獲取帖子,數據以'JSON'格式發送,並將圖片顯示在卡片中,並帶有圖片和文本,用戶可以向下滾動顯示卡片,當前顯示10張卡片,除了一件事情之外,一切都運行良好,當用戶單擊卡片上的圖像時,它總是打開第一張圖像,從那裏用戶可以左右滾動瀏覽圖片。

我需要的是,當用戶點擊一張照片時,它顯示的是照片,而不是第一張照片。請幫忙! :)



$scope.openModal = function() { 




angular.module('mattymode.controllers', ['ionic']) 


.controller('FB_Ctrl', function($scope,$http) { 

function makeHttpRequest() { 

try {return new XMLHttpRequest();} 
catch (error) {} 

try {return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");} 
catch (error) {} 

try {return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");} 
catch (error) {} 

throw new Error ("HTTP Request Could not be completed."); 


var appID = "appID"; 
var appSecret = "appSecret"; 

var accessTokenRq = makeHttpRequest(); 
var httpString = 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?grant_type=client_credentials&client_id='+appID+'&client_secret='+appSecret; 


var access_token; 

accessTokenRq.onreadystatechange = function() { 

    if (accessTokenRq.readyState == 4) { 

    access_token = accessTokenRq.responseText; 
    //alert("It works!"); 

    var request = makeHttpRequest(); 

    request.onreadystatechange = function() { 

     if (request.readyState == 4) { 

     var response = request.responseText; 

     var fbData = angular.fromJson(response); 

     var data = fbData.data; 

     var messageArray = []; 
     var pictureArray = []; 
     var likeArray = []; 
     var dateArray = []; 
     var linkArray = []; 
     var typeArray = []; 
     var commentArray = []; 

     var objects = []; 

     for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { 
      var entry = data[i]; 

      // Message 
      if (entry.message) { 
      var message = entry.message; 
      else {messageArray.push(" ");} 

      // Picture 
      if(angular.equals(entry.type,"photo")) { 
      var pic = "https://graph.facebook.com/"+entry.object_id+"/picture?type=normal"; 
      else if (angular.equals(entry.type,"link")) { 
      else {pictureArray.push("empty");} 
      // Likes 
      if (entry.likes) { 
      var likeData = entry.likes; 
      likeArray.push(likeData.data.length+" Likes"); 
      else {likeArray.push(" Likes");} 

      // Date 
      var created = entry.created_time; 
      var rawDate = created.split("T"); 
      var date = rawDate[0]; 

      var rawTime = rawDate[1]; 
      var time = rawTime.split(":"); 
      var betaTime = time[0]+":"+time[1]; 
      var finalTime = addOneHour(betaTime); 
      dateArray.push(date+" - "+finalTime); 

      function addOneHour(time) { 
       var seperatedTime = time.split(":"); 
       var hourTime = seperatedTime[0]; 
       var returningTime = ""; 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("00") > -1) {returningTime = "01";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("01") > -1) {returningTime = "02";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("02") > -1) {returningTime = "03";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("03") > -1) {returningTime = "04";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("04") > -1) {returningTime = "05";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("05") > -1) {returningTime = "06";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("06") > -1) {returningTime = "07";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("07") > -1) {returningTime = "08";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("08") > -1) {returningTime = "09";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("09") > -1) {returningTime = "10";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("10") > -1) {returningTime = "11";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("11") > -1) {returningTime = "12";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("12") > -1) {returningTime = "13";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("13") > -1) {returningTime = "14";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("14") > -1) {returningTime = "15";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("15") > -1) {returningTime = "16";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("16") > -1) {returningTime = "17";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("17") > -1) {returningTime = "18";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("18") > -1) {returningTime = "19";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("19") > -1) {returningTime = "20";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("20") > -1) {returningTime = "21";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("21") > -1) {returningTime = "22";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("22") > -1) {returningTime = "23";} 
       if (seperatedTime.indexOf("23") > -1) {returningTime = "00";} 


       return returningTime+":"+seperatedTime[1]; 


      // Link 
      if (entry.link) {linkArray.push("empty");} 
      else {linkArray.push("empty");} 

