2010-11-30 80 views


struct someStruct { 
unsigned int total; 

int test(struct someStruct* state) { 
state->total = 4; 

int main() { 
struct someStruct s; 
s.total = 5; 
printf("\ns.total = %d\n", s.total); 

爲什麼測試應該返回一個int?實際上並沒有回到那裏。 – Muggen 2010-11-30 16:59:45


C有參考嗎?驚訝...... – 2010-11-30 17:01:44




此外,因爲您正在打印一個unsigned int,所以應該使用%u而不是%d


是的。這是正確的。如果它不是(從。/ - >觀點),你的編譯器會大聲叫嚷。


是的,沒錯。它會創建一個結構s,將其總數設置爲5,將指針傳遞給使用該指針的函數將總數設置爲4,然後將其打印出來。 ->適用於結構指針的成員,.適用於結構成員。就像你用它們一樣。

雖然返回值不同。 test應該可能是無效的,並且main在其末尾需要return 0




// Define the new variable type which is a struct. 
// This definition must be visible to any function that is accessing the 
// members of a variable of this type. 
struct someStruct { 
    unsigned int total; 

* Modifies the struct that exists in the calling function. 
* Function test() takes a pointer to a struct someStruct variable 
* so that any modifications to the variable made in the function test() 
* will be to the variable pointed to. 
* A pointer contains the address of a variable and is not the variable iteself. 
* This allows the function test() to modify the variable provided by the 
* caller of test() rather than a local copy. 
int test(struct someStruct *state) { 
    state->total = 4; 
    return 0; 

* Modifies the local copy of the struct, the original 
* in the calling function is not modified. 
* The C compiler will make a copy of the variable provided by the 
* caller of function test2() and so any changes that test2() makes 
* to the argument will be discarded since test2() is working with a 
* copy of the caller's variable and not the actual variable. 
int test2(struct someStruct state) { 
    state.total = 8; 
    return 0; 

int test3(struct someStruct *state) { 
    struct someStruct stateCopy; 
    stateCopy = *state; // make a local copy of the struct 
    stateCopy.total = 12; // modify the local copy of the struct 
    *state = stateCopy; /* assign the local copy back to the original in the 
           calling function. Assigning by dereferencing pointer. */ 
    return 0; 

int main() { 
    struct someStruct s; 

    /* Set the value then call a function that will change the value. */ 
    s.total = 5; 
    printf("after test(): s.total = %d\n", s.total); 

    * Set the value then call a function that will change its local copy 
    * but not this one. 
    s.total = 5; 
    printf("after test2(): s.total = %d\n", s.total); 

    * Call a function that will make a copy, change the copy, 
     then put the copy into this one. 
    printf("after test3(): s.total = %d\n", s.total); 

    return 0; 