2013-05-04 156 views

我目前正在使用C++文件中的其他人在我的C++項目中編寫視覺  Studio   2008(實際上,它是作爲多邊形交集庫在線提供的)。錯誤:C++無法解析的外部符號


unresolved external symbol: void __cdecl gpc_polygon_clip(enum gpc_op,struct gpc_polygon *,struct gpc_polygon *,struct gpc_polygon *)


static int poly_intersection(Convex_Polygon& poly1,Convex_Polygon& poly2,Convex_Polygon& rp) 
    if(!poly1.is_convex() || !poly2.is_convex()) 
     return 1; 

    // Construct 1st convex polygon 
    gpc_vertex *gvp1 = new gpc_vertex[poly1.size()]; 
    gpc_vertex v1; 
    for (unsigned int n = 0; n < poly1.size(); n++) 
     v1.x = poly1.vertex(n).x(); 
     v1.y = poly1.vertex(n).y(); 
     gvp1[n] = v1; 

    gpc_vertex_list gvl1; 
    gvl1.num_vertices = poly1.size(); 
    gvl1.vertex = gvp1; 

    gpc_vertex_list *gvlp1 = new gpc_vertex_list[1]; 
    gvlp1[0] = gvl1; 

    gpc_polygon gp1; 
    gp1.num_contours = 1; 
    gp1.hole = 0; 
    gp1.contour = gvlp1; 

    // Construct 2st convex polygon 
    gpc_vertex *gvp2 = new gpc_vertex[poly2.size()]; 
    gpc_vertex v2; 
    for (unsigned int n = 0; n < poly2.size(); n++) 
     v2.x = poly2.vertex(n).x(); 
     v2.y = poly2.vertex(n).y(); 
     gvp2[n] = v2; 

    gpc_vertex_list gvl2; 
    gvl2.num_vertices = poly2.size(); 
    gvl2.vertex = gvp2; 

    gpc_vertex_list *gvlp2 = new gpc_vertex_list[1]; 
    gvlp2[0] = gvl2; 

    gpc_polygon gp2; 
    gp2.num_contours = 1; 
    gp2.hole = 0; 
    gp2.contour = gvlp2; 

    // Do convex polygon intersection 
    gpc_polygon result; 
    gpc_polygon_clip(GPC_INT, &gp1, &gp2, &result); 



#define GPC_VERSION "2.32" 

          Public Data Types 

typedef enum      /* Set operation type    */ 
    GPC_DIFF,       /* Difference      */ 
    GPC_INT,       /* Intersection      */ 
    GPC_XOR,       /* Exclusive or      */ 
    GPC_UNION       /* Union        */ 
} gpc_op; 

typedef struct      /* Polygon vertex structure   */ 
    double    x;   /* Vertex x component    */ 
    double    y;   /* vertex y component    */ 
} gpc_vertex; 

typedef struct      /* Vertex list structure    */ 
    int     num_vertices; /* Number of vertices in list  */ 
    gpc_vertex   *vertex;  /* Vertex array pointer    */ 
} gpc_vertex_list; 

typedef struct      /* Polygon set structure    */ 
    int     num_contours; /* Number of contours in polygon  */ 
    int    *hole;   /* Hole/external contour flags  */ 
    gpc_vertex_list *contour;  /* Contour array pointer    */ 
} gpc_polygon; 

typedef struct      /* Tristrip set structure   */ 
    int     num_strips; /* Number of tristrips    */ 
    gpc_vertex_list *strip;  /* Tristrip array pointer   */ 
} gpc_tristrip; 

         Public Function Prototypes 

void gpc_read_polygon  (FILE   *infile_ptr, 
           int    read_hole_flags, 
           gpc_polygon  *polygon); 

void gpc_write_polygon  (FILE   *outfile_ptr, 
           int    write_hole_flags, 
           gpc_polygon  *polygon); 

void gpc_add_contour   (gpc_polygon  *polygon, 
           gpc_vertex_list *contour, 
           int    hole); 

void gpc_polygon_clip  (gpc_op   set_operation, 
           gpc_polygon  *subject_polygon, 
           gpc_polygon  *clip_polygon, 
           gpc_polygon  *result_polygon); 

void gpc_tristrip_clip  (gpc_op   set_operation, 
           gpc_polygon  *subject_polygon, 
           gpc_polygon  *clip_polygon, 
           gpc_tristrip *result_tristrip); 

void gpc_polygon_to_tristrip (gpc_polygon  *polygon, 
           gpc_tristrip *tristrip); 

void gpc_free_polygon  (gpc_polygon  *polygon); 

void gpc_free_tristrip  (gpc_tristrip *tristrip); 



This is the file structure of my project


很可能的解釋是你沒有編譯'庫'。您已將gcp.c複製到您的項目目錄,但是是否已將其添加到您的項目中?僅僅複製代碼文件是不夠的,你也必須編譯它們。 – john 2013-05-04 06:42:21


我確實在我的項目中包含了gpc.h和gpc.c。正如我剛纔所說,我把#include gpc.h. – liudaisuda 2013-05-04 06:48:03


好的,下一次嘗試,你把'#include「gcp.h」'放在'extern「C」{'之後立即添加這行''',此後立即'}'。也許問題是這個庫的代碼是C,你的代碼是C++。 – john 2013-05-04 06:49:56




extern "C" { 
    #include "gpc.h" 



它工作。非常感謝。 – liudaisuda 2013-05-04 07:11:42
