2010-11-04 47 views

我已經通過這裏給出的指南& http://cpptcl.sourceforge.net/doc/compiling.html因此,我已經做了很多基本的工作。使用boost庫構建C++/Tcl程序時出現「模棱兩可的符號錯誤」


#include "cpptcl.h" 
#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

void hello() 
    cout << "Hello C++/Tcl!" << endl; 

CPPTCL_MODULE(Mymodule, i) 
    i.def("hello", hello); 

據導遊介紹,我們需要cpptcl.h & cpptcl.cc詳細&一些其他的文件/目錄我已包括在內。


cpptcl.cc(35) : warning C4800: 'int' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) 
cpptcl.cc(325) : error C2039: 'what' : is not a member of 'boost::exception' 
1>  c:\program files\boost\boost_1_44_0\boost\exception\exception.hpp(194) : see declaration of 'boost::exception' 
1>cpptcl.cc(366) : error C2872: 'exception' : ambiguous symbol 
1>  could be 'c:\program files\boost\boost_1_44_0\boost\exception\exception.hpp(194) : boost::exception' 
1>  or 'c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\exception(88) : std::exception' 
1>cpptcl.cc(368) : error C2039: 'what' : is not a member of 'boost::exception' 
1>c:\program files\boost\boost_1_44_0\boost\exception\exception.hpp(194) : see declaration of 'boost::exception' 
1>3 error(s), 2 warning(s) 
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== 

這不是能夠解決的異常符號。我不確定是否exception.hpp或std :: exception。


// Copyright (C) 2004-2005, Maciej Sobczak 
// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software 
// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. 
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied 
// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose. 

#include "cpptcl.h" 

using namespace Tcl; 
using namespace Tcl::details; 
using namespace std; 
using namespace boost; 

result::result(Tcl_Interp *interp) : interp_(interp) {} 

result::operator bool() const 
    Tcl_Obj *obj = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp_); 

    int val, cc; 
    cc = Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp_, obj, &val); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp_); 

    return static_cast(val); 

result::operator double() const 
    Tcl_Obj *obj = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp_); 

    double val; 
    int cc = Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp_, obj, &val); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp_); 

    return val; 

result::operator int() const 
    Tcl_Obj *obj = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp_); 

    int val, cc; 
    cc = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp_, obj, &val); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp_); 

    return val; 

result::operator long() const 
    Tcl_Obj *obj = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp_); 

    long val; 
    int cc; 
    cc = Tcl_GetLongFromObj(interp_, obj, &val); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp_); 

    return val; 

result::operator string() const 
    Tcl_Obj *obj = Tcl_GetObjResult(interp_); 
    return Tcl_GetString(obj); 

result::operator object() const 
    return object(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp_)); 

void details::set_result(Tcl_Interp *interp, bool b) 
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewBooleanObj(b)); 

void details::set_result(Tcl_Interp *interp, int i) 
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewIntObj(i)); 

void details::set_result(Tcl_Interp *interp, long i) 
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewLongObj(i)); 

void details::set_result(Tcl_Interp *interp, double d) 
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(d)); 

void details::set_result(Tcl_Interp *interp, string const &s) 
      Tcl_NewStringObj(s.data(), static_cast(s.size()))); 

void details::set_result(Tcl_Interp *interp, void *p) 
    ostringstream ss; 
    ss (s.size()))); 

void details::set_result(Tcl_Interp *interp, object const &o) 
    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, o.get_object()); 

void details::check_params_no(int objc, int required) 
    if (objc > callback_interp_map; 
typedef map callback_map; 

callback_map callbacks; 
callback_map constructors; 

// map of call policies 
typedef map policies_interp_map; 
typedef map policies_map; 

policies_map call_policies; 

// map of object handlers 
typedef map > class_interp_map; 
typedef map class_handlers_map; 

class_handlers_map class_handlers; 

// helper for finding call policies - returns true when found 
bool find_policies(Tcl_Interp *interp, string const &cmdName, 
    policies_interp_map::iterator &piti) 
    policies_map::iterator pit = call_policies.find(interp); 
    if (pit == call_policies.end()) 
      return false; 

    piti = pit->second.find(cmdName); 
    return piti != pit->second.end(); 

extern "C" 
int object_handler(ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp *interp, 
    int objc, Tcl_Obj * CONST objv[]); 