      // Comments 
      if (entry.comments) { 
      var commentData = entry.comments; 
      commentArray.push(commentData.data.length+" Comments"); 

      else { 
      commentArray.push("0 Comments"); 



     for (var i = 0; i < dateArray.length; i++) { 
      // Only Text 
      if ((angular.equals(linkArray[i],"empty")) && (angular.equals(pictureArray[i],"empty"))) { 
      objects.push('<div class="list card"><div class="item thumbnail-left"> <h2>Matty Mode</h2><p>'+dateArray[i]+'</p></div><div class="item item-body"><p>'+messageArray[i]+'</p><p><span class="subdued">'+likeArray[i]+'</span> <span class="subdued">'+commentArray[i]+'</span></p></div> <a class="button-block button">Bekijk</a> </div>'); 

      // No Link, picture availiable 
      else if ((angular.equals(linkArray[i],"empty")) && (angular.equals(pictureArray[i],"empty")) == false) { 
      objects.push('<div class="list card"><div class="item thumbnail-left"> <h2>Matty Mode</h2><p>'+dateArray[i]+'</p></div><div class="item item-body"><img src="'+pictureArray[i]+'" width=100%></img> <p>'+messageArray[i]+'</p><p><span class="subdued">'+likeArray[i]+'</span> <span class="subdued">'+commentArray[i]+'</span></p></div> <a class="button-block button">Bekijk</a> </div>'); 


      // The rest 
      else { 
      objects.push('<div class="list card"><div class="item thumbnail-left"> <h2>Matty Mode</h2><p>'+dateArray[i]+'</p></div><div class="item item-body"><a href='+linkArray[i]+' ><img src="'+pictureArray[i]+'" width=100%></img></a> <p>'+messageArray[i]+'</p><p><span class="subdued">'+likeArray[i]+'</span> <span class="subdued">'+commentArray[i]+'</span></p></div> <a class="button-block button">Bekijk</a> </div>'); 



     $scope.entries = objects; 
     $scope.pictures = pictureArray; 




.controller('IMG_Ctrl', ['$scope', '$ionicModal', '$ionicSlideBoxDelegate', function ($scope, $ionicModal, $ionicSlideBoxDelegate) { 
    \t $scope.aImages = [{ 
     \t 'src' : $scope.pictures[0], 
     \t 'msg' : '' 
    \t }, { 
     'src' : $scope.pictures[1], 
     'msg' : '' 
     }, { 
     'src' : $scope.pictures[2], 
     'msg' : '' 
     }, { 
     'src' : $scope.pictures[3], 
     'msg' : '' 
     }, { 
     'src' : $scope.pictures[4], 
     'msg' : '' 
     }, { 
     'src' : $scope.pictures[5], 
     \t 'msg' : '' 
    \t }, { 
     'src' : $scope.pictures[6], 
     'msg' : '' 
     }, { 
     'src' : $scope.pictures[7], 
     'msg' : '' 
     }, { 
     'src' : $scope.pictures[8], 
     'msg' : '' 
     }, { 
     'src' : $scope.pictures[9], 
     'msg' : '' 
    $ionicModal.fromTemplateUrl('image-modal.html', { 
     scope: $scope, 
     animation: 'slide-in-up' 
    }).then(function(modal) { 
     $scope.modal = modal; 

    $scope.openModal = function() { 

    $scope.closeModal = function() { 

    // Cleanup the modal when we're done with it! 
    $scope.$on('$destroy', function() { 
    // Execute action on hide modal 
    $scope.$on('modal.hide', function() { 
     // Execute action 
    // Execute action on remove modal 
    $scope.$on('modal.removed', function() { 
     // Execute action 
    $scope.$on('modal.shown', function() { 
     console.log('Modal is shown!'); 

    // Call this functions if you need to manually control the slides 
    $scope.next = function() { 
    $scope.previous = function() { 
    \t $scope.goToSlide = function(index) { 
    // Called each time the slide changes 
    $scope.slideChanged = function(index) { 
     $scope.slideIndex = index; 

.controller('FAQ_Ctrl', function($scope) { 
    $scope.groups = []; 

