2010-06-26 80 views



http://pastebin.com/2UaUVGJA(主要討論頁) http://pastebin.com/hAx2SPUu(回覆頁)


// ==UserScript== 
// @name   Quick_ReplyTest 
// @namespace  http://userscripts.org/users/181447 
// @description Inserts QuickReply 
// @include  * 
// @require  http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js 
// ==/UserScript== 

/* Optional: 
window.addEventListener ("load", Greasemonkey_main, false); 

$(document).ready (Greasemonkey_main); 

function Greasemonkey_main() 
    /*--- Get the first node inside the id="main" span (Google.com) 
     If that's not there, then get the first node of the html body. 
    var TargetNode = $("a[href*='event=reply/post']"); 
    if (!TargetNode) 
     TargetNode = $("body *:first"); 

    '<form method="POST" action="http://dl.tccd.edu/index.php/classforums/posts/event=saveReply"> \ 
    <input type="hidden" name="subject" size="45" id="txt_subject" maxlength="200" value="">  \ 
    <br> Message:<br>                    \ 
    <textarea rows="20" style="width:70%;" name="message" id="message"></textarea>     \ 
    <br> <br>                      \ 
    <input type="submit" id="submit_post" value="Post Reply">          \ 
    <input type="hidden" name="post_id" value="1010815">           \ 
    <input type="hidden" name="thread_id" value="1010815">           \ 
    </form>                       \ 





/* NOTE: Do not use: 
    // @include  * 
    This slows things down and could cause all sorts of interesting side-effects. 

// ==UserScript== 
// @name   Quick_ReplyTest 
// @namespace  http://userscripts.org/users/181447 
// @description  Inserts QuickReply 
// @include   http://*.tccd.edu/* 
// @include   https://*.tccd.edu/* 
// @require   http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js 
// ==/UserScript== 

$(document).ready (Greasemonkey_main); 

function Greasemonkey_main() 
    /*--- Use jQuery to get links (anchor tags) that point to the reply form. 

     The links are of the form: 
      <a href="http://dl.tccd.edu/index.php/classforums/posts/event=reply/post_id=1013402">Reply</a> 
    var zTargetNodes = $("a[href*='event=reply/post']");  //-- href contains "event=reply/post". 

    /*--- Now, for each link, extract the post_id and insert the reply form with the post_id filled in. 

     Uses the jQuery each() function. 
    zTargetNodes. each (function (iPostNum) {AddReplyForm ($(this), iPostNum);}); 

function AddReplyForm (zJnode, iPostNum) 
    /*--- Extract the post_id from the link, using the jQuery attr() function and the javascript 
     match() function. 
    var sHref  = zJnode.attr ('href'); 
    var sPostID  = (sHref + '&').match (/post_id=([^\&\#]+)[\&\#]/) [1]; 

    /*--- Build up the form HTML-string. Using sPostID for post_id and thread_id. 
     (Or we could just insert the form into the doc, and change the id values after.) 
    var sNewHTML = '<form method="POST" action="http://dl.tccd.edu/index.php/classforums/posts/event=saveReply"> \n' 
        + '<input type="hidden" name="subject" size="45" id="txt_subject" maxlength="200" value=""> \n' 
        + '<br> Message:<br> \n' 
        + '<textarea rows="20" style="width:70%;" name="message" id="message"></textarea> \n' 
        + '<br> <br> \n' 
        + '<input type="submit" id="submit_post" value="Post Reply"> \n' 
        + '<input type="hidden" name="post_id"  value="' + sPostID + '"> \n' 
        + '<input type="hidden" name="thread_id" value="' + sPostID + '"> \n' 
        + '</form>' 

    /*--- Inject the reply form. 
    zJnode.after (sNewHTML); 

令人難以置信的指導!感謝您花時間回答我的問題,並對代碼進行評論。但是,腳本不起作用。無論如何,我可以調試它來發現問題嗎?我是否必須導入Jquery數據庫,還是需要這樣的聲明才能爲我做? – Parseltongue 2010-06-27 19:04:25


是的,「require」語句處理jQuery的導入。它僅在安裝腳本時執行一次。所以,如果您認爲這已經損壞或者您做了重大更改,請使用Greasemonkey「管理用戶腳本」面板來卸載並重新安裝該腳本。 – 2010-06-27 21:05:21


*如何*它不起作用?它對我的頁面本地副本非常有用 - 當然,我無法發佈實際的回覆。至於調試...是的,這並不難。安裝Firebug擴展(http://getfirebug.com/)。然後打開Firebug的JavaScript控制檯,打開所有錯誤跟蹤,然後重新加載頁面。請注意由腳本引起的任何錯誤(唉,大多數頁面本身都會導致大量錯誤)。更多Firebug使用信息:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/511539/using-firebug-where-are-the-js-errors-shown/511563#511563 – 2010-06-27 21:17:07