// helper function for post-processing call policies 
// for both free functions (isMethod == false) 
// and class methods (isMethod == true) 
void post_process_policies(Tcl_Interp *interp, policies &pol, 
    Tcl_Obj * CONST objv[], bool isMethod) 
    // check if it is a factory 
    if (!pol.factory_.empty()) 
      class_handlers_map::iterator it = class_handlers.find(interp); 
      if (it == class_handlers.end()) 
       throw tcl_error(
        "Factory was registered for unknown class."); 

      class_interp_map::iterator oit = it->second.find(pol.factory_); 
      if (oit == it->second.end()) 
       throw tcl_error(
        "Factory was registered for unknown class."); 

      class_handler_base *chb = oit->second.get(); 

      // register a new command for the object returned 
      // by this factory function 
      // if everything went OK, the result is the address of the 
      // new object in the 'pXXX' form 
      // - the new command will be created with this name 

       object_handler, static_cast(chb), 0); 

    // process all declared sinks 
    // - unregister all object commands that envelopes the pointers 
    for (vector::iterator s = pol.sinks_.begin(); 
      s != pol.sinks_.end(); ++s) 
      if (isMethod == false) 
       // example: if there is a declared sink at parameter 3, 
       // and the Tcl command was: 
       // % fun par1 par2 PAR3 par4 
       // then the index 3 correctly points into the objv array 

       int index = *s; 
       Tcl_DeleteCommand(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[index])); 
       // example: if there is a declared sink at parameter 3, 
       // and the Tcl command was: 
       // % $p method par1 par2 PAR3 par4 
       // then the index 3 needs to be incremented 
       // in order correctly point into the 4th index of objv array 

       int index = *s + 1; 
       Tcl_DeleteCommand(interp, Tcl_GetString(objv[index])); 

// actual functions handling various callbacks 

// generic callback handler 
extern "C" 
int callback_handler(ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp *interp, 
    int objc, Tcl_Obj * CONST objv[]) 
    callback_map::iterator it = callbacks.find(interp); 
    if (it == callbacks.end()) 
       "Trying to invoke non-existent callback (wrong interpreter?)", 
      return TCL_ERROR; 

    string cmdName(Tcl_GetString(objv[0])); 
    callback_interp_map::iterator iti = it->second.find(cmdName); 
    if (iti == it->second.end()) 
       "Trying to invoke non-existent callback (wrong cmd name?)", 
      return TCL_ERROR; 

    policies_map::iterator pit = call_policies.find(interp); 
    if (pit == call_policies.end()) 
       "Trying to invoke callback with no known policies", 
      return TCL_ERROR; 

    policies_interp_map::iterator piti; 
    if (find_policies(interp, cmdName, piti) == false) 
       "Trying to invoke callback with no known policies", 
      return TCL_ERROR; 

    policies &pol = piti->second; 

      iti->second->invoke(interp, objc, objv, pol); 

      post_process_policies(interp, pol, objv, false); 
    catch (boost::exception const &e) 
      Tcl_SetResult(interp, const_cast(e.what()), TCL_VOLATILE); 
      return TCL_ERROR; 
    catch (...) 
      Tcl_SetResult(interp, "Unknown error.", TCL_STATIC); 
      return TCL_ERROR; 

    return TCL_OK; 

// generic "object" command handler 
extern "C" 
int object_handler(ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp *interp, 
    int objc, Tcl_Obj * CONST objv[]) 
    // here, client data points to the singleton object 
    // which is responsible for managing commands for 
    // objects of a given type 

    class_handler_base *chb = reinterpret_cast(cd); 

    // the command name has the form 'pXXX' where XXX is the address 
    // of the "this" object 

    string const str(Tcl_GetString(objv[0])); 
    istringstream ss(str); 
    char dummy; 
    void *p; 
    ss >> dummy >> p; 

      string methodName(Tcl_GetString(objv[1])); 
      policies &pol = chb->get_policies(methodName); 

      chb->invoke(p, interp, objc, objv, pol); 

      post_process_policies(interp, pol, objv, true); 
    catch (exception const &e) 
      Tcl_SetResult(interp, const_cast(e.what()), TCL_VOLATILE); 
      return TCL_ERROR; 
    catch (...) 
      Tcl_SetResult(interp, "Unknown error.", TCL_STATIC); 
      return TCL_ERROR; 

    return TCL_OK; 

