2012-02-10 56 views



"the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog". 


data InterestingWord = Quick | The | Fox deriving Show 
data Snippet = Word InterestingWord | Rest String deriving Show 


[Word The, 
Rest " ", Word Quick, 
Rest " brown ", Word Fox, 
Rest " jumped over ", Word The, 
Rest " lazy dog"] 


import Text.Parsec 
import Data.Maybe 
import Data.Ord  
import Data.List 

data InterestingWord = Quick | The | Fox deriving Show 
data Snippet = Word InterestingWord | Rest String deriving Show 

testCase = "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" 
-- Expected output: 
-- [Word The, 
-- Rest " ", Word Quick, 
-- Rest " brown ", Word Fox, 
-- Rest " jumped over ", Word The, 
-- Rest " lazy dog"] 

toString Quick = "quick" 
toString The = "the" 
toString Fox = "fox" 

-- First attempt 

-- Return characters upto the intended word along 
-- with the word itself 
upto word = do 
    pre <- manyTill anyChar $ lookAhead $ string (toString word) 
    word' <- try $ string (toString word) 
    return [Rest pre, Word word] 

-- Parsers for the interesting words 
parsers = [upto Quick, 
      upto The, 
      upto Fox] 

-- Try each parser and return its results with the 
-- rest of the input. 
-- An incorrect result is produced because "choice" 
-- picks the first successful parse result. 
wordParser = do 
    snippets <- many $ try $ choice parsers 
    leftOver <- many anyChar 
    return $ concat $ snippets ++ [[Rest leftOver]] 

-- [Rest "the ",Word Quick,Rest " brown fox jumped over the lazy dog"]   
test1 = parseTest wordParser testCase 

-- Correct 

-- In addition to the characters leading upto the 
-- word and the word, the position is also returned 
upto' word = do 
    result <- upto word 
    pos <- getPosition 
    return (pos, result) 

-- The new parsers   
parsers' = [upto' Quick, 
      upto' The, 
      upto' Fox] 

-- Try each of the given parsers and 
-- possibly returning the results and 
-- the parser but don't consume 
-- input. 
tryAll = mapM (\p -> do 
       r <- optionMaybe $ try (lookAhead p) 
       case r of 
        Just result -> return $ Just (p, result) 
        Nothing -> return $ Nothing 

-- Pick the parser that has consumed the least.    
firstSuccess ps = do 
    successes <- tryAll ps >>= return . catMaybes 
    if not (null successes) then 
     return $ Just (fst $ head (sortBy (comparing (\(_,(pos,_)) -> pos)) successes)) 
    else return $ Nothing 

-- Return the parse results for the parser that 
-- has consumed the least 
wordParser' = do 
    parser <- firstSuccess parsers' 
    case parser of 
    Just p -> do 
     (_,snippet) <- p 
     return snippet 
    Nothing -> parserZero 

-- Returns the right result 
test2 = parseTest (many wordParser' >>= return . concat) testCase 






作爲一般觀點 - 我不會急於使用Parsec進行NLP解析,它實際上是解析編程語言和結構化文本格式的工具。正在進行的Haskell NLP書似乎直接使用Prelude的「單詞」和列表功能 - http://nlpwp.org/book/ – 2012-02-10 18:41:53




import Control.Monad 
import "parsec3" Text.Parsec 
import Data.Maybe 
import Data.List 
import Data.Ord 

longestParse :: [Parsec String() a] -> Parsec String() a 
longestParse parsers = do 
    allParses <- sequence [lookAhead $ optionMaybe $ try $ 
    liftM2 (,) parse getPosition | parse <- parsers] 
    -- allParses :: [Maybe (a, SourcePos)] 
    (bestParse, bestPos) <- case catMaybes allParses of 
    [] -> fail "No valid parse" -- maybe we can do something better? 
    successfulParses -> return $ minimumBy (comparing snd) successfulParses 
    setPosition bestPos 
    return bestParse 

有趣的是,這不是一個常見的用例,並且給出您的答案,我想不是太遙遠了。我非常喜歡你如何使用列表理解來過濾出成功的分析。謝謝! – Deech 2012-02-11 14:56:24






感謝您的回答。問題是我有多個解析器可以成功。 Parsec有「嘗試(...)<|>(...)...」的成語,但像「選擇」一樣,它只挑選第一個成功的。我需要知道哪些解析器成功地使用了最少的輸入。 – Deech 2012-02-11 14:54:11


@Deech見編輯 - 我想更好地解釋我自己 – Retief 2012-02-11 18:33:50