2014-08-28 46 views

以下是this SPOJ問題的嘗試解決方案。輸入是: 改進的動態揹包 - 有問題的輸入?

  • 值和使用貨幣的硬幣對應的權重和目標

    1. 硬幣一定數額的金錢的總重量是找的錢一定量的最小可能的貨幣價值。

    我微微的揹包問題修改從wikipedia article揹包問題的動態規劃的解決方案 - 我只是第一個重量排序的硬幣,所以我沒有去通過所有的硬幣來獲得的最小值並且(希望)確保組合的重量等於容量。 (請看代碼,它非常簡單並且評論。)


    #include <iostream> 
    #include <vector> 
    #include <algorithm> 
    #include <limits> 
    using namespace std; 
    typedef unsigned int weight_t; 
    typedef unsigned int value_t; 
    struct coin { 
        weight_t weight; 
        value_t value; 
    coin make_coin(weight_t weight, value_t value) { 
        coin ret; 
        ret.weight = weight; 
        ret.value = value; 
        return ret; 
    bool compare_by_weight(const coin& coin1, const coin& coin2) { 
        return coin1.weight < coin2.weight; 
    int main() { 
        unsigned int test_cases; 
        cin >> test_cases; 
        while(test_cases--) { 
         unsigned int number_of_coins, n = 0; 
         weight_t empty_pig, full_pig, coin_weight, coins_weight; 
         value_t coin_value, min_value, current_value = 0; 
         vector<coin> coins; 
         vector<unsigned int> min_value_for_the_weight; 
         cin >> empty_pig >> full_pig; 
         cin >> number_of_coins; 
         n = number_of_coins; 
         while(n--) { 
          cin >> coin_value >> coin_weight; 
          coins.push_back(make_coin(coin_weight, coin_value)); 
         //Input processing 
         coins_weight = full_pig - empty_pig; 
         sort(coins.begin(), coins.end(), compare_by_weight); 
         for(unsigned int i = 0; i < coins_weight; i++) min_value_for_the_weight[i] = 0; 
         //For all weights 
         for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= coins_weight; i++) { 
          //Find the smallest value 
          min_value = numeric_limits<value_t>::max(); 
          for(unsigned int j = 0; j < number_of_coins; j++) { 
           //The examined coin weights more or same than examined total weight and we either already have put a coin 
           //in, or this is the first one 
           if(coins[j].weight <= i && (min_value_for_the_weight[i - coins[j].weight] > 0 || i == coins[j].weight)){ 
            current_value = coins[j].value + min_value_for_the_weight[i - coins[j].weight]; 
            if(current_value < min_value) min_value = current_value; 
           } else break; // <- this I deleted to get accepted 
          if(min_value == numeric_limits<value_t>::max()) min_value = 0; 
          min_value_for_the_weight[i] = min_value; 
         //If the piggy empty, output zero 
         if(!min_value_for_the_weight[coins_weight] && coins_weight != 0) 
          cout << "This is impossible." << endl; 
          cout << "The minimum amount of money in the piggy-bank is " << min_value_for_the_weight[coins_weight] << "." << endl; 
        return 0; 
  • 回答


    的情況下empty_pig == full_pig是有問題的,因爲你已經忽略重複邏輯特殊殼體內的min_value_for_the_weight零條目。

    另一個錯誤是,如果coins[j].weight > i只是break的好主意。舊代碼可能爲break,當coin[j].weight <= i和合並的另一半是錯誤的,即不可能製造重量爲i - coins[j].weight的硬幣。這發生在以下測試用例上。

    10 13 
    2 2 
    3 3 



    謝謝!所以,對於空豬,我輸出的權重最小爲0.但是,邏輯還是有問題的。 (我編輯了這篇文章,希望它沒問題。) – mirgee 2014-08-29 07:05:12


    如果我在邏輯中刪除了'else break',它就被接受了。你能解釋它爲什麼會產生錯誤的結果嗎? – mirgee 2014-08-29 07:29:04


    @mirgee完成... – 2014-08-29 13:26:41