2017-04-12 134 views


未處理的異常發生在您的應用程序中。如果您單擊 繼續應用程序將忽略此錯誤並嘗試繼續。 如果單擊退出該應用程序將立即關閉 指數數組的邊界之外


public Form1() 


    //Declaring Jaggered Array 
    string[][] playerstat = new string[2][]; 

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     //Retrieving information from textboxes for player 1 
     string name1 = txtName1.Text; 
     string htpt1 = txtHtPt1.Text; 
     string attack1 = txtAttack1.Text; 
     string def1 = txtDef1.Text; 
     //Assigning Player1 Values 
     playerstat[0] = new string[4] { name1, htpt1, attack1, def1 }; 


    private void panel4_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) 


    private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
     //Retrieving information from textboxes for player 2 
     string name2 = txtName2.Text; 
     string htpt2 = txtHtPt2.Text; 
     string attack2 = txtAttack2.Text; 
     string def2 = txtDef2.Text; 
     //Assigning Player2 Values 
     playerstat[1] = new string[4] { name2, htpt2, attack2, def2 }; 

    private void btnFight_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 

     string p1name = playerstat[0][1]; 

     string sp1hp = playerstat[0][2]; 
     int p1hp = Int32.Parse(sp1hp); 

     string sp1a = playerstat[0][3]; 
     int p1a = Int32.Parse(sp1a); 

     string sp1d = playerstat[0][4]; 
     int p1d = Int32.Parse(sp1d); 

     string p2name = playerstat[1][1]; 

     string sp2hp = playerstat[1][2]; 
     int p2hp = Int32.Parse(sp1hp); 

     string sp2a = playerstat[1][3]; 
     int p2a = Int32.Parse(sp1a); 

     string sp2d = playerstat[1][4]; 
     int p2d = Int32.Parse(sp1d); 

     //Fighting Loop 
     while(!(p1hp == 0) || !(p2hp == 0)) 
      p2hp = p1a - (p2hp + p2d); 
      txtFOP.Text = p1name + " deals " + p1a + " damage to " + p2name + " who now has " + p2hp; 

      p1hp = p2a - (p1hp + p1d); 
      txtFOP.Text = p2name + " deals " + p2a + " damage to " + p1name + " who now has " + p1hp; 



您的陣列的所述第二部分的每個索引嘗試創建一個[MCVE];你很可能會發現問題。如果你不想這樣做,在調試器中運行你的代碼。你也可以參考[如何調試小程序](https://ericlippert.com/2014/03/05/how-to-debug-small-programs/)。 –


數組是基於0的索引。 'playerstat [0] [4];'當只有4時嘗試訪問第5個位置。 – Equalsk


嘗試逐步調試並查看代碼正在執行的操作。 –



陣列使用0的索引。當您使用代碼string sp1d = playerstat[0][4];時,它會嘗試訪問陣列中的第5個位置,而不是第4個位置。


string p1name = playerstat[0][0]; 

string sp1hp = playerstat[0][1]; 
int p1hp = Int32.Parse(sp1hp); 

string sp1a = playerstat[0][2]; 
int p1a = Int32.Parse(sp1a); 

string sp1d = playerstat[0][3]; 
int p1d = Int32.Parse(sp1d); 

Downvoter關心評論? – Equalsk
