2017-05-26 48 views

我有多個div。如果用戶點擊其中一個,那麼它應該開始閃爍幾秒鐘,然後返回到其正常狀態。JavaScript - 讓多個元素閃爍異步






var OAHelper = new ObjectArrayHelper(); 

var taskList = new Array(); 

$(".blinkDivs").click(function() { 
    var ElementID = $(this).attr("id"); 
    //ElementID is NOT in array 
    if (!OAHelper.checkIfObjectExists(taskList, "id", ElementID)) { 

     var task = new Task(ElementID); 
     var newTask = { id: ElementID, task: task}; 

\t \t var t = OAHelper.getValue(taskList, "task", "id", ElementID); 

\t \t if (t !== false) { 
\t \t \t t.blink(); 
\t \t } 
\t } 



function Task(ElementID) 
    var self = this; 
    this.id = ElementID; 
    this.interval = null; 
    this.limiter = 0; 
    this.toggle = 0; 
\t this.blink = function() 
\t { 
     $jqElement = $("#" + self.id); 

     self.limiter = 0; 
     self.interval = setInterval(function() { 

      if (self.toggle == 0) { 
       $jqElement.css("background-color", "blue"); 
       self.toggle = 1; 
      } else { 
       $jqElement.css("background-color", "white"); 
       self.toggle = 0; 

      if (self.limiter > 4) { 

       OAHelper.deleteObject(taskList, "id", self.id); 
     }, 400); 
\t } 



* This class provides helper functions to do operations on object arrays 
* functions: 
* delete objects, 
* output objects, 
* change value of specific key, 
* check if specific object exists, 
* check if specific object has specific key value pair 
* Autor: Eduard Fekete 
* @constructor 
function ObjectArrayHelper() 
    * Runs through all objects of an object array and searches for a record with specific identity. 
    * Return Values: 
    * \t \t true \t if record exists 
    * \t \t false \t if record does not exist 
    * Autor: Eduard Fekete 
    * @param pObjectArray \t \t \t Array of objects 
    * @param pIdentifier \t \t \t Identifier Key of the object 
    * @param pIdentifierValue \t \t Searched Identifier Value 
    * @returns {boolean} 
    this.checkIfObjectExists = function(pObjectArray, pIdentifier, pIdentifierValue) { 
     for (var i in pObjectArray) { 
      for (var key in pObjectArray[i]) { 
       if (key == pIdentifier) { 
        if (pIdentifierValue == pObjectArray[i][key]) { 
         return true; 
     return false; 

\t /** 
\t * Runs through all objects of an object array and searches for a record with specific identity 
\t * and checks if a specific key has a specific value. 
\t * 
\t * Return Values: 
\t * \t \t true \t if the value was found in the record, 
\t * \t \t false \t if not. 
\t * 
\t * Example: 
\t * var worker = new Array(
\t * { id: 1, status: "working" }, 
\t * { id: 2, status: "done" } 
\t *); 
\t * 
\t * checkKeyValueInObjectArray(worker, status, "done", "id", 1); \t \t //returns: false 
\t * checkKeyValueInObjectArray(worker, status, "done", "id", 2); \t \t //returns: true 
\t * 
\t * Autor: Eduard Fekete 
\t * 
\t * @param array pObjectArray \t Array of objects 
\t * @param string pSearchKey \t \t Key to search for in the objects 
\t * @param pCheckValue \t \t \t The value you are searching 
\t * @param string pIdentifier \t Identifier Key of the object 
\t * @param pIdentifierValue \t \t Searched Identifier Value 
\t * @returns {boolean} 
\t */ 
\t this.checkKeyValue = function(pObjectArray, pSearchKey, pCheckValue, pIdentifier, pIdentifierValue) 
\t { 
\t \t for(var i in pObjectArray) { 
\t \t \t for (var key in pObjectArray[i]) { 

