2016-10-01 94 views


import Foundation 
import ObjectMapper 

func ==(lhs: ADDRESS, rhs: ADDRESS) -> Bool { 
    return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue; 

class VADDRESS : Hashable, Mappable { 
    private var id: Int64!; 
    private var street: String!; 
    private var housenumber: String!; 
    private var addition: String!; 
    private var postalcode: String!; 
    private var location: String!; 
    private var country: String!; 

    init() { 
     self.id = -1; 
     self.street = ""; 
     self.housenumber = ""; 
     self.addition = ""; 
     self.postalcode = ""; 
     self.location = ""; 
     self.country = ""; 

    init(id: Int64, street: String, housenumber: String, addition: String, postalcode: String, location: String, country: String) { 

     self.id = id; 
     self.street = street; 
     self.housenumber = housenumber; 
     self.addition = addition; 
     self.postalcode = postalcode; 
     self.location = location; 
     self.country = country; 

    required init?(map: Map) { 


    func mapping(map: Map) { 
     self.id <- map["id"]; 
     self.street <- map["street"]; 
     self.housenumber <- map["housenumber"]; 
     self.addition <- map["addition"]; 
     self.postalcode <- map["postalcode"]; 
     self.location <- map["location"]; 
     self.country <- map["country"]; 

    var hashValue: Int { 
     get { 
      return "\(self.id),\(self.street),\(self.housenumber),\(self.addition),\(self.postalcode),\(self.location),\(self.country)".hashValue; 


import Foundation 
import ObjectMapper 

func ==(lhs: ADDRESS, rhs: ADDRESS) -> Bool { 
    return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue; 

class VADDRESS : Object, Mappable { 
    private var id: Int64!; 
    private var street: String!; 
    private var housenumber: String!; 
    private var addition: String!; 
    private var postalcode: String!; 
    private var location: String!; 
    private var country: String!; 

    init() { 
     self.id = -1; 
     self.street = ""; 
     self.housenumber = ""; 
     self.addition = ""; 
     self.postalcode = ""; 
     self.location = ""; 
     self.country = ""; 

    init(id: Int64, street: String, housenumber: String, addition: String, postalcode: String, location: String, country: String) { 

     self.id = id; 
     self.street = street; 
     self.housenumber = housenumber; 
     self.addition = addition; 
     self.postalcode = postalcode; 
     self.location = location; 
     self.country = country; 

    required init?(map: Map) { 


    func mapping(map: Map) { 
     self.id <- map["id"]; 
     self.street <- map["street"]; 
     self.housenumber <- map["housenumber"]; 
     self.addition <- map["addition"]; 
     self.postalcode <- map["postalcode"]; 
     self.location <- map["location"]; 
     self.country <- map["country"]; 

    var hashValue: Int { 
     get { 
      return "\(self.id),\(self.street),\(self.housenumber),\(self.addition),\(self.postalcode),\(self.location),\(self.country)".hashValue; 

我得到了錯誤的錯誤。好的,首先我必須重寫init()方法,因爲Object似乎已經有了一個init()方法。 hashValue也是如此。所以我這樣做:

import Foundation 
import ObjectMapper 

func ==(lhs: ADDRESS, rhs: ADDRESS) -> Bool { 
    return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue; 

class VADDRESS : Object, Mappable { 
    private var id: Int64!; 
    private var street: String!; 
    private var housenumber: String!; 
    private var addition: String!; 
    private var postalcode: String!; 
    private var location: String!; 
    private var country: String!; 

    required init() { 

     self.id = -1; 
     self.street = ""; 
     self.housenumber = ""; 
     self.addition = ""; 
     self.postalcode = ""; 
     self.location = ""; 
     self.country = ""; 

    init(id: Int64, street: String, housenumber: String, addition: String, postalcode: String, location: String, country: String) { 
     self.id = id; 
     self.street = street; 
     self.housenumber = housenumber; 
     self.addition = addition; 
     self.postalcode = postalcode; 
     self.location = location; 
     self.country = country; 

    required init?(map: Map) { 

    // Here is the ERROR appearing! 
    func mapping(map: Map) { 
     self.id <- map["id"]; 
     self.street <- map["street"]; 
     self.housenumber <- map["housenumber"]; 
     self.addition <- map["addition"]; 
     self.postalcode <- map["postalcode"]; 
     self.location <- map["location"]; 
     self.country <- map["country"]; 

    override var hashValue: Int { 
     get { 
      return "\(self.id),\(self.street),\(self.housenumber),\(self.addition),\(self.postalcode),\(self.location),\(self.country)".hashValue; 


'required' initializer 'init(value:schema') must be provided by subclass of 'Object' 



'required' initializer 'init(value:schema') must be provided by subclass of 'Object' 


required init(realm: RLMREalm, schema: RLMObjectSChema) { 
    fatalError("init(realm:schema:) has not been implemented") 


required init(realm: RLMREalm, schema: RLMObjectSChema) { 
    fatalError("init(realm:schema:) has not been implemented") 




幾天前我處理了同樣的問題。我認爲他們要求你的對象都有它們屬性的默認值,然後在你需要時使用便捷初始值設定項。這裏有一個關於這個問題的完整主題:https://github.com/realm/realm-cocoa/issues/3185 – kleezy
