2017-01-23 57 views

我想在Mac(el capitan OSX)上使用xamarin測試記錄器從iOS設備記錄測試。我選擇設備和.ipa(已由開發人員用企業證書籤名),但我收到以下錯誤:代碼簽名失敗。沒有能夠對找到的應用程序進行簽名的密碼標識。 我在機器上有一個免費的蘋果開發者帳戶,我可以在沒有任何問題的情況下從xcode部署一個空白項目。我是否需要一個不同的帳戶才能使用測試記錄器重新簽署.ipa,還是可以使用免費帳戶? 在此先感謝。xamarin測試記錄器上的代碼簽名失敗iOS(物理設備)



免費供應配置文件綁定到特定的包標識符,這是您在Xcode中創建的用於生成免費供應配置文件的標識符。具有顯式應用程序包標識符的配置配置文件不能與具有不同包ID的應用程序一起使用,而使用免費配置過程時,無法爲配置配置文件創建通配符應用程序標識。您可能會嘗試的是再次通過該免費配置程序,但是使用您要在測試記錄器中運行的IPA的確切捆綁ID。見guide on creating the free provisioning profile


  1. Plug in the iOS device you wish to deploy to and create a new blank single-view iOS project in Xcode.
  2. Under the General > Identity section, make sure that the Bundle Identifier matches exactly the Bundle Identifier of your Xamarin.iOS app and ensure the deployment target matches or is lower than your connected iOS device. This step is extremely important, as Xcode will only create a provisioning profile with an explicit App ID:
  3. In the Signing section, select Automatically Manage Signing and select your team from the drop down list:
  4. The previous step will automatically generate a provisioning profile for you. You can view this, by clicking on the information icon, next to provisioning profile:
  5. To test in Xcode, deploy the blank application to your device by clicking the run button.
  6. Return to your IDE, with the same device plugged in, and right-click on your Xamarin.iOS project name to open the Project Options dialog. Browse to the iOS Bundle Signing section and explicitly set your signing identity and provisioning profile:

而且本說明Limitations section是相關的:

Provisioning Profiles created in this way will expire after one week, Signing Identities after one year. Furthermore, provisioning profiles will only be created with explicit App IDs and so you will need to follow the instructions above for every app that you wish to install.


不幸的是,如果我複製只是包ID,沒有團隊ID,我在xcode上收到錯誤:「無法創建配置文件,應用程序ID無法註冊到您的開發團隊,請將您的包標識符更改爲唯一的字符串以再次嘗試。 卡在第8步。 – Marco


套件ID是否爲唯一字符串,IOW您沒有與您的Apple Team關聯的應用程序ID與您正在嘗試使用的測試記錄器相同? – jgoldberger


不。我創建了一個全新的蘋果開發賬戶,以執行一些測試並評估Xamarin studio和Xamarin測試記錄器。此外,我想嘗試記錄的應用程序由另一個開發團隊(僅.ipa)提供。 – Marco