\t \t \t \t if (key == pSearchKey) { 

\t \t \t \t \t if (pObjectArray[i][key] == pCheckValue) { 
\t \t \t \t \t \t if (pObjectArray[i][pIdentifier] == pIdentifierValue) { 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t return true; 
\t \t \t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t \t return false; 
\t }, 
\t /** 
\t * Runs through all objects of an object array, searches for a record with specific identity 
\t * and sets the target key to the target value. 
\t * 
\t * Return Values: 
\t * \t \t true \t if the value was set 
\t * \t \t false \t if the object was not found 
\t * 
\t * Autor: Eduard Fekete 
\t * 
\t * @param pObjectArray \t \t \t Array of objects 
\t * @param pTargetKey 
\t * @param pTargetValue 
\t * @param pIdentifier \t \t \t Identifier Key of the object 
\t * @param pIdentifierValue \t \t Searched Identifier Value 
\t * @returns {boolean} 
\t */ 
\t this.setValue = function(pObjectArray, pTargetKey, pTargetValue, pIdentifier, pIdentifierValue) 
\t { 
\t \t for(var i in pObjectArray) { 
\t \t \t if (pObjectArray[i][pIdentifier] == pIdentifierValue) { 
\t \t \t \t pObjectArray[i][pTargetKey] = pTargetValue; 
\t \t \t \t return true; 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t \t return false; 
\t }, 
\t /** 
\t * Runs through all objects of an object array, searches for a record with specific identity 
\t * and returns the target value. 
\t * 
\t * Return Values: 
\t * \t \t true \t if get value was successful 
\t * \t \t false \t if the object was not found 
\t * 
\t * Autor: Eduard Fekete 
\t * 
\t * @param pObjectArray \t \t \t Array of objects 
\t * @param pTargetKey \t \t \t The target key 
\t * @param pIdentifier \t \t \t Identifier Key of the object 
\t * @param pIdentifierValue \t \t Searched Identifier Value 
\t * @returns {boolean} 
\t */ 
    this.getValue = function(pObjectArray, pTargetKey, pIdentifier, pIdentifierValue) 
     for(var i in pObjectArray) { 
      if (pObjectArray[i][pIdentifier] == pIdentifierValue) { 
       return pObjectArray[i][pTargetKey]; 
     return false; 
\t /** 
\t * Runs through all objects of an object array, searches for a record with specific identity 
\t * and deletes it. 
\t * 
\t * Return Values: 
\t * \t \t true \t if the record was deleted successfully 
\t * \t \t false \t if the record was not found 
\t * 
\t * Autor: Eduard Fekete 
\t * 
\t * @param pObjectArray \t \t \t Array of objects 
\t * @param pIdentifier \t \t \t Identifier Key of the object 
\t * @param pIdentifierValue \t \t Searched Identifier Value 
\t * @returns {boolean} 
\t */ 
\t this.deleteObject = function(pObjectArray, pIdentifier, pIdentifierValue) 
\t { 
\t \t for (var i in pObjectArray) { 
\t \t \t for (var key in pObjectArray[i]) { 
\t \t \t \t if (key == pIdentifier) { 
\t \t \t \t \t if (pIdentifierValue == pObjectArray[i][key]) { 
\t \t \t \t \t \t if (i > -1) { 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t pObjectArray.splice(i, 1); 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t return true; 
\t \t \t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t \t } 
\t \t \t } 
\t \t } 
\t \t return false; 
\t }, 
\t /** 
\t * Print every object of the object array and show it on the element with ID pOutputID 
\t */ 
\t this.showObjects = function outputArray(pObjectArray, pOutputID) 
     var output = ""; 

     for(var i in pObjectArray) { 
      output += "<ul>"; 
      for (var key in pObjectArray[i]) { 
       output += "<li>" + key + ": " + pObjectArray[i][key] + "</li>"; 
      output += "</ul>"; 

     output += "<hr>"; 

.blinkDivs { 
    background-color: white; 
    border: 3px solid black; 
    border-radius: 40px; 
    height: 50px; 
    width: 50px; 
    margin-bottom: 1px; 