// generic "constructor" command 
extern "C" 
int constructor_handler(ClientData cd, Tcl_Interp *interp, 
    int objc, Tcl_Obj * CONST objv[]) 
    // here, client data points to the singleton object 
    // which is responsible for managing commands for 
    // objects of a given type 

    class_handler_base *chb = reinterpret_cast(cd); 

    callback_map::iterator it = constructors.find(interp); 
    if (it == constructors.end()) 
       "Trying to invoke non-existent callback (wrong interpreter?)", 
      return TCL_ERROR; 

    string className(Tcl_GetString(objv[0])); 
    callback_interp_map::iterator iti = it->second.find(className); 
    if (iti == it->second.end()) 
       "Trying to invoke non-existent callback (wrong class name?)", 
      return TCL_ERROR; 

    policies_interp_map::iterator piti; 
    if (find_policies(interp, className, piti) == false) 
       "Trying to invoke callback with no known policies", 
      return TCL_ERROR; 

    policies &pol = piti->second; 

      iti->second->invoke(interp, objc, objv, pol); 

      // if everything went OK, the result is the address of the 
      // new object in the 'pXXX' form 
      // - we can create a new command with this name 

       object_handler, static_cast(chb), 0); 
    catch (std::exception const &e) 
      Tcl_SetResult(interp, const_cast(e.what()), TCL_VOLATILE); 
      return TCL_ERROR; 
    catch (...) 
      Tcl_SetResult(interp, "Unknown error.", TCL_STATIC); 
      return TCL_ERROR; 

    return TCL_OK; 

} // namespace anonymous 

Tcl::details::no_init_type Tcl::no_init; 

policies & policies::factory(string const &name) 
    factory_ = name; 
    return *this; 

policies & policies::sink(int index) 
    return *this; 

policies & policies::variadic() 
    variadic_ = true; 
    return *this; 

policies Tcl::factory(string const &name) 
    return policies().factory(name); 

policies Tcl::sink(int index) 
    return policies().sink(index); 

policies Tcl::variadic() 
    return policies().variadic(); 

    // default policies for the -delete command 
    policies_["-delete"] = policies(); 

void class_handler_base::register_method(string const &name, 
    shared_ptr ocb, policies const &p) 
    methods_[name] = ocb; 
    policies_[name] = p; 

policies & class_handler_base::get_policies(string const &name) 
    policies_map_type::iterator it = policies_.find(name); 
    if (it == policies_.end()) 
      throw tcl_error("Trying to use non-existent policy: " + name); 

    return it->second; 

    : interp_(0) 
    obj_ = Tcl_NewObj(); 

object::object(bool b) 
    : interp_(0) 
    obj_ = Tcl_NewBooleanObj(b); 

object::object(char const *buf, size_t size) 
    : interp_(0) 
    obj_ = Tcl_NewByteArrayObj(

object::object(double d) 
    : interp_(0) 
    obj_ = Tcl_NewDoubleObj(d); 

object::object(int i) 
    : interp_(0) 
    obj_ = Tcl_NewIntObj(i); 

object::object(long l) 
    : interp_(0) 
    obj_ = Tcl_NewLongObj(l); 

object::object(char const *s) 
    : interp_(0) 
    obj_ = Tcl_NewStringObj(s, -1); 

object::object(string const &s) 
    : interp_(0) 
    obj_ = Tcl_NewStringObj(s.data(), static_cast(s.size())); 

object::object(Tcl_Obj *o, bool shared) 
    : interp_(0) 
    init(o, shared); 

object::object(object const &other, bool shared) 
    : interp_(other.get_interp()) 
    init(other.obj_, shared); 

void object::init(Tcl_Obj *o, bool shared) 
    if (shared) 
      obj_ = o; 
      obj_ = Tcl_DuplicateObj(o); 


object & object::assign(bool b) 
    Tcl_SetBooleanObj(obj_, b); 
    return *this; 