    $scope.groups = [ 
    { name: 'Hoe werkt deze app?', id: 1, items: ['Met deze app kunt u onze hipste en meeste betaalbare mode bekijken op uw mobiel of tablet. Elke week zullen er meerdere outfits beschikbaar zijn, daar wij iedere weekeen nieuwe collecite in de winkel hebben, waarvan de meeste slechts voor een korte periode beschikbaar zijn.']}, 
    { name: 'Reserveren', id: 2, items: ['Ja, dat kan, u kunt ons bellen of whatsappen op nummer 06-28656008, wat u het fijnst vindt, let wel, wij hangen de bestelling voor maximaal 3 dagen apart, daarna gaat het terug bij de collectie.']}, 
    { name: 'Retourneren', id: 3, items: ['U kunt artiekelen binnen 1 week ruilen, op vertoon van de bijbehorende kassabon, mits deze niet gedragen en/of gewassen zijn, en enkel als de kaartjes nog aan de kleding vastzitten. LET WEL: Wij geven geen geld terug, u ontvangt van ons een tegoedbon, voor het aankoopsbedrag.']}, 
    { name: 'We geven geen garantie', id: 4, items: ['Strasssteentjes', 'Kwastjes', 'Kettingen', 'Emblemen', 'Loslatende naalden of stikkels', 'Verkeerde wasvoorschriften/gebruik']}, 
    * if given group is the selected group, deselect it 
    * else, select the given group 
    $scope.toggleGroup = function(group) { 
    if ($scope.isGroupShown(group)) { 
     $scope.shownGroup = null; 
    } else { 
     $scope.shownGroup = group; 
    $scope.isGroupShown = function(group) { 
    return $scope.shownGroup === group; 
/* Fullscreen image */ 
.transparent { 
    background: transparent !important; 
.image-modal { 
    width: 100% !important; 
    height: 100%; 
    top: 0 !important; 
    left: 0 !important; 
.fullscreen-image { 
    max-width: 100%; 
    max-height: 100%; 
    bottom: 0; 
    left: 0; 
    margin: auto; 
    overflow: auto; 
    position: fixed; 
    right: 0; 
    top: 0; 
.slider { 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 

p.info { 
    position: absolute; 
    bottom: 55px; 
    margin: 0 auto; 
    width: 100%; 
    display: block; 
    text-align: center; 
    font-size: 28px; 
    color: #ffffff; 

/* Fix modal backdrop for smaller devices */ 
@media (max-width: 679px) { 
    .active .modal-backdrop-bg { 
    opacity: .5; 
    .modal-backdrop-bg { 
    -webkit-transition: opacity 300ms ease-in-out; 
    transition: opacity 300ms ease-in-out; 
    background-color: #000; 
    opacity: 0; 

/* Accordion lists */ 
body { 
    cursor: url('http://ionicframework.com/img/finger.png'), auto; 

* http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/ngShow#usage_animations 
.list .item.item-accordion { 
    line-height: 38px; 
    padding-top: 0; 
    padding-bottom: 0; 
    transition: 0.09s all linear; 
.list .item.item-accordion.ng-hide { 
    line-height: 0px; 
.list .item.item-accordion.ng-hide-add, 
.list .item.item-accordion.ng-hide-remove { 
    display: block !important; 

.item.wrap, .item-content.wrap { 
white-space: normal; 
<ion-view view-title="Outfits" style="background-color:#333333"> 
    <ion-content class="padding"> 
     <p style="text-align:center"><img src="img/mm_icon.png"></p> 
    <div class="list" > 
     <div ng-repeat = "entry in entries track by $index" ng-bind-html="entry" ng-click="openModal()" ng-controller="IMG_Ctrl"> 

      <script id="image-modal.html" type="text/ng-template"> 
       <div class="modal image-modal transparent" ng-click="closeModal()"> 
        <ion-slide-box on-slide-changed="slideChanged(index)" show-pager="false"> 
         <ion-slide ng-repeat="oImage in aImages"> 
          <img ng-src="{{oImage.src}}" class="fullscreen-image" /> 
          <p class="info">{{oImage.msg}}</p> 







<div class="modal image-modal transparent" ng-click="closeModal($index)"> 



$scope.openModal = function(index) { 