2016-04-25 62 views

我需要在('/ dir'/)空格之外獲得csv文件的長度。 我嘗試這樣做:在多個csv文件中計算行數,跳空行

import os, csv, itertools, glob 

#To filer the empty lines 
def filterfalse(predicate, iterable): 
    # filterfalse(lambda x: x%2, range(10)) --> 0 2 4 6 8 
    if predicate is None: 
     predicate = bool 
    for x in iterable: 
     if not predicate(x): 
      yield x 

#To read each file in '/dir/', compute the length and write the output 'count.csv' 
with open('count.csv', 'w') as out: 
    file_list = glob.glob('/dir/*') 
    for file_name in file_list: 
     with open(file_name, 'r') as f: 
       filt_f1 = filterfalse(lambda line: line.startswith('\n'), f) 
       count = sum(1 for line in f if (filt_f1)) 
       out.write('{c} {f}\n'.format(c = count, f = file_name)) 

我得到我想要的輸出,可惜每個文件的長度(「/ DIR /」),包括空行。


"Retweeted user (@user):... 
'empty row' 
Do Operators...* 




import pandas 

# Reads csv file and converts it to pandas dataframe. 
df = pandas.read_csv('myfile.csv') 

# Removes rows where data is missing. 

# Gets length of dataframe and displays it. 
df_length = df.count + 1 
print('The length of the CSV file is', df_length) 



filterfalse()功能正確執行。它的正好是與標準庫itertools模塊中名爲ifilterfalse的模塊相同,所以目前還不清楚爲什麼你不只是使用它而不是自己寫 - 它的一個主要優點是它已經被測試和調試。 (內置插件通常也更快,因爲很多都是用C編寫的。)

問題是您沒有正確使用generator function

  1. 由於它返回一個generator object,需要遍歷它會潛在地yield使用類似for line in filt_f1代碼的多個值。

  2. 您給出的謂詞函數參數不能處理在其中具有其他前導空白字符(如空格和製表符)的行,並且不能正確處理。 - 所以你通過它的lambda需要修改以處理這些情況。


import os, csv, itertools, glob 

#To filter the empty lines 
def filterfalse(predicate, iterable): 
    # filterfalse(lambda x: x%2, range(10)) --> 0 2 4 6 8 
    if predicate is None: 
     predicate = bool 
    for x in iterable: 
     if not predicate(x): 
      yield x 

#To read each file in '/dir/', compute the length and write the output 'count.csv' 
with open('count.csv', 'w') as out: 
    file_list = glob.glob('/dir/*') 
    for file_name in file_list: 
     with open(file_name, 'r') as f: 
      filt_f1 = filterfalse(lambda line: not line.strip(), f) # CHANGED 
      count = sum(1 for line in filt_f1) # CHANGED 
      out.write('{c} {f}\n'.format(c=count, f=file_name)) 

謝謝,它部分工作(即我仍然可以找到一些空行) – user2278505