object & object::resize(size_t size) 
    Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(obj_, static_cast(size)); 
    return *this; 

object & object::assign(char const *buf, size_t size) 
    return *this; 

object & object::assign(double d) 
    Tcl_SetDoubleObj(obj_, d); 
    return *this; 

object & object::assign(int i) 
    Tcl_SetIntObj(obj_, i); 
    return *this; 

object & object::assign(long l) 
    Tcl_SetLongObj(obj_, l); 
    return *this; 

object & object::assign(char const *s) 
    Tcl_SetStringObj(obj_, s, -1); 
    return *this; 

object & object::assign(string const &s) 
    Tcl_SetStringObj(obj_, s.data(), static_cast(s.size())); 
    return *this; 

object & object::assign(object const &other) 
    return *this; 

object & object::assign(Tcl_Obj *o) 
    return *this; 

object & object::swap(object &other) 
    std::swap(obj_, other.obj_); 
    std::swap(interp_, other.interp_); 
    return *this; 

bool object::get(interpreter &i) const 
    int retVal; 
    int res = Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(i.get(), obj_, &retVal); 
    if (res != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(i.get()); 

    return static_cast(retVal); 

vector object::get >(interpreter &) const 
    size_t size; 
    char const *buf = get(size); 
    return vector(buf, buf + size); 

double object::get(interpreter &i) const 
    double retVal; 
    int res = Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(i.get(), obj_, &retVal); 
    if (res != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(i.get()); 

    return retVal; 

int object::get(interpreter &i) const 
    int retVal; 

    int res = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(i.get(), obj_, &retVal); 
    if (res != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(i.get()); 

    return retVal; 

long object::get(interpreter &i) const 
    long retVal; 
    int res = Tcl_GetLongFromObj(i.get(), obj_, &retVal); 
    if (res != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(i.get()); 

    return retVal; 

char const * object::get(interpreter &) const 
    return get(); 

string object::get(interpreter &) const 
    int len; 
    char const *buf = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(obj_, &len); 
    return string(buf, buf + len); 

char const * object::get() const 
    return Tcl_GetString(obj_); 

char const * object::get(size_t &size) const 
    int len; 
    unsigned char *buf = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(obj_, &len); 
    size = len; 
    return const_cast(reinterpret_cast(buf)); 

size_t object::length(interpreter &i) const 
    int len; 
    int res = Tcl_ListObjLength(i.get(), obj_, &len); 

    if (res != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(i.get()); 

    return static_cast(len); 

object object::at(interpreter &i, size_t index) const 
    Tcl_Obj *o; 
    int res = Tcl_ListObjIndex(i.get(), obj_, static_cast(index), &o); 
    if (res != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(i.get()); 
    if (o == NULL) 
      throw tcl_error("Index out of range."); 

    return object(o); 

object & object::append(interpreter &i, object const &o) 
    int res = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(i.get(), obj_, o.obj_); 
    if (res != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(i.get()); 

    return *this; 

object & object::append_list(interpreter &i, object const &o) 
    int res = Tcl_ListObjAppendList(i.get(), obj_, o.obj_); 
    if (res != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(i.get()); 

    return *this; 

object & object::replace(interpreter &i, size_t index, size_t count, 
    object const &o) 
    int res = Tcl_ListObjReplace(i.get(), obj_, 
      static_cast(index), static_cast(count), 
      1, &(o.obj_)); 
    if (res != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(i.get()); 

    return *this; 

object & object::replace_list(interpreter &i, size_t index, size_t count, 
    object const &o) 
    int objc; 
    Tcl_Obj **objv; 

    int res = Tcl_ListObjGetElements(i.get(), obj_, &objc, &objv); 
    if (res != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(i.get()); 

    res = Tcl_ListObjReplace(i.get(), obj_, 
      static_cast(index), static_cast(count), 
      objc, objv); 
    if (res != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(i.get()); 

    return *this; 

void object::set_interp(Tcl_Interp *interp) 
    interp_ = interp; 

