2015-11-04 90 views

我有一些用C語言編寫的代碼,並且有一個部分在使用Visual Studio 2015社區時拒絕合作(clang沒有問題)。我有一個簡單的結構:爲什麼MSVC不初始化這個const結構?

/** Options for enumerating over all documents. */ 
typedef struct { 
    unsigned   skip;  /**< The number of initial results to skip. */ 
    C4EnumeratorFlags flags; /**< Option flags */ 
} C4EnumeratorOptions; 

enum { 
    kC4Descending   = 0x01, /**< If true, iteration goes by descending document IDs. */ 
    kC4InclusiveStart  = 0x02, /**< If false, iteration starts just _after_ startDocID. */ 
    kC4InclusiveEnd   = 0x04, /**< If false, iteration stops just _before_ endDocID. */ 
    kC4IncludeDeleted  = 0x08, /**< If true, include deleted documents. */ 
    kC4IncludeNonConflicted = 0x10, /**< If false, include _only_ documents in conflict. */ 
    kC4IncludeBodies  = 0x20 /**< If false, document bodies will not be preloaded, just 
           metadata (docID, revID, sequence, flags.) This is faster if you 
           don't need to access the revision tree or revision bodies. You 
           can still access all the data of the document, but it will 
           trigger loading the document body from the database. */ 
typedef uint16_t C4EnumeratorFlags; 


// In header 
extern const C4EnumeratorOptions kC4DefaultEnumeratorOptions; 

// In implementation 
const C4EnumeratorOptions kC4DefaultEnumeratorOptions = { 
    0, // skip 
    kC4InclusiveStart | kC4InclusiveEnd | kC4IncludeNonConflicted | kC4IncludeBodies 


// options winds up with a "skip" value of something like 117939945 
// and a flags value of 59648 
C4EnumeratorOptions options = kC4DefaultEnumeratorOptions; 



41 46 00A6EA8 kC4DefaultEnumeratorOptions = kC4DefaultEnumeratorOptions



你怎麼知道它是「不能做什麼「? –


它也看起來像你沒有導出符號。 [see here](http://stackoverflow.com/a/19374253/1505939) –


@ M.M。那麼也許它正在做一些事情,但對我來說,價值看起來沒有初始化,因爲它是完全隨機的。我將檢查以確保該符號位於導出列表中(.def文件) – borrrden



來自@ M.M的評論幫助我朝正確的方向發展。他問是否出口這個符號。從技術上講,是的,它出口後,因爲它在出口名單,但顯然我還需要出口的定義。因此,而不是包括在DEF文件的全局符號,我需要__declspec(dllexport)__declspec(dllimport)手動將其標記在兩個地方所以最後它看起來像這樣:

#ifdef _MSC_VER 
#define CBFOREST_API __declspec(dllexport) 
#define CBFOREST_API __declspec(dllimport) 

// ... 

// Header 
CBFOREST_API extern const C4EnumeratorOptions kC4DefaultEnumeratorOptions; 

// Implementation 
CBFOREST_API const C4EnumeratorOptions kC4DefaultEnumeratorOptions = { 
    0, // skip 
    kC4InclusiveStart | kC4InclusiveEnd | kC4IncludeNonConflicted | kC4IncludeBodies 

這似乎不是C特定的,但僅限於Windows。你應該更新問題的標籤。 – Olaf


@Olaf現在你提到它了,我沒有忘記提及這個代碼在其他地方都能正常工作--_-。我刪除了「c」標籤以避免混淆。 – borrrden