.blinkDivs:hover { 
    cursor: pointer; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div id="div_01" class="blinkDivs"></div> 
<div id="div_02" class="blinkDivs"></div> 
<div id="div_03" class="blinkDivs"></div>



我假設你想在JavaScript中做到這一點,否則,你可以創建一個循環動畫類,點擊時添加一個循環動畫,並在無數秒後刪除。 – George


在JavaScript中是。我試圖理解如何用對象來解決這個問題。 – Black


Fari夠了,我覺得用CSS自己做起來會很有趣,所以如果你想要https://jsbin.com/tuhacepira/edit?html,css,js,output – George



$jqElement = $("#" + self.id);暴露$ jqElement全球範圍(​​)。這就是爲什麼每次調用blink時,都會用新的替換$ jqElement。自

認沽$ jqElement(或者乾脆把無功/讓我們在它的前面):

function Task(ElementID) 
    var self = this; 
    self.id = ElementID; 
    self.interval = null; 
    self.limiter = 0; 
    self.toggle = 0; 
    self.$jqElement = $("#" + self.id); 
    self.blink = function() 
     self.limiter = 0; 
     self.interval = setInterval(function() { 

      if (self.toggle == 0) { 
       self.$jqElement.css("background-color", "blue"); 
       self.toggle = 1; 
      } else { 
       self.$jqElement.css("background-color", "white"); 
       self.toggle = 0; 

      if (self.limiter > 4) { 

       OAHelper.deleteObject(taskList, "id", self.id); 
     }, 400); 



//Call var task = createTask(elId); instead of new Task(); 
var createTask = function createTask(elementId) { 
    var self = { 
     id: elementId 
     , interval: 0 
     , limiter: 0 
     , toggle: 0 
     , $element: $jqElement = $("#" + elementId) 
     , blink: function blink() { 
      self.limiter = 0; 
      self.interval = setInterval(function() { 
          if (self.toggle == 0) { 
       self.$element.css("background-color", "blue"); 
       self.toggle = 1; 
       } else { 
       self.$element.css("background-color", "white"); 
       self.toggle = 0; 

      if (self.limiter > 4) { 
      }, 400); 
    return self; 

工作!謝謝!! :)也許我甚至不需要用對象編碼。 – Black


取決於你想要做的下一步,但你可以考慮一些只有閃爍功能的代碼。 – Booster2ooo



function Task(ElementID) 
    var self = this; 
    this.id = ElementID; 
    this.interval = null; 
    this.limiter = 0; 
    this.toggle = 0; 
    $(".blinkDivs").css("background-color", "white"); 
    this.blink = function() 
    $jqElement = $("#" + self.id); 

    self.limiter = 0; 
    self.interval = setInterval(function() { 

     if (self.toggle == 0) { 
      $jqElement.css("background-color", "blue"); 
      self.toggle = 1; 
     } else { 
      $jqElement.css("background-color", "white"); 
      self.toggle = 0; 

     if (self.limiter > 4) { 

      OAHelper.deleteObject(taskList, "id", self.id); 
    }, 400); 



也不管用。同樣的問題。 – Black



$(document).on("click", ".blinkDivs", function() { 
    var el  = $(this), 
     newone = el.clone(true); 
.blinkDivs { 
    background-color: white; 
    border: 3px solid black; 
    border-radius: 40px; 
    height: 50px; 
    width: 50px; 
    margin-bottom: 1px; 
.blinking { 
    width: 50px; 
    height: 50px; 
    animation: myBlink 3s; 

@-webkit-keyframes myBlink { 
    0%, 25%, 50%, 75% { 
    background-color: blue; 
    1%, 26%, 51%, 76% { 
    background-color: white; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div id="div_01" class="blinkDivs"></div> 
<div id="div_02" class="blinkDivs"></div> 
<div id="div_03" class="blinkDivs"></div>