Tcl_Interp * object::get_interp() const 
    return interp_; 

    interp_ = Tcl_CreateInterp(); 

interpreter::interpreter(Tcl_Interp *interp, bool owner) 
    interp_ = interp; 
    owner_ = owner; 

    if (owner_) 
      // clear all callback info belonging to this interpreter 


void interpreter::make_safe() 
    int cc = Tcl_MakeSafe(interp_); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp_); 

result interpreter::eval(string const &script) 
    int cc = Tcl_Eval(interp_, script.c_str()); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp_); 

    return result(interp_); 

result interpreter::eval(istream &s) 
    string str(
    return eval(str); 

result interpreter::eval(object const &o) 
    int cc = Tcl_EvalObjEx(interp_, o.get_object(), 0); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp_); 

    return result(interp_); 

void interpreter::pkg_provide(string const &name, string const &version) 
    int cc = Tcl_PkgProvide(interp_, name.c_str(), version.c_str()); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp_); 

void interpreter::create_alias(string const &cmd, 
    interpreter &targetInterp, string const &targetCmd) 
    int cc = Tcl_CreateAlias(interp_, cmd.c_str(), 
      targetInterp.interp_, targetCmd.c_str(), 0, 0); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp_); 

void interpreter::clear_definitions(Tcl_Interp *interp) 
    // delete all callbacks that were registered for given interpreter 

      callback_map::iterator it = callbacks.find(interp); 
      if (it == callbacks.end()) 
       // no callbacks defined for this interpreter 

      callback_interp_map &imap = it->second; 
      for (callback_interp_map::iterator it2 = imap.begin(); 
       it2 != imap.end(); ++it2) 
       Tcl_DeleteCommand(interp, it2->first.c_str()); 


    // delete all constructors 

      callback_map::iterator it = constructors.find(interp); 
      if (it == constructors.end()) 
       // no callbacks defined for this interpreter 

      callback_interp_map &imap = it->second; 
      for (callback_interp_map::iterator it2 = imap.begin(); 
       it2 != imap.end(); ++it2) 
       Tcl_DeleteCommand(interp, it2->first.c_str()); 


    // delete all call policies 


    // delete all object handlers 
    // (we have to assume that all living objects were destroyed, 
    // otherwise Bad Things will happen) 


void interpreter::add_function(string const &name, 
    shared_ptr cb, policies const &p) 
    Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp_, name.c_str(), 
      callback_handler, 0, 0); 

    callbacks[interp_][name] = cb; 
    call_policies[interp_][name] = p; 

void interpreter::add_class(string const &name, 
    shared_ptr chb) 
    class_handlers[interp_][name] = chb; 

void interpreter::add_constructor(string const &name, 
    shared_ptr chb, shared_ptr cb, 
    policies const &p) 
    Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp_, name.c_str(), 
      constructor_handler, static_cast(chb.get()), 0); 

    constructors[interp_][name] = cb; 
    call_policies[interp_][name] = p; 

int tcl_cast::from(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *obj) 
    int res; 
    int cc = Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, obj, &res); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp); 

    return res; 

long tcl_cast::from(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *obj) 
    long res; 
    int cc = Tcl_GetLongFromObj(interp, obj, &res); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp); 

    return res; 

bool tcl_cast::from(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *obj) 
    int res; 
    int cc = Tcl_GetBooleanFromObj(interp, obj, &res); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp); 

    return res != 0; 

double tcl_cast::from(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *obj) 
    double res; 
    int cc = Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, obj, &res); 
    if (cc != TCL_OK) 
      throw tcl_error(interp); 

    return res; 

string tcl_cast::from(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *obj) 
    return Tcl_GetString(obj); 

char const * tcl_cast::from(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *obj) 
    return Tcl_GetString(obj); 

object tcl_cast::from(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *obj) 
    object o(obj); 

    return o; 






     iti->second->invoke(interp, objc, objv, pol); 

     post_process_policies(interp, pol, objv, false); 
catch (boost::exception const &e) 
     Tcl_SetResult(interp, const_cast(e.what()), TCL_VOLATILE); 
     return TCL_ERROR; 




該代碼似乎引用了常規的std :: exception,但由於使用boost和std命名空間,符號會混合在一起。也許這是VC和gcc標題之間的區別。


#define shared_ptr boost::shared_ptr 
#define exception std::exception 

問候, 米格爾