2017-12-18 253 views


data3 %>% 
    mutate(ftFct = fct_rev(as.factor(ft_newnum))) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y = ftFct)) + 
    geom_density_ridges(aes(x = ft, fill = paste(ftFct, rep)), 
         alpha = .8, color = "white", from = 0, to = 100) + 
    labs(x = "Feeling Themometer Responses (%)", 
    y = " ", 
    title = "Republican vs Democratic Views Towards...", 
    subtitle = "Analysis unit: students (n = 595)") + 
    scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0.01, 0)) + 
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.01, 0)) + 
    scale_fill_cyclical(breaks = c("2 0", "2 1"), 
         labels = c(`2 0` = "Democrat", `2 1` = "Republican"), 
         values = c("#8080ff", "#ff8080", "#0000ff", "#ff0000"), 
         name = "Political Affiliation", guide = "legend") + 
    theme_ridges(grid = FALSE) 


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這正是我想要的 - 完美的格式,以及光影色彩之間每行交替,提供一些對比度和增加的可讀性。

接下來,我標記y軸變量,以便我們知道我們正在看什麼。我的標籤 'ft_newnum' 這樣:

data3$ft_newnum <- factor(data3$ft_newnum, 
         levels = c(2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,12, 13, 14, 15), 
         labels = c("Donald Trump", "Christian fundamentalists", "Elites", 'Republicans', 'Denison Republicans', 'Denison Greeks', 'Denison Varsity Athlete','Hillary Clinton', 'Denison Democrats', 'Democrats', 'Bernie Sanders', 'Weinberg')) 


data3 %>% 
    mutate(ftFct = fct_rev(as.factor(ft_newnum))) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y = ftFct)) + 
    geom_density_ridges(aes(x = ft, fill = paste(ftFct, rep)), 
         alpha = .8, color = "white", from = 0, to = 100) + 
    labs(x = "Feeling Themometer Responses (%)", 
     y = " ", 
     title = "Republican vs Democratic Views Towards...", 
     subtitle = "Analysis unit: students (n = 595)") + 
    scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0.01, 0)) + 
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.01, 0)) + 
    scale_fill_cyclical(breaks = c("Donald Trump 0", "Donald Trump 1"), 
         labels = c(`Donald Trump 0` = "Democrat", `Donald Trump 1` = "Republican"), 
         values = c("#8080ff", "#ff8080", "#0000ff", "#ff0000"), 
         name = "Political Affiliation", guide = "legend") + 
    theme_ridges(grid = FALSE) 


enter image description here




你能給重複的例子?你更有可能以這種方式得到一個好的答案。 – Axeman




data3$ft_newnum2 <- factor(data3$ft_newnum, 
         levels = c(2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,12, 13, 14, 15), 
         labels = c("Donald Trump", "Christian fundamentalists", "Elites", 'Republicans', 'Denison Republicans', 'Denison Greeks', 'Denison Varsity Athlete','Hillary Clinton', 'Denison Democrats', 'Democrats', 'Bernie Sanders', 'Weinberg')) 


data3 %>% 
    mutate(ftFct = fct_rev(as.factor(ft_newnum2))) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y = ftFct)) + 
    geom_density_ridges(aes(x = ft, fill = paste(ft_newnum, rep)), 
         alpha = .8, color = "white", from = 0, to = 100) + 
    labs(x = "Feeling Themometer Responses (%)", 
     y = " ", 
     title = "Republican vs Democratic Views Towards...", 
     subtitle = "Analysis unit: students (n = 595)") + 
    scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0.01, 0)) + 
    scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.01, 0)) + 
    scale_fill_cyclical(breaks = c("2 0", "2 1"), 
         labels = c(`Donald Trump 0` = "Democrat", `Donald Trump 1` = "Republican"), 
         values = c("#8080ff", "#ff8080", "#0000ff", "#ff0000"), 
         name = "Political Affiliation", guide = "legend") + 
    theme_ridges(grid = FALSE) + 

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